Status: short story, finished.


Part One

"Tomorrow, everything changes."
I sat on the cold swing in the park, while Sadie leaned against the support pole of the swing set. I mindlessly let my feet push myself off the ground, and began moving my legs back and forth to gain more height.
"And they have no idea, Xoe."
I closed my eyes and heard the distant laughing of our friends by the merry go round. All of us were seinors about to graduate, and instead of partying we go to the park. What a way to spend the last official school day, and trust me, that's not sarcasm.
"You know, I could have been drinking."
Sadie glanced over at me shaking her head, then turned her attention back to our friends.
"What are we gonna tell them? They won't just let us get up and leave." Sadie said in a hushed tone. I began slowing the swing down, listening to what she just said.
They won't just let us get up and leave...
My feet skidded against the gravel as I stopped the swing. The sun had been set and away for hours now, yet I could see that Sadie was actually worried for once. We were the only ones wanting to leave. Just go far, far away. Not even to the same places. After graduation tomorrow, I'd never see Sadie, or our friends ever again.
"Well what's your plan?" I asked, and Sadie took the swing next to me, sighing as she collapsed her legs. "They're gonna want some contact."
"You should let them. As for me, you know I want to start over, Xoe..."
I rolled my eyes. Sadie had this big plan for years now, even before I knew her. She just wanted out as bad as me, yet there was no turning back home, for anyone or anything. It hurt a bit, even though she and I were only friends for a short four years, while Sadie had friends for more than ten. We both knew they wouldn't take it well.
"Yeah, but it's gonna be hard all the way in Japan." I muttered, and Sadie gave me a sympathetic smile. "But it's probably smarter, you know, the whole second chance thing."
Sadie nodded, pulling out her phone. I snapped it shut.
"We should probably go back, they'll think we're plotting to destroy the school before graduation or something tomorrow." I laughed, and Sadie gave a fake laugh, pulling her phone out again. She began texting.
"I'm getting in my last texts in before tomorrow." She joked, and I rolled my eyes, walking back with everyone. Kara, Bliss and Haley were laying on the merry go round, pointing out shapes in the stars. I layed next to Kara, who I also met four years ago like Sadie.
"You guys are up to something." Kara joked, still staring up. I only laughed, because she was right. Beyond right. And I wouldn't be the one getting mad, but the one everyone getting mad at. I was always upset when friends called it quits, and it's exactly what I was doing now.
Suddenly Japan didn't seem so worthwhile.
Bliss was singing a once familiar song that I couldn't remember right then. Yeah, one of those.
"Xoe!" Haley jumped up, and grabbed my right wrist. I glanced up to see her tying a friendship bracelet on me, then Kara, and Bliss. Sadie was still on the swings. I smiled at Haley, holding a finger up before running to Sadie. I pushed her off the swing.
"Ouch Xoe! The fu-"
"Really Sadie, this is the last time you're gonna see everyone, and you choose to spend it over here. On a cold swing. Away from your friends. Alone." I stated as a matter of factly. She glanced away, and I pulled her up from the ground.
"You'll regret leaving." She mumbled, walking to the group. I huffed, standing by the swing.
"You'lI regret this more than me." I sighed, shaking my thoughts from my head and running over to everyone else. While we all layed there, Haley told us to all put our right hands in the middle of the merry go round.
"We all have to promise that no matter what, this friendship will stay the same as it is now." She said, almost crying. I sucked in my breath to hold back the tears; I was a sucker for this stuff.
"I promise." Bliss said.
"Same." Kara whispered.
"Promise!" Haley said with too much hope.
I didn't hesitate, just lied. "Me too." My left hand crossed its fingers. I elbowed Sadie, and she crossed her fingers too.
"Yeah, I promise."

"Congratulations Class of 2011!"
It was over.
Years of ups and downs, slacking off, working hard, blood sweat and tears, and everything in between was done. That was it. Life goes on.
"Xoe, we made it!" Kara tackled me in a hug, and I fell back on my car. I laughed.
"I can't believe it..." I was always in shock of something. "It went so fast."
"Way too fast. Hey, where's the rest of our crew?" Kara asked, and we both began spinning around the crowd to look for our friends. Bliss came running to us, holding her gown as she leaped over chairs. Sadie and Haley were right behind her. I didn't expect to see Sadie.
Bliss grabbed us in a hug, and Haley snuck in between to hug as well, while Sadie stood to the side. I escaped from the huge embrace, crossing my arms as Sadie just stood there, staring at the ground.
"Sadie. Can't you just try?"
She lifted her head up, still staring away from me. I heard her sniffle.
Sadie was crying.
Sadie barely cried.
"It's what I want, but what you said yesterday just stuck with me. It's gonna be tough without everyone." She quickly wiped her eyes, before anyone could notice. I hugged her, making me cry. It was finally hitting me. I'd be halfway around the world without everyone. Sadie was only moving a few states away.
Bliss, Kara and Haley were wrapped up in old memories.
"I'm going through with it..." Sadie said, and began to turn.
"Wait, Sadie, we should all just hang out one more time."
Sadie faced me, and laughed. "That was last night. This is the rest of my new life, Xoe. I've wanted this for years. I'm finally gonna get it."
And with that, she turned on her heel, jumped in her car, and left without explaniation to Kara, Bliss, and Haley.
That was the last we saw of Sadie.
♠ ♠ ♠
part one of two.

it's kinda all over the place.

opinions are wonderful <3