My Chemical Life

Way Of The Fist.

~*~Matt’s P.O.V.~*~

I stomped out of the house, leaving Brian and whoever would stay behind to look after Lexi.

“Matt no!” I heard Jessie yell as she ran to catch up to me. I ignored her and slammed open our front door. Keith ended up catching to and grabbed my arm.

“Matt as much as we’d all love you to do this, please don’t,” he begged. I simply just snatched my arm back and continued on my journey to My Chem’s house.

“MATT!” Jimmy yelled as I reached the walkway to the house. He and Zacky both stood in front of me with their arms crossed.

“Don’t try to stop me. This is going to happen no matter what,” I growled.

“I’m not here to stop you, I’m here to just tell you not to kill him,” Jimmy said, making Zacky nod in agreement. I grinned a little before my face turned back to stone. I banged on the door with Jimmy and Zacky on either side of me. After a minute of no reply I went to break down the door only for Edward to stop me.

“Please. Allow me,” he said. I just nodded and he set to work to pick the lock. In about thirty seconds the door was swinging open and Edward stood there with a pleased look. I went into the house and started to look in every room to find the little short shit.

“Holy fuck Matt!” Mikey yelled when I slammed open his door where he was unpacking.

“Where’s Iero?” I hissed. He got wide eyed before rushing out the directions. As soon as I reached the back door I slammed it open, making pieces of glass fly. Both him and Gerard jumped about three feet in the air.

“Matt! You-” I cut Frank off by punching him right in the jaw. He flew to the ground and Gerard got wide eyed.

“Holy shit Matt! What the fuck is your problem?!” he shouted. I turned to him with one of the darkest glares I had ever produced.

“You wanna know what he did? He made Lexi cry over him too many fucking times! I‘ve had it with his bullshit!” I snapped. Frank slowly stood to his feet only for, not me, but Jessie, the person who you‘d least expect, to deck him straight in the nose. A sickening crack came from it which made Jessie smile a grin you’d expect a psycho and/or serial killer to have.

“I. Fucking. Hate. You. I‘m. Going. To. Fucking. Murder. You!” Jessie shouted at him. With each word came a new punch to his face or stomach. Soon he was spitting out blood and Jimmy had to rip her off of him. I would say I’d still want to punch him but he may break if I did now. Jimmy and Edward pulled the fighting Jessie away while Keith, Zacky, and I turned to glare down at him along with the rest of his band who appeared.

“Take that as a warning for all of you. Never, ever come near Lexi or any of us again. It will end much worse,” I hissed dangerously before stalking off to The Grounded’s home with Keith and Zacky trailing behind.

~*~One Week Later. Lexi’s P.O.V.~*~

A solid week’s passed since Jessie almost killed Iero and guess what? The five of My Chemical Romance is no longer in the state of California. Thank fucking Jebus. In other news, Avenged Sevenfold is leaving for tour…now.

“Bye guys. We’ll miss you!” I yelled, waving to the retreating tour bus where all five was leaning out a window, copying me, Jessie, Edward, and Keith. Johnny suddenly shoved open the bus’s door and leaned out.

“Bye munchkins!” he yelled at the top of his lungs. Suddenly he was pulled in and the door slammed shut. We watched the tour bus until it disappeared down the Huntington Beach road. We all walked inside our house and I shut the door after me, leaning ((A/n: Wow. I used that word a lot.)) against it.

Lately a though has been forming in my head but it seemed so weak. So stupidly dumb to even do, knowing I’d break so many people’s heart. But in the back of my mind I knew it had to be done.

“Lexi?” My head snapped up as I heard Jessie’s voice. She stood only a foot away from me with a worried look.

“Oh, hey Jess.” My voice was so weak I wanted the slap myself. She sighed and took my hand, leading me up the stairs. Soon we entered my room and sat on my bed after my door was closed.

“What’s on your mind Lex?” she asked, getting straight to the point. I sighed deeply before standing and going into my closet. I got out the box that held ‘all my past memories’ AKA all the stuff from My Chem and all the bands I ever toured with.

“Jessie, I‘m tired of their bullshit. They come into my life, make it good, then make it horrible all over again. I‘m tired of it,” I said, opening up the box and picking up an ancient picture of me and the guys I used to call my family. I pick up a lighter off my floor and set fire to it.

“I know Lexi, I know,” Jessie replied with in a sympathetic tone.

“I don‘t want to deal with them anymore. I‘m sick of them. I‘m through with all these people who seem to live to make my life hell,” I stated, waving the paper in my hand when there was only the corner where my thumb was. I placed the charred piece into the trash before moving onto the next picture.

“Lexi. You know that somewhere deep inside you there is that piece of you that loves them still,” she informed me.

“Yeah, coming from the girl that wanted to beat up Iero. Almost killed him might I add,” I said as I finished off another photo.

“A moment of anger,” she replied.. I simply scoffed as I tossed another corner into the trash. Jessie sat next to me and pulled me into a hug.

“Do you still have that small part of your heart that loves them?” Jessie asked. I thought hard before slowly shaking my head ’no’. She sighed and let go of me. I stood, carrying the box and going into the living room where Edward and Keith sat.

“Guys, what‘s up?” Keith asked as I walked to the fireplace. As Jessie went over my rant with them I tossed in all my photos and letters into the fireplace and set them on fire. Soon everything was in except my diary and necklace from MCR.

“Are you really going with this Lexi? No regrets at all?” Edward asked, obviously not believing it. I simply nodded, watching as all the papers burned to ashes in the fireplace.

“This is the end of them,” I declared tossing in the last two pieces of what is now my priorities.
♠ ♠ ♠
That was the last prewritten chapter.
Yay! (:

Now I will started hand typing these out again.
I can't wait! :D

Please subscribe/comment/message.
<3 Tina Terror