A Marionette's Love

Chapter 2

Unknown POV

I can't believe this! My parents were throwing me a stupid ball and I'm already 18 and my parents still keep me in a cage. I can never spread my wings and fly... That is, until I get a wife. I really am not liking the position I am in. I have to pick from 15 beautiful girls apparently. In my head, all I see is a bunch of sluts that will flirt with my butler. I mean the ball was in two days. Best prepare myself.....

Mary's POV

I looked at the devil with a confused look on my face. He chuckled and said, "Mary, you see the Prince of this kingdom is going to have a ball for his future wife."

"And what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"You are to be one of the Prince's choices as a wife. You are to win his heart. Then, when he proposes to you, you shall kill him. Understood?"

I nodded. "So how do I get invited to this ball?" I wondered.

"There will be a man dressed as a slave by the market. He shall beg for money. You are to give him money and be kind. He shall only invite kind woman. If he asks you what your name is, then we are all set!" he explained.

"Oh, and what makes you think I will kill him?" I questioned.

"I will give you, your freedom." he said.

I took the money and left without a second thought. I need my freedom. You see, when I sold my soul. I split it into a doll. The Devil cannot control my actions but he can hurt me by hurting the doll. I went to the market looking for a man dressed like a slave. He was begging, "Please, spare me money. I have a wife and a son that is dying. Please."

My heart swelled as I thought about my once dying brother. I came up to him, unlike everyone else and gave him $20. I whispered warmly, "I wish you good fortune upon your family."

The man looked at me. "Thank you kind lady. May I ask of your name?"

Yes! "My name is Mary Williams. I must go, good luck!" I hollered.

The next day, the letter arrived.
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