Status: Hiatus

I Hope You're Happy With Yourself

.002 I Hope You're Happy With Yourself


I just sat there and stared as Tyson tried to talk to my sister. They had just broken up and she wasn't quiet sane to begin with.
"Look at how amazing she is." I said to anyone that was listening.
"Talking to the people in your head again Pouyan?" Tyson joked as he ate what looked like a hash brownie.
"No that's you, DJ, and Jamie's job."
"You're not in my head are you Guin?" She just stared at him and got up and left.
"You pissed her off." I clarified.
"I only said like.." He paused to count on his fingers.
"Seven words!"
"Didn't you guys just break up?" I asked.
"The past is exactly that, the past. Besides she was depressing me!"
"How?" I asked simply continuing to stare at what I thought was the most amazing thing to ever grace me with its presence.
"She's always talking about how she's not good enough and shit." Tyson reasoned. I just shrugged not really caring at all. She's all
that my mind had room for. It was so much to take in. I'm a guy I can't multitask.
"She's self conscious." I stated.
"I know, but its constant and depressing and I can't be her life coach." Tyson said. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
"I don't know girls, I can never get inside them."
"Cause your a virgin!" Tyson laughed loudly.... Yupp it was a hash brownie alright.
"You were a virgin before you got the guts to fuck Guin. Don't start with me right now."
"She liked it. A lot." Tyson just sat there and grinned, it was almost scary looking.
"Dude no girl likes their first time." I said scoffing.
"Don't get me wrong she didn't like it at first. But by the time we were finishing up I had her screaming my name. It was pretty amazing."
"Dude that's my fucking sister!" I waited a couple of minutes.
"Girls actually do that? Scream your name? I want Pamela to scream my name!"
"She has a name?" Tyson asked.
"Of course she has a name!"
"Did you look through her mail to find out?"
"No I-" He cut me off.
"Did you make it up?"
"No! It's in the year book doofus!" This kid totally pisses me off sometimes. I don't know why my sister would want Bigfoot. Back to the subject of my attention.
Pamela Elizabeth Townsend.
She's a goddess, literally I think. Everyone loves her, the people who didn't, at least respected her. I on the other hand, was neither loved, nor respected.
But I didn't give a shit. That I was known for. I'll grow my hair out as long as I want, I'll go without shaving as long as I want, I get as many tattoos as i want.
There's no stopping a mind on a mission. And my new mission is to make Pamela Townsend,
♠ ♠ ♠
second chapter. yay. I wonder if anyone even knows who Pouyan Afkary is....well if your wondering my answer to you is: A Sex God