Theory of Summer

Chapter Two

The next day our Kindergarten class did arts 'n crafts. Trinity and I both triend to make Dawn talk more, and we succeeded. She kept up a heavy stream of conversation for a good thiry minutes. Finally, Trinity got to talk,
"So does anyone like someone?" she smile-whispered. We all giggled like many Kindergarten girls do and answered. I said that I liked a kid named Michael. Trinity said that she liked another guy whose name was Cody. We both looked at Dawn: she was blushing furiously.
"Who do you like Dawn?" I asked innocently. SHe shook her head no.
"C'mon Dawn! Pleeeeaassseeeeee?" Trinity whined.
"Nuh-uh. Not gonna. No way." she replied.
"Pretty please?"
"With a cherry on top?"
"Ok fine." We stopped bothering her for a minute while we concentrated on out popsicle-stick houses. I turned back to her, "PLEASE?" I begged. I was aboutt o get on my hands and knees but Trinity was already there.
"Fine I'll tell you guys," she whispered but you gotts pinky-promise not to tell ANYONE! Got it?" she whispered viciously. She started blushing again. "...I like...I like...I li-"
"Oh get on with it!" Trinity said.
"Tommy! I like Tommy are you happy?" I just stared at her. How could she like Tommy?! What is this?
"Is this some kind of joke?" I asked her, hyperventilating.
"" Dawn looked like she was gonna cry. Trinty was just...silent. For probably once in her life. Then she exploded.
"How could you like him? He's such a meany! He hurts people! And makes fun of you! And he made you cry? Why?!" Trinity blurted not giving Dawn time to answer any of the questions.
"Um..I think he's cute. I don't know why I like him I just do! It's not my fault!" She wailed. THen she started crying. Mrs. A rushed over,
"Honey what's wrong? Are you okay? Did anyone say anything mean to you.?" She looked at Trinity, who shook her head and looked innocent. I had to learn how to do that.
"It-it's o-o-okay." she cried, "its m-my fault. I-I'm f-fine."
"Okay, honey. You can just talk to me if need too. Okay?" Dawn nodded her head. She looked miserable.
"I'm sorry" I said hanging my head, "i didn't mean to make you cry. I just wanted to know who you liked."
"It's okay. I'm not mad at either of you." she siad and hugged both of us. "Just please don't tell him?" I nodded my head hyper-speed, and Trinity did the same. Dawn giggled,
"Well now that that's over with you guys want to go up to our crushes?" I blushed and said a low "Yeah". Trinty did the same. WE couldn't believe Dawn was being so bold!
I walked up to Michael. "Hi Mikey!" I chirped. "Hi!" he replied. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. I giggled and ran away. I looked back over my shoulder to see him look stunned. Then he came back to planet Earth and yelled,
"wait! Come back!" I giggled and ran as he chased me around the room. Soon, eveyone was running around and Mrs A. was in distress.
"Children! Please! Stop running! No running in the classroom! Joey! Do I have to call your mother? Stop that this insatant!" Finally, she cam to the phrase that made us all stop. She sighed, "How about we go out to the playground?" We all yelled and screamed and ran outside. It was sucha pretty, perfect day. The sky was pretty blue, with no clouds in sight. I was so lost that I didn't notice Mikey sneaking up behind me. He tapped me on the shoulder and I jumped about three feet in to the air, which is pretty tall since im only about almost four feet tall. I'm short for my age. I turned around and saw Mikey.
"Hi," he said shyly looking at his shoes, " I just want ed to say that I like you." I smiled and looked at my shoes too.
"Good. 'Cause I like you too." I blushed bright red. I looked up just as he kissed me on my cheek like I had done to him, then watched him run away. I laughed and chased after him, having the best day of Kindergarten ever.
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Awww! isn't that so cute! Little kindergarten love is just so adorable...

Anyways, Sorry I havent updated in forever!!!!! Ill update soon....PROMISE. I have loads of homework to do though....Curse you teachers!! *shakes fist at sky*
Well hopefully the chapters will get longer because they are REALLY short right now!