My Chemical Life

Liar (It Takes One To Know One).

"Wha-what do you mean your moving?" Alex asked with disbelief.

"I can't live here anymore. I'm moving with some friends in another state. I can't deal with them anymore. I'd go crazy if I stayed here," I explained, staring down at my converse. I heard him sigh angrily and jerked my head up by my chin.

"This is just like you Lexi. Run from all your problems and never face them. You know you're just ending us because I'm just another problem," he sneered. I tried to free myself from his grasp but he held tightly and tightened his grip on my left wrist.

"Let go Alex! This has nothing to do with you!" I cried.

"Bull! It may not be all of it but it's part of it. You know everyone has been talking to you about stopping us since we started dating. Hell, even Jessie and her brother. This is just the perfect moment for you to without 'hurting my feels', right?" he asked mockingly. I didn't reply since he had basically read me like book.

"I knew it. And you know what? You could have ended it a long time ago. I only went out with you because I wanted to take your virginity. You should have listened to everyone from the start," he said with a smirk.

"You fucking bastard!" I snapped at him, fury filling me.

"Don't act like you just fucking found out you tease. You knew it in the back of your mind but you didn't want that to ruin 'your love for me'," he said in a mocking voice as he let go of me. Tears weld up in my eyes before the spilled over my cheeks.

"Liar," I whispered, turning around but Alex pulled my wrist again before I could walk away.

"Am I?" he questioned behind me into my ear.

"Yeah, you are. Now let me go," I hissed.

"Your the liar. You knew the third time I tried to sleep with you that I only wanted that. Our relationship would have only lasted two weeks if you would have owned to it. But I know the other reason you didn't end it. You wanted someone to cuddle with, to love you more than a friend or brother. I was your rebound too, but for different reasons. Now get out of my sight. Go whore to your Keithy-poo now," Alex ordered, shoving me forward, almost making me fall down onto the concrete.

"Your lying!" I yelled at him, trying to deny it myself. He simply laughed an evil laugh before slamming his door in my face, letting only the falling rain enter my eardrums.

I sat up in my bunk panting heavily. I furiously wiped away my falling tears and let out a sob. So I lied a little. That's what really happened when I broke up with Alex. The next day Jessie, Keith, Edward, and I moved to California. I got up and ran into the bathroom with my bag in tow. As I looked at my reflection it disgusted me. My hair was crazy, eyeliner was running down my face, my eyes were dull, and my nose was some what running. I washed my face and watched as the tears and make up went down the drain.

"You okay Lexi?" Keith asked after knocking on the door.

"Y-yeah," I replied with my voice cracking slightly. I knew Keith didn't believe but he walked away anyways. I started to brush my hair as I turned on the radio that was placed inside the bathroom. "Always" by Saliva started and I stopped all motion, glaring at the device. Angrily I switched it and it started playing "(I Hate) Everything About You" by Three Days Grace. Switch! "Scars" by Papa Roach. Fed up with it I quickly shut it off. Obviously someone in the world hates me.

"Can someone get my iPod?" I yelled. Soon someone knocked and them slipped my iPod through.

"Thanks." I plugged it into the radio before clicking on "Shake It" by Rediscover. ((A/N: You should go listen to that song. =] )) I sang along as I sorted through my duffel bag to find the outfit Jessie had told me to wear. Soon I found it and pulled it on. Yes, this is almost the same exact outfit I wore before when I was fourteen. I fiddled with the "L" necklace. All of My Chemical Romance had gave it to me for a late birthday present when I was fourteen since they weren't there then. On the back they had gotten their initials carved into it. I never had the feeling to toss it out so it's been hidden in the bottom of my bag. I slipped it on before tossing my hair into a ponytail.

"Let's go Lexi!" Edward yelled. I unplugged my iPod before grabbing my duffel bag. I tossed that into my bunk before grabbing my sidekick and walking into the front room. The only one left on the bus was Jessie and she was dressed in another of my old outfits. She made me wear my outfit and she wore that because she just wanted to see if any of the guys recognized them. I wanted to shoot her but shetried to reassure me the guys wouldn't recognize them.

"Is it already time for the interview?" I asked while rubbing the sleep from my eyes. She nodded before we walked off the bus and headed towards the tents where merch booths were put. We walked pass our's, waving to one of the roadies who also volunteered to be a merch girl. We found the FUSE tent that had a small stage sent up at the end with rows of chairs (already filled with fans) in front of it. We sat in our spots, waving to spazzing friends.

"And here's Steven!" someone called out. Everyone started clapping, including our band, as we were all handed mics.

"Hello Helena, Missouri-" Our band kind of cut off Steven with our giggling.

"Sorry Steven but we love this city. A) because we've heard people here are super energetic-" Cheers cut off Keith and we laughed a little more.

"And B) it's fucking named after a kick ass song. You lucky bastards. We just come from a city in Cali," I finished. More people cheered and Steven laughed.

"Well it seems both of them stand true. So guys you obviously know The Grounded but can you introduce yourselves anyway for the viewers at home?" Steven asked.

