Status: Hiatus

When You Left, She Was a Wreck


"Nice place. So when do I get to meet that boy toy of yours?" Victoria asked, slinging her purse onto my couch. Suarez followed suit, and plopped down.

"How are you with?" He asked.

"Chace Crawford." I replied, walking into the kitchen.

"That loser?" Suarez asked.

"Alex, you don't even know him." I scolded, using his first name.

"Psh... okay. So I don't. But I do know he can't be better than G-"

"Don't. Suarez, just don't." I sighed, rummaging through my refrigerator. I heard Vicky scolding Suarez. Then followed a sign of frustration. The kitchen door opened, and Suarez shuffled in.

"Look, Rach, I'm sorry. It just slipped out and I didn't mean to." He said, looked down at his feet. There was no way that I would stay mad at Suarez, he was like my big brother.

"Suarez, it's fine. I know you didn't mean to. Don't worry about it." I pulled him into a tight hug. Gah, I missed this boy. Vicky's phone started ringing, surprising us both. She came in a few seconds later, her hand pushed over the speaker of her phone.

"Do you guys want to go hang out with the others? I need help unpacking everything, anyways." She asked curiously.

"Sure." Suarez said without thinking. Me on the other hand...

"Come, they won't recognize you." Victoria said quietly, I sighed, then nodded my head.

"Good, now, I'm going to go raid your closet, surely you have too many clothes, anyways." She winked, and followed me up to my bedroom while Suarez sat on the couch sulking.

Victoria (ignore the picture of the girl, please.) pulled into her new houses driveway and turned off her car. There were two cars in her driveway, signaling at least two or all three were already here. I looked around at the spacious, white house. Suarez turned around and looked at me from the front seat.

"Rach (again, ignore the chick), you ready?" He asked me, surveying my face for any flicker of emotion. I sighed heavily, and nodded my head yes. Vicky stepped out first, then Suarez and I followed. He gave my shoulder a tight squeeze and wrapped his arm around my shoulders tightly. Times like this is when I loved Suarez. He could be a crazy, out of control idiot, or a caring, nice guy.

Victoria opened her front door and motioned for us to follow. Music blasted throughout the house, making her roll her eyes.

"You guys?!" She yelled, climbing up the stairs, with us trailing behind.

"In here!" I heard Nate called. I smiled at the sound of his voice. Nate was always cool to hang out with. He was the one that stuck up for me the most when it came to defending me about guys.

"It's going to be okay, they won't recognize you." Suarez whispered. I nodded my head as we entered the living room. Suarez's protective grip let go and his arm dropped to his side. Nate was digging around in a box label "kitchen," Ryland was laying face down in the carpeted floor, and Gabe sat on the couch looking at a box labeled "pictures." They all turned and looked at us, then at me.

"Uh, who's that" Ryland said with a muffled voice.

"That's that chick that sent Vicky pictures from some photo shoot!" Nate exclaimed, setting the box down in the floor. I shot a glance at Vicky, who just shrugged her shoulders.

"Uh.. Rachel, this is Nate, Ryland, and Gabe, friends of ours that I was telling you about earlier." I nodded my head as if I understood. "You guys, this is Rachel. Yes, the girl that sent me photos." She joked, trying to keep the mood easy. I smiled and rolled my eyes, and Suarez left my side to sit on the love seat beside Gabe. Vicky sat down beside Ryland's body, so I followed her down. Everyone was now looking at me, making me feel uncomfortable.

"So tell us about yourself." Ryland said breaking the silence. Everyone once looked at me, so I sighed and closed my eyes, thinking of what to tell them.

"Well, I'm 24. I attended Long Beach University, majoring in fashion. I model for Victoria's Secret. I do love it, regardless of how some people say it really sucks ass. I've worked with Lauren Conrad a few times for Vogue pictures. I'm dating Chace Crawford from the show Gossip Girl. And my best friend is Victoria." I laughed. She grinned, then grabbed the box of pictures that was next to Gabe.

She started looking through them, and came across one from the summer of my sophomore year. Vicky was getting her first tattoo. Gabe was on one side of her, while I was on the other. Nate had taken the picture with her digital camera. I remember her squeezing my hand so hard, and Gabe laughing at her.

"I remember this." I said suddenly. Everyone looked at me confused, especially Victoria. "I mean as in you telling me about this." I covered up. She smiled nervously, and continued to dig through the box. I helped in because the box was so full. I pulled out a Polaroid that was turning slightly yellow from being old. I looked at the picture and chuckled under my breath. It was at my 16th birthday at the park. Gabe was giving me a piggy back ride while we ate ice cream. That was the day I ended up losing my virginity to him.

"Can I use your bathroom?" I whispered to Vicky. She nodded and told me where it was. I made it up the stars and shut the bathroom door. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized how much I really had changed. How had Gabe not realized I was his old best friend.

Gabe's Point of View.

I watched Rachel go upstairs after laying down the polo raid. I sighed. With every model, there's always a good actress. I wonder how long she thinks she can hide.
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WHAT?! What?! No. XD baha.pitiful excuses for not updating sooner:

1. we had some bad weather come through Thursday night/all Friday. plus, i had school, so I couldn't update. :\

2. Tornado warnings are not fun. I'm not sure where you guys live whether it's the Netherlands to North Dakota, but if you know what tornado's are like, you would understand why I didn't want to take the risk of getting my laptop burned by lightning, or just getting blown away all together.

3. It was a nice, warm, sunny Saturday. It hasn't been like this in a month. So, I took up the chance, got a nice tan, dodged a few stupid fucking wasp, etc etc. I got a tan (without getting burned for once!) so I'm pretty stoked about that.

4. I'm not sure how many of you actually wasted like, one minute and a half maybe reading that, but I really do apologize for not updating sooner. So, I've been staying up catching up and on my writing, so it's probably really shitty because I'm so tired.

Well, sorry if it's bad. Comments?