My Chemical Life

Pretty Girl (The Way).

“Ah, there you are Rae!” Jessie exclaimed as soon as she slammed the dressing room door open. I had just finished all my work and it was about eleven A.M.. I raised an eyebrow at her as I put away the paper for English I had just completed.

“Pandora, I told you I was in here. You took ten minutes to get here. Now why are you spazzing?” I asked, slinging my bag over one shoulder.

“I thought I told you?! We have no concert today, it’s tomorrow. Roadie’s are still making sure the equipment works because of the rain yesterday. We have to go to a photo shoot our manager set up. Come on!” She exclaimed, grabbing my wrist and pulled me out. We ran to the bus, put my bag up, and then ran back out to the black van awaiting us.

“Step on it Greg!” Edward yelled, our bus driver speeding onto the road.

“What the fuck?! Slow down Greg!” I yelled, holding tightly onto an ‘oh shit’ handle in the back. I couldn’t even sit before he took off.

“Sorry! We’re almost late already!” he replied. I managed to sit down in my seat but it seemed as soon as I did he pulled to a quick stop. This sent me flying to the ground, groaning in pain.

“I know you just got hurt or whatever but let’s go,” Keith said, pulling me up and out of the van. We ran into the expensive looking building and dashed up to the secretary behind the desk.

“Can I help you?” a middle aged lady asked, looking scared for her life.

“Yeah, we’re The Grounded. Where’s our photo shoot?” I asked hurriedly.

“Um room 23 on level 6.” We thanked her before running into an open elevator, making some guy in a suit yell at us. We all simultaneously flipped him off as the doors closed. Not too long later we ran into the said room, panting heavily.

“Sorry…we’re…later,” Jessie wheezed out. The photographer chick waved it off and soon we were all going to different people putting some wash out dye stuff in our hair. Our separate pictures came out like this. The photographer thought it’d be fun to put me and Jessie in our own shoot with some other shots and this is how they came out. ((A/N: Go to author’s note real fast to find out who’s who. It’s too much to put here.)) Now we were in the elevator, exhausted.

“If this is how shoots are always gunna be, hell’s gunna be raised!” I exclaimed. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement right as the elevator opened to reveal My Chemical Romance.

“Hello again,” Frank greeted while grinning. We all mumbled something along the lines of ‘hi’ before tiredly scuffling past them. As soon as we sat in the van Greg headed towards the venue at a much slower pace.

“So what do we do now?” Jessie asked, finally breaking the silence as the venue came closer.

“No ide-”

“IT’S RAINING!” I squealed as soon as we came to a stop, cutting off Edward. I yanked open the door and ran around in circles in the pouring rain. All the roadies were running around worrying about the instruments but I didn’t have a care in the world at that second. As cliché as that sounded, it’s true. I loved the rain ever since I was little. I mean, I hated lightning and thunder as much as any six year old but the rain was something I could always go to.

~*~Third Person P.O.V.~*~

As Lexi got entertained with her rain Keith stood watching her with Jessie behind him. Edward had gone onto the bus and to the bunks to take a nap. The more Keith watched her the more he wished he could hold her as more than a friend -even more a brother. He sighed to himself before turning to Jessie who was watching Lexi as close as he was, more than likely for not the same reason.

“Should we get her inside?” Keith asked her.

“Nah, let her enjoy it. She won’t get sick. She does this way too much to get sick anymore. Plus this is one of the only times she‘s truly happy. I‘d rather not spoil it for her,” Jessie replied with a light smile on her lips. Keith nodded and stole one last glance at Lexi before walking onto the bus. Jessie sat on the top step when a thought suddenly came to her.

“Keith! You have to finish that math paper! Your teacher said he doesn’t want it later again,” she said, leaning backwards slightly.

“God damnit!” he yelled from the bunk room. It was shortly followed by a smack and Edward telling him to shut up. Jessie giggled to herself before plopping down in front of the laptop.

“Snap. Josh left me a text,” she muttered to herself as she thought about how her boyfriend would react to her not messaging him after so long.

“Probably will just whine like a kid,” she laughed to herself.

~*~Normal P.O.V. Next night.~*~

“On in ten minutes!” Jessie yelled through the door. I had taken over the bathroom in our dressing room so I could get changed.

“Okay! I’m almost done!” I called back with a roll of my eyes. I pulled on my shoes and my black and pink studded belt that finished my outfit. The black and green belt rested around my hips while the black and pink one went diagonal underneath. I told you a long ass time ago I like to have random colors in my outfits so shuddup. I sighed in annoyance as I, yet again, couldn’t decide what to do with my hair. I had straightened it but now I’m not sure what to do with it.

“Are you done yet?” Jessie asked, opening the door. She was dress in this (minus the bag) with her hair in a messy bun but her fringe which was straightened. We decided to both put some plaid in out outfits. Why? I'm not exactly sure….

“Shit! I could have been completely naked woman!” I shrieked, jumping back.