"Of course. Hello people who's names I don't know. I'm Raven but I tend to go by Rae, R-a-e not R-a-y. I'm the lead singer and lead guitarist for The Grounded," I introduced.

"Yellow. I'm Pandora. I am rhythm guitarist of The Grounded and Rae's partner-in-crime," Jessie said into her own mic.

"I wouldn't say that Pandora. Jimmy would be pissed," I warned, turning slightly to her. Since wiL doesn't know it's me anymore, Jimmy has taken the liberty of being my new partner-in-crime.

"Bull. Either way I'd take him on. You hear that?! It's on Rev!" Jessie exclaimed, getting right in front of the camera.

"Sit!" I ordered. She laughed before siting back in her seat and blowing a kiss to the camera.

"Okay. Well I'm Edward and I'm the bassist of The Grounded-"

"And my hoe," I added. Everyone started to laugh and Edward just nodded his head.

"And I'm Psych. I play the drums in The Grounded," Keith finished.

"Okay, since you were last Psych, we have a question for you. Many people have been wondering, what is your real first name?"

"Psych," Keith said with a smirk.

"Fucking liar!" Jessie, Edward, and I yelled together.

"Then what is his real name?" Steven asked.

"We can't tell but it should be Psycho," I laughed.

"Aww. Can we pwease tell Psych?" Jessie begged.


"It's Jacob," Edward announced with a shrug. Well it is one of Keith's names.

"You bitch!" Keith yelled at him, pretending that was it. We all laughed and Edward grinned evilly.

"Wrong. I'm a skank," he corrected. More laughs were heard until it calmed down. We continued on with the interview uneventful until the last question that a fan was allowed to ask.

"Hey Rae, I was wondering. Your necklace has an "L" on it. I know this isn't a really important question but I was wondering why," she asked. My breath caught in my throat as I forgot about that. A light bulb went on in my head and I smiled.

"Well my middle name is Lilly and my mom always had a liking of that name. She always tended to call me Lilly so she bought this necklace as a present for my birthday," I replied easily.

"Thanks really sweet," Steven said.

"Wow, no offense but that made you sound so gay," Edward announced randomly. Everyone burst out laughing, including Steven himself.

"Well guys we have favor to ask. Could you play us a song?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at the band.

"What do ya guys think?" I asked. They nodded and suddenly people started to set up a drum set for Keith and some amps for the other three of us. Finally I sat in front a mic with a guitar, Jessie on my left, and Edward on my right. We started to play a song that I had wrote recently called "Human".

"You know what Simon Says
He tells you what to do
What if he told you to
take off all your clothes
and dance in your birthday suit

Sure it's the latest craze
We all get influenced
the little secret they don't
want you to know no no

We're only human
Separated by our thoughts
So hang on to them
or you'll find you might get caught
Caught up in the

Hey Monkey See and Monkey Do
Must I get brainwashed
by what's surrounding you
Didn't you know that
Every little thing's contagious
Oh yes every little thing's contagious

It's when you watch TV
In everything you see
The virus seeping through
and you start to want
what they tell you you should want

It's in the air you breathe
It's hidden up their sleeves
They're even marketing
what I say right now
Watch out!

We're only human
Separated by our thoughts
So hang on to them
or you'll find you might get caught
Caught up in the

Hey Monkey See and Monkey Do
Must I get brainwashed
by what's surrounding you
Didn't you know that
Every little thing's contagious
Oh yes every little thing's contagious

na na na na na na na
We're only human separated
na na na na na na na
We're only human separated
Only human separated

Caught up in the

Hey Monkey See and Monkey Do
Must I get brainwashed
by what's surrounding you
Didn't you know that
Every little thing's contagious
Oh yes every little thing's contagious

Hey Monkey See and Monkey Do
Must I get brainwashed
by what's surrounding you
Didn't you know that
Every little thing's contagious
Oh yes every little thing's contagious

When everyone was cheering and people were taking our instruments, my eyes caught those of Gerard's. I took a deep breath before exiting the stage with the others. As soon as we were off the stage fans started asking for autographs and pictures. Once we had only three people left Gerard decided to walk closer.

"Nice shoes," Edward said as a girl passed by him.

"You don't like her shoes. You like her legs," I said with a roll of my eyes.

"Yeah but I thought shoes would sound less creepier than that," he replied, signing some dude's CD.

"Less creepier but more gay. Maybe you and Steven should hook up," I said thoughtfully as the girl I had signed her shirt walked away. He rolled his eyes before Keith pulled him away saying something about girls being at Silverstein's merch booth.

"Hello girls. I saw your show," Gerard said since we were alone.

"Thanks. We appreciate it," Jessie said with a smile.

"No problem. I like your outfits. But they look really familiar," Gerard told us, trailing off.

"Thanks. We just thought they looked nice the other day when we were shopping," I replied. On the outside I was calm but on the inside I was dying.

"Sorry but we have to go. It's been great chatting with you. Bye." Jessie grabbed my wrist and pulled me off somewhere, Gerard following our every move.

That was way too close
♠ ♠ ♠
Song Credit:
Title: Human
Artist: Skye Sweetnam

<3 Tina Terror