Status: Hiatus

When You Left, She Was a Wreck


Rachel's POV.

Two weeks later.

I sighed, pulling my shirt on to complete my outfit. I was heading out to lunch with one of my friends from work, Marie. We had done a few photo shoots together, and were pretty good friends.

We sat together at a coffee shop downtown, talking. I picked at my muffin, tossing a few pieces into my mouth. The sun shined down on us brightly, making me cover my eyes. I immediately regret not bringing sunglasses. Marie's phone began ringing, and she apologized, but took the call. I looked at the sidewalks, watching everyone. A few people were rushing, some on their cell phones. Others were talking to themselves like they were rehearsing lines for an interview. I didn't understand how people could live like that. In a rush. My eyes rested on one girl. She was wearing a black dress that went mid-thigh, and pink peep-toe pumps.

I nearly squealed, and excused myself from the table. I darted through people left and right. I finally reached her. I tackled her into a hug, getting a few annoyed looks from people standing by.

"Rachel!" Vicky cried, latching her arms around my neck.

"Oh my fucking God! I've missed you so much!" I cried, too, pulling from the hug. "I thought you weren't coming down here for another two weeks!"

"Yeah, we weren't, until the rest of the tour got canceled because Pete had to get home. Something was wrong with his kid, so he just rescheduled the rest." She explained.

"Wait.. We?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, me, Nate, Ryland, Suarez, and Gabe." Right when she finished her sentence, Suarez came up.

"Hey Vicky, have you seen -" He glanced at me, and his sentence stopped. "Well, hello there." He said, sticking his hand out towards me. I laughed, along with Vicky.

"Names Alex Suarez." He stated smoothly. I busted out laughing, getting an odd look from him.

"I know who you are, Suarez."

"How? Other than Cobra?"

"Well, my name happens to be Rachel Beckett." Saying my last name reminded me I needed to go home and call William. He was my other best friend, even though he was my brother. I tell him almost everything, from my problems at work to personal issues.

"Rach?" He asked in a shrill voice.

"Yeah, Suarez, it's me." I laughed, pulling him into a hug.

"You've.. wow. You have definitely changed. Have you thought about modeling?" Vicky snickered behind him.

"I already am. I model for Victoria's Secret." I grinned.

"Ah, that's were I've seen you from." I coughed a laugh.

"So um, do you guys want to come join my lunch with my other friend?" They both nodded, and we walked the short way. Marie had just hung up the phone when we reached the table.

"Sorry about that, Rachel. That was the boss, but- Oh, hey." She stated once seeing Suarez and Vicky. She starred at Suarez for a moment before I got her attention.

"Do you mind if my friends join us?" I asked. She shook her head no, and scooted over so they could pull more chairs over. Suarez sat by her, while Vicky was next to me. I nudged Vicky, and nodded my head at the two, who immediately started chatting. She followed, and suppressed a giggle when she noticed, too.
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There's a chance I won't be updating tomorrow. There's a good change there's going to be "torandic activity" here tomorrow. So, if I don't, I'm sorry. I'll try my best though, I promise.