“Well you weren’t so shut up. Even if you were the guys would just whistle,” she laughed. I glared at her and she rolled her eyes.

“Oh you know it’s true. Are you done now?”

“No! I can’t decided what to do with my hair,” I groaned, glaring at the cursed item that was connected to my skull. She rolled her eyes -yet again- and turned me to face the mirror. After a minute of debating, she finally pulled the longer part of my hair into two high ponytail and used some hairspray to make it poof out slightly to look like how some scene kids do.

“Ah, I love it! Thanks Je- Pandora,” I corrected myself as I noticed there was some kid a little younger than us in the dressing room. With her face I’m assuming she was a fan of our’s. I skipped up to her where she sat next to Edward and sat on the coffee table across from her.

“Hello! I’m Rae. Nice to meet you,” I introduced, holding out a hand with a grin.

“Ellie,” she replied in a daze, limply shaking my hand.

“Nice to meet ya Ellie,” I replied, chuckling.

“I know you must get this all the time, but can I have your autograph?” Ellie questioned shyly, holding out our demo CD that had at least eight of our first songs. I nodded and happily took the CD and sharpie, signing it with glee.

“Guys! Your up!” the man that gave me monster yesterday said before leaving.

“So sorry Ellie. Please enjoy the show and hope to see ya next year,” Jessie rushed, hugging her. We all gave her hugs before leaving her awestruck to go to the side of the stage. I nodded my head thanks as I took my guitar from him. I heard our cue and ran on stage waving and jumping around.

“Hellllllooooo Washingtonnnn!” I yelled out. Screams erupted and I grinned in content. Did I mention I also forgot all my problems when on stage?

“Let’s get rocking bitches and hoes! So you know, the guys are the hoes!” Jessie yelled into my mic.

“Hey now! That’s so uncalled for!” Keith yelled at her since he had no mic.

“Yeah! We’re skanks,” Edward corrected with a smirk that made a lot of girls squeal or yell out ‘I wanna have your babies!’. I laughed at both the fan girls and Edward.

“Well Edward, you’ll always be my hoe,” I grinned before hugging him and kissing his cheek.

“And before any of you ask, no. They are not dating. Rae here’s just an idiot,” Jessie clarified.

“Hey! I’m not an idiot! I make C’s. Idiots make F’s,” I corrected.

“Whatever. We’re not here to talk grades! Let’s start!” Keith yelled out.


Right before we were about to play our last song Edward came up to my microphone.

“What’s up?” I asked thinking something was the matter.

“Nothing bad. Now more over,” he demanded with a grin.

“Ladies and not-so-gentle men! Listen up!” It dramatically got softer and he smiled.

“Okay, we have a surprise. We’re going to be playing a new song and guess what? I’m singing it! That’s right, I can sing. I rarely do but I can. This song was written by Psych a month or so ago for a very special person. We kept the surprise from Rae here too. She only knows the lead guitar part. Let’s have fun shall we?” Cheers erupted and Edward smiled over at me. I looked at Keith and he gave me a look that said ‘you-better-listen-closely-to-this-song’. I turned back around and Edward gave us our cue.

Pretty girl is suffering, while he confesses everything
Pretty soon she'll figure out what his intentions were about
That's what you get for falling again
You can never get 'em out of your head

It's the way
That he makes you feel
It's the way
That he kisses you
It's the way
That he makes you fall in love

She's beautiful as usual with bruises on her ego and
Her killer instinct tells her to beware of evil men
And that's what you get for falling again
You can never get 'em out of your head
And that's what you get for falling again
You can never get 'em out of your head

It's the way
That he makes you feel
It's the way
That he kisses you
It's the way
That he makes you fall in love

It's the way
That he makes you feel
It's the way
That he kisses you
It's the way
That he makes you fall in love

Pretty girl, pretty girl

Pretty girl is suffering, while he confesses everything
Pretty soon she'll figure out
You can never get 'em out of your head

It's the way
That he makes you cry
It's the way
That he in your mind
It's the way
That he makes you fall in love

It's the way
That he makes you feel
It's the way
That he kisses you
It's the way
That he makes you fall in love

As the last notes played tears welled up in my eyes as I realized what this song was about. I quickly dashed off stage, carelessly giving my guitar to a roadie and shoving past someone.

Stupid fucking Alex has messed me up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song Credit:
Title: Pretty Girl (The Way)
Artist: Sugarcult

Okay, now the photo shoot stuff. Look at the first link please. The first 3 closer to the left is Edward. The next 3 guys are Keith, obviously. The 3 girls with mostly black hair going down the right are Jessie and the girls with pink are Lexi. For the other picture it goes just like the second link which your about to read.

Now look at the second link. Jessie has the one with leopard print background and the one to the right of it. Lexi is in the black and white and the two to the right of it. In the pairs Lexi has the green umbrella and Jessie has the pink and yellow one.Got it? Good. =]

<3 Tina Terror