My Chemical Life

This Is How I Disappear.

January 1, 2008th.
Dear thingy,
Wow, I’ve gotten into a habit of taking forever to write. To be honest I didn’t know I packed this until my duffle bag accidentally spilled all over the bunk room floor. And before you start thinking I’m on tour with a band like Avenged or My Chem, no. I’m not. I’m on tour with my own band though we‘re not headlining. Yeah, Jessie and Keith and I went through with it. To start from the beginning no one has any idea that Keith, Jessie, and I are really us except for Avenged. They knew I’d never be able to live with the guys and they worked it out to where the three of us plus our bass player could live in our own house in California. We got big thanks to them too. They told their manager about us and they got us signed to Warner Brothers Records. Our band, The Grounded, is now touring. Oh, our bass player is actually Jessie’s seventeen year old cousin Edward. And so you know, Alex is no longer. I finally broke it off when we were moving and he took it pretty well. He just kind of stormed off and I haven’t heard from him since. Well I got to go. Buh-bye!


“Lexxxxxi! Are you awake?” I heard Jessie call out to me. I slid the notebook and pen back into my duffle bag and hopped out of the bunk. Jessie giggled as I stretched and popped my stiff joints.

“Yeah. I’m gunna get dressed,” I said between yawns. She nodded before skipping into the front of the bus, our “living room”.

“Hurry up lady!” I heard Keith yell out.

“Fuck you! Shouldn’t you be doing your classes?!” I shouted back, shorting through my suitcase for some clothes I felt like wearing today.

“For your information, I AM! You know you have to, too!” he retorted. I cursed under my breath and glared at the tee shirt I was looking at. After actually looking at it I decided it was good for my outfit today. Nodding to myself, I moved it aside. After five minutes I finally had my outfit laid out in front of me. I smiled in content before putting away my luggage. I skipped into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I ended up changing my long black hair to neon pink with some black. Hell, I even got some green contacts to cover up my hazel. Shaking my head I pulled off my clothes and pulled on my new ones. I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail minus the front part on my hair. I quickly brushed my teeth before skipping out of the bathroom. I tossed my dirty clothes into an empty duffle bag, grabbing my sidekick. I got a new number so no one but people I give it knows it. You didn’t think I’d just leave it the same did you?

“Finally!” Keith yelled, tossing his hands in the air. I don’t know if he was talking about me finishing or his homework being done, either way I rolled my eyes. The funny thing is I forced Keith to get those snakebites. Me and Jessie literally taped him down to the chair. Duct tape sure comes in handy.

“Will you shut up already?!” Edward snapped. He’s lovable and all but he is pissy when he just wakes up. I swear that he has PMS. I giggled and his glared rested on me. I started whistling a random tune as if I did nothing. He growled and walked to the tiny kitchen to grab himself a mug of coffee. I rolled my eyes before pushing Keith aside to take my spot behind the laptop at the booth.

“Hey!” Keith complained.

“Oh shuddup unless you wanna do my homework,” I countered. He shut up and jumped over the back to the seat. I folded my legs Indian style under me and went to my email. I saw I had an email from my tutor with assignments from my teachers, lots of shit for MySpace, and a few junk mails. I automatically deleted everything but my assignment email before clicking on it.

“Holy shit?! Do they our brains to explode or something?!” I exclaimed, gawking at how much work they had assigned us. Three papers for each subject, three!

“Maybe,” Jessie shrugged. I rolled my eyes and grumbled about teachers being evil and went to my MySpace. In the band everyone thinks my name is Raven because, well, I’ve always liked that name and we all lied about our names to the media. Our manager kept our real names to himself and promised not to spill, he knows the story. My “nickname” is Rae though to many fans. . Jessie’s is Pandora (thanks to her middle name), Edward is Edward since no one knows who he is and doesn’t have the same last name as Jessie, and Keith is Psych. He has never really given a reason but he’s stuck with it. We switch from stage names in front of other people right to real names when it’s just us. We’re that talented.

“Wow. You had more photo comments than me today. No fair!” Jessie whined. I rolled my eyes and read the comments. They all sounded the same to me, but I did what I always did: commented one of their own pictures. It’s nice and amuses me when they either comment back or message me spazzing and thanking me. I mean, we’ve only been out for a month but we’re pretty big. Again, thanks for Avenged.

“I have a question. Who are we touring with?” I asked randomly as I comment back to a hot guy. Hey! I caninternet stalk look at hot emo guys can’t I? Yeah, I can.

“Um….Silverstein and All Time Low. There’s another one but I don’t remember hearing a name,” Edward shrugged. I rolled my eyes at his ‘I’m-so-effing-calm’ phase after having his coffee. It always goes like this in the morning. Next will be his ‘hyper-as-fuck’ stage and then the adrenaline rush of his ‘let’s-go-on-stage’ stage.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold it and rewind. Silverstein and All Time Low and us? Big mix of rock types if you ask me,” Jessie announced, flipping through channels.

“Yeah. What’s the other one? Bring Me The Horizon? Then we can have some screamo or metal shit in there. Whatever you wanna call it,” Keith shrugged before pulling a Drop Dead, Gorgeous t-shirt over his head.

“Actually that’d be kick ass. First because that may be one of the greatest concerts ever and secondly, I always wanted to meet Oliver Sykes. He’s hot,” I announced as I subconsciously went to their MySpace to drool over a picture of Oliver himself. Sorry, hormones are a bitch especially when I stopped my….you know…two days ago. Yeah you didn’t need to know that and I don’t care. You know now don’t you?

“Hey! Mine. Back off,” Jessie growled jokingly…I think. I can’t tell when she’s talking about him, weird I know. I brushed it off and signed out of my MySpace after replying to everyone. I didn’t go through normal comments or messages yet, that’s for after the show. Speaking about a show….

“When’s the show?” I asked, turning to see everyone. Keith and Jessie both shrugged at the same time.

“I don’t know but sound check’s in about ten minutes,” Edward replied. I nodded but Jessie ran into the bunk area screaming something about her hair not ready. I rolled my eyes before shutting down the laptop and sliding out of the booth. I walked over to the mini fridge and cracked open a mountain dew.

“Lexi. What are you doing?” Keith asked, suspicion in his voice. I grinned before chugging the whole thing.

“When Edward’s hyperness kicks in I wanna be hyper too,” I replied before quickly getting another one and chugging it too. Keith sighed but Edward and I gave each other high fives.

“Guys?” someone called outside, knocking on the door.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Time for sound check,” he finished before we heard him walk away.

“Come on Pandora,” I called out as I opened the bus’s door.

“Coming Rae,” Jessie called back sarcastically.

“Well let’s go!” I yelled, running off the bus and towards the stage with everyone close on my heels.
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<3 Tina Terror