My Chemical Life

Sound Of Madness.

“Motherfucker! Keith! I came in here five minutes ago and told you to get your happy ass up. Why the fuck are you still in bed?!” I exclaimed, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Five more minutes,” he whined, burying his head underneath his sheets. Gee, I think I heard this five minutes ago. I let out an annoyed sigh as I walked over to his bed. I ripped off the covers before drenching Keith in water with the water gun I had brought along. He jumped up too fast resorting in him flying face first onto the ground.

“Now get the hell up while I get dressed. If you’re still not even at least in the shower I will make sure this tour is one of the most unforgettable ones we have. And no, not in a good way,” I hissed. Keith got wide eyed as I turned on my heel and walked out, slamming the door behind me.

“Issues getting his ass up?” Jessie asked, walking by me to the stairs while brushing her hair.

“You don’t know the half of it. Bus here yet?” I asked.

“In about twenty minutes,” she replied before disappearing out of view. I walked into my room and went around, mentally checking off my list to make sure I packed everything. Yup, you have been hearing right. We’re going on another tour. Great idea, huh? After the last one went so well. Well we known who we’re touring with for once. We are sharing the headlining spot with Escape the Fate. Yes! And we’re also touring with Paramore and All Time Low. Weird, I know. I was still hoping for Bring Me The Horizon but Oliver Sykes is secretly avoiding me or something.

“Well I guess that’s everything,” I muttered. I walked over to my clothes that were set out to the side for today. I quickly got rid of my pajamas before tossing on my outfit. Once I sprayed some of Edward’s stolen Axe on me I tossed my backpack onto my back, dragging my suitcases behind me across my hardwood floors.

“Need help?” Edward asked, coming out of his room.

“Oh no. I got it,” I replied, smiling. I finished dragging them to the stairs before shoving them down the steps. After the finally thud was heard Keith ran into the hallway.

“What the fuck is all that noise?!”

“Suitcases,” Jessie, Edward, and I said in unison. Jessie had come to watch since the second boom. Keith rolled his eyes muttering ‘weirdos’ before we all branched into four different directions. I skipped down the stairs to where my suitcases sat in many spots on the floor. Luckily they didn’t bust open. That would suck and I’d probably make Keith repack everything. Oh the joys of having a boyfriend. Suddenly a light went off in my head. I moved the suitcases onto the rug at the bottom of the stairs before grabbing the end closest to the front door. With a grunt I started to slide the rug across the floor and then out the door.

“What the hell Rae?” I jumped and that resulted in the rug getting jerked suddenly making the suitcases fly off and hit the concrete sidewalk. Again, luckily it didn’t bust open. Yay. I turned around to find the source of the voice, Greg, our bus driver.

“Greg!” I yelled, leaving my cases spread around the sidewalk and grass. I ran up to him, jumped, and hugged him. He laughed, catching my thighs like a father would do to his child. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he in return gave me a kiss on my forehead.

“Hello Rae. Missed me?” he asked, laughing.

“Hell yeah!” I jumped down and dashed to the open front door. “Guys! Greg’s here!”

Greg?!” Suddenly I heard running feet and literally had to dodge to miss getting ran over. Jessie and Edward stood in their clothes gushing to Greg about how much they missed him. Keith was trying to do the same but he had a toothbrush in hand and foam seeping out of his mouth. He made Greg smile an uncomfortable smile, backing away from him.

“Psych! Go finish with your teeth! You’re making Greg freak out. He doesn’t want your slobber on him,” Jessie hissed. Greg smiled gratefully as Keith complained but complied anyways.

“So how are you Greggers?” Edward asked with a grin at the childish nickname he had given Greg. Greg just rolled his eyes in a playful way.

“Pretty good. You kids been out of trouble?” Jessie, Edward, and I all shared a look before slowly nodding. “Quit lying.”

“Well that guy was being an asshole. He accused us of smoking cigarettes when it was just cuz we were hanging out with Ricky and he was smoking,” I defended.

“And by ‘guy’ you mean…?”

“The popo,” all three of us replied together. Greg just sighed, shaking his head with a smile.

“Well are you guys all packed?” A nod was to follow. “Are your things downstairs?”

“My stuff is!” I stated proudly, pointing a finger in the general area of where my suitcases were spread out on the concrete and grass. Everyone stared at me in disbelief and I blinked a few times at them. “What?”

“You’re special Rae,” all three replied in unison. I shrugged before taking one suitcase up by its handle. I left out a huff and dropped it to the ground. This thing weighed a ton man!

“Want help?” Greg asked as Jessie and Edward went inside, no doubt to get their own luggage.

“No! I’ll get this,” I replied. I put my hands on my hips, trying to brainstorm an idea. “I got it!” I declared.

“Wha-” I cut off Greg but running inside the house. Keith opened his mouth to say something but I ran past him and into the backyard. I picked up two skateboards that was sitting on the grass and ran back inside. When I crossed through the hall again Keith, Edward, and Jessie were all walking by when I zoomed along.

“What did we miss?” Jessie’s voice floated after me. I placed the skateboards down the ground next to each other and then placed my suitcases on top. I thenpushed shoved the suitcases and it went down the walkway and slammed into the side of the bus, the boards and suitcases in one big heap. I let out a cheer as my plan worked and danced randomly which was very close to being the Time Warp from Rocky Horror Picture Show…Maybe we shouldn’t have watched that before going to sleep
♠ ♠ ♠
Well here is another chapter.
I have sad news for you few subscribers,
I lost interest in this story again. ]:
Sorry but I guess "My Chemical Romance Is What?!" was never good for a sequel. /:
I'll still update if inspiration strikes but for now it is on Hiatus. Sorry.