My Chemical Life

I Loved You 'Til The End

“Rae! Get back on this bus!” Jessie yelled after me.

“No way! You fuckers didn’t get Monster or skittles! How am I suppose to live?!” I cried dramatically. Greg had stopped in tour to fill up our tank when I found out no one had bothered to bug Monster and skittles. Hellooo? This is me we’re talking about. Dummies.

“Fine, we’ll come with,” Keith sighed before hopping off the bus. Jessie and Edward followed as we walked into the store across the street from the gas station. I don’t trust gas stations for skittles. They’re usually shit. I ran into the store and skipped to the candy isle. I paused at the entrance with my mouth open in awe. It was huge!

“I love this place,” I whispered with a childish grin slowly taking over my face. The other three just shook their head in disbelief. I began shoving bags of skittles in Keith’s arms before running to the refrigerated section. I spotted the Monsters automatically and filled Edward’s, Jessie’s, and my arms full of them.

“Got enough Rae?” Edward asked sarcastically.

“Of course not but it’ll have to do,” I replied. I headed off to the front with my minions behind me. Once everything was on the counter the cashier gave us a look of disbelief.

“That all?” Keith quickly covered my mouth before I could say anything.

“Yes it is,” he replied. Ten minutes later and a swipe of the company’s credit card, we were leaving the store and heading to the bus.

“The Grounded?!” We all turned around to see two girls standing there star struck.

“Hello,” I greeted with a smile.

“Can we please have an autograph?!” they begged. Suddenly a whole flock of kids appeared out of nowhere with pads of paper.

“Sure! Let me just go get a sharpie,” I told everyone. I started to walk across the street. Suddenly I heard the squealing of wheels. I looked to my right and saw a car speeding down the street trying to hit its breaks. My eyes grew wide and the whole world slowed down. I tried to move but I was stuck in my spot. Right then and there I knew I was not going to walk away from this.

I could make out the man. He looked familiar but I couldn’t think of where. His eyes were unfocused and his reactions were delayed. I could see what looked like a Jack Daniels bottle in his left hand. His right hand was trying to make the car move out of my way, but it just made the car swerve.

Out of the corner of my eyes I could see everyone freeze. Keith was running towards me but it was all in slow motion. I saw Jessie and Edward drop their bags and start to follow Keith. The whole time I could faintly hear them call Lexi. Not Rae, but Lexi. Greg was even running from the opposite direction.

Behind them I could see our fans look shocked. I don’t think any of them knew what to do, what they were witnessing. Most of them seemed on the brink of tears. The two girls that were first there had their phones out. Another boy was following my bandmates. Maybe he thought he could help.

I felt the impact of the car. It was the most intense pain I’d ever felt. I hit the concrete hard and saw the car hit a sharp stop a couple of feet away. My chest felt tight and I was having difficulty breathing. I saw blood seeping from my arm. Suddenly everything kicked back into normal speed. Keith reached me with tears falling down his face. He bent over my body holding me.

“Please speak to me Lexi. Please,” he begged. I opened my mouth and tried to speak but nothing came out but shallow gasps. I wanted to cry. Not because of how much pain I was in, but how much pain was obvious on everyone’s faces. I didn’t want to cause so much hurt for them. I knew I wasn’t going to live through this, I couldn’t leave Earth with them in so much pain.

“Hang on. The ambulance is on their way. You have to hold on Lexi. You're strong, you can do it!” Jessie cried. I knew I wasn’t. I could feel my life fading.

“Y-you know it no-not going to happen. I l-love you all,” I chocked out.

“No Lexi. Don’t talk like that!” Edward pleaded. I smiled weakly at my friends. They were the greatest anyone could have had.

“I loved you all li-like family. You too Gr-Greg. Tell Matt and J-Johnny and Jim-Jimmy and Brian and Za-Zacky I loved them. Te-tell our fans too. And please, plea-please tell Frank and everyone. I-I know I was a bitch to them bu-but they did take me from that hell hole,” I said. I could feel my tears coming as I thought of how horrible I was to Frank, Gerard, Mikey, Ray, and Bob. They deserved none of it. Why couldn’t I realize that before I was dying?

“You’re going to make it Lexi. You can tell them yourself,” Jessie sobbed.

“No I-I can’t.” Suddenly I heard sirens. I saw the door to the car open too. The man fell to the ground and his eyes looked at our group. He passed out and I swear he looked apologetic.

“They’re almost here Lexi. Please don’t leave,” Keith cried.

“I love you.” I kissed his lips that were centimeters from me. I let my head fall back to the ground and closed my eyes. With my last breath I whispered, “So long and goodnight.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been what, four months?
It's finally being brought to the end thanks to Tigerlilygurl2.
It's been forever and it's time it ends.
Epilogue to be posted soon. <3

Xoxo. Tina.