My Chemical Life

Without You

~*~One Month Later.~*~

I groaned as I sat up, rubbing my left temple. That was some party last night man. And by party I mean me, Jessie, Edward, and Keith got wasted while playing drinking games. A friend of our’s managed to hook us up with some rum and damn did it get out of control. Last thing I can remember before either blacking out or passing out was me and Jessie dancing around the room to “Bringing Sexy Back” by Justin Timberlake.

“Lexi baby! Wake up!” Jessie suddenly exclaimed, running into the living jumping all over the place. I let out a groaned, rolling over on the…coffee table? Hmm.

“How the hell are you so awake?” I muttered, hugging the pillow under my head. My hangover was throbbing in pain and fucking Jessie was dancing around like she was never effected by last night? Did I miss something?

“Well it’s two o’clock in the afternoon and normal people are awake by now. I woke up at eleven and took aspirin and boda-bing boda-boom. Hangover cure discovered! Now get your lazy ass up!” Jessie yelled, stealing the pillow and hitting me in the head with it. I let out a whimper before slowly rising to my knees.

“I’m going to kill you,” I hissed darkly. She just laughed before hopping off into the kitchen. I sighed before stepping onto the hardwood floor, the cold creeping up my leg. I quickly pulled my foot back onto the table while silently cursing me for leaving on the air before we started drinking.

“Awww. Is wittle Wexi cold in her swort sworts?” Edward taunted in a baby voice. I simply glared and flipped him off before he followed his cousin’s footsteps and walked into the kitchen. I took a deep breathe before hopping off my bed and running full speed upstairs to my room. I let out a sigh as soon as my feet touched my carpet. I quickly turned on the heat, sighing in relief when the heater started up.

“I want aspirin,” I muttered to myself, putting a hand to the side of my head. I stepped into my bathroom, pulling open the medicine cabinet. After dry swallowing the pills I sighed in relief as I knew they would kick in soon. I quickly brushed all the tangles out of my hair before starting up the hot water. Once I was dried off and finished blow drying my hair, I walked into my room with a towel tightly around my body.

“Holy crap Keith!” I shrieked, hiding behind the door as soon as I stepped in there. Keith blushed and quickly covered his eyes with one of my pillows.

“I’m sorry! I thought you had gotten dressed in there with how long you took after the water stopped!” Keith defended himself, his voice slightly muffled.

“It’s okay just keep your eyes covered,” I replied, a slight sigh escaping my lips. He nodded, falling back onto my bed with his eyes still covered. I walked around picking out my outfit. As soon as I finished pulling on my clothes I poked Keith in the stomach.

“Decent?” he questioned.

“Yeah.” Soon as that left my mouth he sat up and removed the pillow in one move. Soon he was on his feet and giving me a kiss on the lips. I kissed back before he parted from me, lacing his fingers with mine.

“Let’s go downstairs. Ricky called and said that he wanted to talk with us today,” Keith announced. I nodded as he led the way out of my room. Ricky is our manager and lately he’s been talking about a new record. Guess he came to a decision.

“Lexi-poo! Keith-poo! Ricky said to get our asses in a car and get over there!” Edward yelled, bouncing over to us. Quite literally might I add. As he stopped in front of me I sent him one of my dark glares. “What?!”

“You had sugar,” I said slowly and accusingly. His eyes widened before grinning innocently.

“Noooo,” he replied, shifting his eyes slowly from left to right.

LIAR! Give me!” I exclaimed. I let go of Keith’s hand and tackled Edward before he could escape. He let out a squeak, squirming with all his might to try to get me off him.

“Keith! Jessie! Save me!” the boy below me cried, tears forming. Jessie ran in before laughing with Keith at his childish begs. Soon Edward was begging for mercy in my headlock, promising he’d give me a Monster energy drink. Letting out a squeal, I jumped off of him to leave him withering in pain on the floor.

“Where’s the Monsters?!” I exclaimed, not caring that Edward was still in pain. He opened and closed his mouth at least five times, never seeming to find his voice. Whoops, guess I sat on his ribs too hard. Oh well.

“Ha-ha. This is what it was all about? A Monster?” Jessie asked through her laughter. I gave one hard nod while I continued watching Edward squirm on the ground. “Ricky sent us like five packs of four and they’re all in the fridge.”

“Seriously?!” I cried. She nodded before I dashed to the kitchen. I yanked open the refrigerator door, eyes scanning the shelves. I saw my prized possession and yanked up one of the Assault Monsters. I quickly cracked open the can and took a hug gulp of it. Only two gulps later the can was empty in my hand. “Awww.”

“Might as well get sugar now. A) because it will drive Ricky and everyone at the studio insane and B) you might need the sugar if we do a photo shoot,” Keith told me, laughing at my fallen face. It quickly perked back up and I took out one of the green Monsters. Soon that was gone and I was just about bouncing off the walls.

“Let’s go hoes!” Jessie yelled, picking her keys off the hook by the door. I could tell all four of us were hyper. Hehe. Oh the fun. Only ten minutes later we were jumping out of the SUV, running to the front door.

“Ricky! Where are you?!” I yelled as soon as we enter the building. Three businessmen, the secretary, some guys that looked like they were in a band, and two sluts all looked over at us. The business dudes and the secretary looked angry while everyone else looked confused. Suddenly Ricky appeared in the doorway leading to an interview room.

“I swear you guys are gunna get me fired. Matt and the guys owe me a lot with how much you guys get me in trouble,” Ricky complained, walking over to where we were bouncing up and down hyperly. He rolled his eyes at our obvious sugar consumption. “Are you guys prepared to do an interview?”

