My Chemical Life

Secrets Don't Make Friends.

"Um...H-hi," I stuttered. Suddenly something -or should I say someone- fell on my stomach. I let out a gasp before rolling on my side.

“Oh shit! That wasn’t Frank! I’m soooo sorry!” someone apologize, spazzing. I slowly opened an eye to see Mikey standing above me with Frank shaking his head.

“No p-prob-problem,” I replied, forcing a smile. Edward and Jessie ran up, Jessie pushing Frank back on his ass.

“Are you alright Le- Rae?!” Jessie asked, almost letting my name slip. I gave her a glare before shooing them away to give me air. I slowly stood up, a slight pain still visible in my stomach. Edward shot me a question stare and I simply gave a smile.

“Are you okay?” Frank asked from my left.

“Um, yeah. Just fine. It’s…nice to meet you,” I replied grinning.

“Nice to meet you too. I’m Frank. This is my friend Mikey and we’re part of My Chemical Romance. The rest of them are helping some roadies. And who may you be?” he asked politely.

“Yeah. I’m Rae, this is Pandora, Psych, and Edward. We’re The Grounded,” I introduced.

“Sorry but we have to go. Homework and all. Bye,” Jessie rushed. She grabbed Keith’s arm which made him grab Edward’s and he grabbed mine. Right as I was about to enter the bus, Frank grabbed my wrist.

“Sorry but have we met? You seem so familiar,” he said, the last part mainly to himself. My eyes grew bigger as I thought he may have caught us. I took a deep breath before chuckling. He looked at me with confusion visible on his face.

“No, I don’t believe so. I guess you could say that you may have wanted to meet me though. I have to go now. Goodbye,” I said before hurrying onto the bus and shutting it’s door. I took a deep breath and listened as Frank sighed and walked away from the bus.

“What happened?” Edward asked looking up from what looked like math homework.

“Nothing important,” I muttered. I glared holes into the stack of papers that had my name written across the top page.

“Get to it. I have to help you if you have problems,” Jessie ordered from her spot behind the laptop without looking up. I sighed before getting my iPod and sitting in the spot across from her. I picked up the pencil nearby and decided that I’d do math first. I was actually okay in it. I mean making a C minus is good, right? Oh shuddup, you do my work and try to make good grades. Keith does but he’s a show off. By twelve o’clock in the morning I had finished math and science which meant I still had History and English.

“Can I sleep now?” I begged Jessie who was still messing around on the computer. She claimed she had to stay on so me, Keith, or Edward won’t take it over. Yeah right! If we didn’t do our homework then we wouldn’t not be allowed to be on this tour. She nodded and I screamed ‘hallelujah’, running into the bunks. Since Jessie doesn’t have to do any homework she agreed to print out assignments and scan/send it to my teachers.

“Night!” Everyone called to me. I barely head them because I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, fully clothed.

~*~The Next Morning~*~

I groggily woke up, having to blink my eyes at least ten times. I went to rub my eyes to feel my glasses crooked on my face. I took them off and put them in one of the compartments in my bunk. I slid out of the top bunk, almost tripping over Keith who made it half way into the bunk below me. I grabbed my suitcase to carry it to the bathroom. After ten minutes I finally decided on this (bag has homework, iPod, pens, notebook, and pencils). I pulled on the outfit before washing my face, brushing my teeth, and brushing out my hair. I ran Jessie’s straightener through my hair, deciding to leave it down.

“Hurry up. I gotta piss,” I heard Edward whine. I rolled my eyes and picked up my stuff off the floor. As soon as I stepped outside Edward ran in, slamming the door behind him. I went to the front room and looked at the clock, 7:30 A.M.. Man. What’s with me waking up at such early hours? Deciding the bus was too hot, I grabbed my phone off the charger before heading out to the new venue. I walked passed to the backstage since it was basically empty. We were one of the only buses here.

“Hey! Who are you?!” some random roadie demanded. I rolled my eyes and turned to glare at him.

“I’m the person telling your employer if you deserve your full pay. I can pull some strings,” I replied with a smirk.

“Oh I’m terribly sorry miss. Would you like something to drink perhaps?” he asked with a nervous smile.

“Actually could you bring a monster energy drink to The Grounded’s dressing room? Thanks doll,” I said. Before he could reply I skipped off backstage and found the door that read our band’s name. I pushed it open and head over to coffee table in the middle of two leather couches. I pulled out my homework along with my History book and then sat down on the floor between the table and a couch. Suddenly a knocking came at the door and I yelled out ‘enter’.

“Here you go ma’am,” the dude from earlier said handing me my drink.

“Thanks. When I take over the world your death will be quick and painless,” I announced. He rolled his eyes at my quote and left the room. As I started to read the chapter myevil history teacher assigned me to read, another knock came at the door.

“Unless you have another monster for me, go away dude!” I yelled. The door opened then close and someone stepped in. I didn’t bother looking up because well…I didn’t want to. Suddenly my phone started ringing and I sighed in annoyance. The other person started to speak but I held up a finger, signaling for one minute.

“Hello?” I growled.

Whoa. Don’t kill me,” Brian’s voice came from the other side of the phone.

“Sorry. I didn’t wake up too long ago and I’m working on History. What’s up?” I looked up and nearly dropped my phone when I saw Gerard sitting on the couch across from me.

Nothing much. Jessie emailed me and told me about what happened last night. Are you alright?” he asked worriedly.

“Yeah. Slightly bruised but that’s about it. Sorry but I got to go. I have company and I need to read this chapter.”

Okay. Later,” Brian replied.

“Bye.” I hung up and looked at Gerard again. He was scanning over my History work with a look of disgust.

“And now I remember why I hated high school. Nearly flunked History,” he said, a shiver going down his spine. I laughed at him, pushing the thought of why I used to know him.

“So far I am too. I think my teacher must hate me. I have three assignments due. Then I have to fucking do English. So boring. But I have to do it or me and my band can’t tour,” I explained.

“That would suck. I haven’t got to know you yet,” he replied, grinning. In the back of my head I was yelling ‘you already do dumbass!’ but I had to bite my lip from voicing that.

“Same for me. Not trying to be mean or anything but can you go? I have issues reading when someone else is talking to me,” I said with a shy grin.

“Ah, no problem. I have the same issue. It was nice talking to you. See ya around,” Gerard told me, standing. I waved as before he completely disappeared through the door. I let out a sigh turning back to my book.

Well I guess this ‘hiding the fact that they know us’ thing will be easier than expected.
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<3 Tina Terror