My Chemical Life

Runaway Love.

I woke up maybe two hours later curled up in Alex's big blanket. I blinked my eyes and looked around the room. Everything looked the same except for the fact that Alex was missing. After further searching I found a piece of paper was on the nightstand with my name in big letters. I picked it up and unfolded it, recognizing Jessie's handwriting.

"Dear Lexi. I'm not going to make you go home but I am telling you to come over to my house. I caught Alex as he was going to work and I left you this and an outfit in the bathroom. He told me you already had make up here so I didn't bother. Alex asked for me to tell you to go out the back door so the front will stay locked. Love, Jessie."

I sighed and crawled out of bed, popping my stiff joints. I lazily shuffled into Alex's bathroom and rubbed my eyes as I spotted the clothes on the counter. I pulled on my clothes and did my make up. After looking inside my bag I found my sidekick, new iPod touch, a sharpie, and a hair brush. Did I ever mention my old iPod finally died completely on me. Patrick was nice enough to get me a new one. I tossed my hair in a messy ponytail and tossed all my clothes from yesterday inside the bag. I started by The Audition into my ears as soon as I shut Alex's back door. Five minutes later I was at Jessie's front door and rang the doorbell.

"Finally! I thought you'd never wake up!" Jessie exclaimed as she pulled open the door. She yanked me in and then slammed the door shut. I raised an eyebrow at her but she took no notice as she pulled me into the living room.

"Your complaining about me waking up late?! It's only ten thirty!" I said in disbelief after I looked at her clock.

"Well I've been up since seven so that's forever to me," she told me with a roll of her eyes before sitting me down on one of her leather couches. I was about to say something when her doorbell run out. She gave me a 'you-better-not-move' stare before skipping off the answer it. I sighed and took my bag off and placed it on the floor. I heard some voices before I heard the door shut and footsteps.

"Lexiiii," Jessie sang. I turned to glare but it instantly dropped as soon as I saw who it was.

"Well give me a hug bitch!" Johnny laughed, arms extended. I jumped over the couch and jumped up, hugging Johnny tightly.

"I thought everyone left," I said confused as he carried me back to the couch, Jessie following.

"Well after we heard what happened the Aiden, Jessie, and Evan wanted me to come back. mainly because some stuff came up and Aiden and Evan had to head back. They told me to tell you they were sorry for leaving all of a sudden," he said, a sympathetic face on.

"No problem. Just as long as I don't have to be home alone with them," I replied as I slid off of his lap. Both of them nodded their heads in understanding.

"Well I say we do what we usually do!" Johnny exclaimed, pointing a finger in the air.

"Man! Whyyyy? That's so tiring with you," I groaned as Jessie clapped her hands hyperly.

"Because I said so! Now let's go!" Johnny yelled, tossing me over his shoulder as he ran out the door.

~*~20 Minutes Later~*~

"Johnny dear? Tell me again why we went to Wal-Mart," I said as we looked in the toy aisle. Johnny had ran straight to some electronic toy as me and Jessie stared at him with amused smiled.

"Cuz they have toys that make beeping noises!" he answered, smiling big.

"So does an XBOX and that's at my house," Jessie said while rolling her eyes.

"...Shuddup," Johnny muttered as he stood straight. Suddenly Jessie pulled both me and Johnny to the end of the aisle, hiding us from view.

"What the fuck Jess-" I was cut off as her hand clamped over my mouth. She held a finger to her lips before pointing down the aisle we were previously in. My eyes widened as I saw Frank, Mikey, and Gerard in the spots we just were. I grabbed one of Jessie and one of Johnny's wrists before running three aisles over.

"Okay. Split up and run. Meet back in layaway in fifteen minutes. Hide behind all the carts," I instructed in a whisper. They both nodded before we all ran in different directions. Jessie ran to electronics, Johnny ran to the food section, and I ran into clothes. I quickly zipped up the black jacket of Jessie's and pulled my hood up, pushing my sleeves up too. Thank Jebus I had left my phone on vibrate and messenger bag at Jessie's. I quickly ducked into one of the racks as I saw Ray standing with his back to me.

"Hey Ray!" someone yelled from my right. I got a sudden confidence and slowly pulled a pair of jeans aside to leave a fraction of an opening. Mikey was walking towards him with Bob following along.

"What's up Mikey?" Ray asked.

"Nothing much but did you see Lexi come this way?" I felt like leaning out and yelling at them to not call me, that but I bite my tongue.

"Nah. Why?" he questioned.

"Bob thought he saw her come this way. Especially since this fell," Mikey explained, holding up my infamous black bracelet with black stars carefully super glued on. I mentally slapped myself and snuck backwards as it seemed that the three idiots were in a very distracting conversation. I took a dash to the garden center, making sure to stay in crowds. It would be too easy to spot me in the open. As soon as got to the plants in the greenroom, someone pulled me behind a lot of tall plants with many leaves.

"There you are! I've been wondering when you'd show up here," Jessie growled, putting a finger to my lips. I raised my eyebrow as I looked at her. She had her hair stuffed inside a beanie aside from two think strands of blond hair in front and had her hood pulled up.

"Where in hell did you find that?" I asked, pointing to the black beanie.

"I'm going to return the guy...eventually," she said slowly. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Do you even know who you stole it from?" I asked. Jessie got a thoughtful look before shaking her head. I giggled but soon slapped a hand over my mouth. Gerard had entered with Frank running to catch up.

"Are you sure?" Frank asked, bending over to catch his breath.

"I'm pretty sure. Looked like her," Gerard replied, looking in some bushes. My breath caught in my throat as Frank and Gerard argued about Gerard's sanity and he got closer and closer. Right before he was going to look inside our spot, someone's voice rang out.

"Gerard! I found that thing you were looking for!" Mikey yelled, waving his arms around. Gerard suddenly ran to him, pulling Frank along. Quickly Jessie and I ran out the garden door and dashed to the car, hiding on the side opposite from the store. I got out my phone and called Johnny.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Get to the car. We're leaving," I ordered, hanging up afterwards. Ten minutes later we finally left, almsot getting caught by the five guys again.

That was wayyy too close/
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<3 Tina Terror