“Hell yeah! We’re gunna be fucking energetic though,” Keith replied.

“Well duh. Now come on guys,” Ricky replied. We followed him into the interview room and saw fans along with five seats set up in the front. Suddenly the fans started cheering along with our interviewer. Never saw him before but he looks cool. He has a deathbat on the side of his right arm. Oh yeah baby!

“Helllloooooo guys!” I yelled, jumping up and down. The cheering got loudersomehow and the four of us began laughing our asses off. Soon we all sat down. From right (by the interviewer) to left it was me, Keith, Jessie, and then Edward. Quickly the cameramen counted down before they began filming the live interview.

“Hello people across the U.S.. Thanks for joining me. I’m Jacob and I’m here and Huntington Beach, California with the one, the only The Grounded!” The cheering started up again before quickly dying off. “We’ll let’s have them introduce themselves shall we?”

“Yo mi amigos. I’m Raven, also know as Rae. I’m the hyperactive singer and lead guitarist for The Grounded. Clap damn you, clap!” I hollered at the camera. This made everyone laugh before I leaned back into my seat, grinning innocently.

“And I’m Psych. Drummer and boyfriend of Ms. Rae here,” Keith said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I kissed his cheek which in turn made everyone ‘Awww’. I rolled my eyes as we moved on.

“Ello people of America. I am Pandora, also known as Pandy thanks to this little bugger,” Jessie said, pointing at me with her thumb. I just grinned once again. “I am the rhythm guitarist. Yay!”

“Dweeb,” Edward muttered before being shoved by Jessie. He fell off his seat with a thud and the whole room busted out laughing. Once he was on his seat again he glared at Jessie.

“Oh get your panties out of a bunch and introduce yourself,” Jessie exclaimed, rolling her eyes.

“Oh fine. I’m Edward, the bassist, and I am sadly the cousin of this thing,” he said, pointing a finger at Jessie. “If you want to adopted me just leave me a message on my MySpace.”

“I’ll adopt you!” some random girl yelled.

“Oh my god! I love you!” Edward shouted excitedly. He ran off the small stage to her, hugged her tightly, then dashed back to his seat. The camera watched him the whole time and I know everyone got a crack out of that.

“I’ve noticed you guys had sugar. Am I correct,” the guy, Jacob, questioned with a small smile playing on his lips.

“Ding ding ding! We have a winner!” Keith yelled, clapping his hands along with the other three of us. Jacob and the crowd laughed before we stopped.

“But yeah, we did. I had tow monsters!” I stated proudly. Everyone laughed at me before we moved on. Nothing big happened until Jacob had to ask a few questions we despise.

“Okay so onto our next question. People have been asking about My Chemical Romance. They loved when you were on tour about two months ago and wanted to see if you would ever do it again. What’s your guys’ input on that?” Jacob asked. My eyes turned cold even though the smile remained on my face.

“I speak on everyone’s behalf on this. Us and the guys of My Chemical Romance have hit some….bumps on our friendship. We don’t particularly have any intentions on touring with them again. And before you ask, no we will not tell you what exactly. Sorry but there are some personal things that we can’t even tell out fans,” I replied. Jacob nodded before moving on.

“We also had some questions about Avenged Sevenfold. As you may have noticed, I am a fan myself and have been wondering too. Are you guys good friends with them?”

“Ah, yes we are. These guys our like our brothers/uncles/fathers. They have always been there for us since we met them,” Jessie replied. Everyone nodded in agreement.

“In fact they are the one that helped us get to where we are today. If we never met them we probably would still be playing in my garage,” Keith added.

“So how did you guys meet?”

“An old friend knew them very well and introduced us before they turned on us. But that’s a completely other unimportant story. But the guys helped us et signed and get us with the great people or Warner Brother’s Studios,” Jessie answered.

“Jimmy’s even my partner in crime,” I stated, grinning.

“Ha-ha. How is that?” Jacob asked.

“Fucking amazing. This man is a fucking genius with his pranks!” I rambled.

“Well that was the end of questions guys but we do have a favor to ask,” Jacob said.

“What?” we all chorused.

“Will you guys play us a song?”

“Of course!” we yelled together. Soon Jacob said after the commercial break that we’ll play. Once the cameras were off the crew started to set the instruments. Only three minutes later we were set up and the fans were out of their seats, standing right in front of the stage.

“Okay everyone. Here’s a new song we call ‘Breathe Today’. Let’s rocking this shit!”

You try your heart and
To perfect your explanation
You lie until they've run out
Of questions...

You can only move as fast as who's in front of you
And if you assume just like them, what good will it do?
So find out for yourself, so your ignorance will stop bleeding through.

Only... one thing!

Big enough to fill the void that's inside of you,
It's just a breath away,

Many word can bring you oohh today...

So many, Lies swarling, Around You, You're suffocating
The empty, Shape in you,
Steals your breath you're suffocating

Logic forces me to believe in this
And I have learned to see
And I can only say
What I've seen and heard
And only you can choose
And every choice you make
Will effect you
Search your own self

You can, can bring you
Breath today

So many, Lies swarling, Around You, You're suffocating
The empty, Shape in you,
Steals your breath you're suffocating


Big enough to fill the void that's inside of you,
It's just a breath away,

So many, Lies swarling, Around You, You're suffocating
The empty, Shape in you,
Steals your breath you're suffocating


Can breath... today...

Breath today.

“Thank you guys!” I yelled before the cameras turn off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Another chapter up.
This was more like a filer cuz I'm still debating how to go with this story.
Message me with ideas. (:

So comment/subscribe/message.
I'll love you forever. [:

<3 Tina terror