Wolve's Love

Call Me A Grave Digger

Robbie was sore and injured while walking back into school. He had Damien up on his shoulders, still knocked out from the devastating blow he had delivered. ‘He has some nice power for a mongrel, but I wont let him get away next time’ he thought to himself, making himself angrier and angrier as he got ever closer to the school. When he reached the school, he quickly put Damien down and sat him up next to a wall.

“Wake up, Buffoon” he screamed as he slapped Damien.

In the midst of shock, Damien jumped up in a wrath, looking around like he was ready to fight. “Where’d the cat go and what happened to that mutt?”

“The cat ran away and the dog and myself fought, but a slyer broke it up,” Robbie retorted.

Damien quickly looked down and shook his head. “That’s what happens when you play around Robbie.”

Robbie quickly put his hand to Damien’s shirt and pushed him against the wall. “And would you have liked to fight the dog? Probably not cause you where all so scared to kill a kitten. So don’t whine to me, I gave you all the choice to do it yourself and you refused.”

“ Put him down,” a voice from behind Robbie echoed. “I am not going to lie blame on one of you, but both of you. Can neither of you two follow instructions?”

As Robbie let Damien go, Damien quickly fell to his knees and started talking. “Sorry sir, but it was all the wolf’s fault. He came out of nowhere and defended the cat. We thought we had him but…”

“The wolf,” the man replied. “I believe I know this wolf if he was defending Jessica. He’s the same one who had the nerve to place his hands on me earlier.”

Robbie had heard enough of this at this point. “Evan, I honestly don’t know why we are doing this. The Lycans did us no harm and-”

Silence your voice!” Evan yelled, interrupting Robbie in the midst of his speech. “Do not question what I say. I have a reason behind everything I do and you must obey this. You owe me your life. Remember? Or did you forget what I have done for you.”

Robbie put his head down, gripping his fists in anger while he said, “Yes sir, I apologize for speaking out of line.” Having to say this almost killed Robbie inside, but he did not want to start trouble.

“Good. Then you haven’t forgotten your place completely,” Evan said with a very overpowering sound in his voice. “Class is about to begin. I must leave. Whether you guys go or not, I don’t care but get going and think about how you are going to fix this.”

Robbie, on his way to his third period English class, was thinking to himself ‘how did I ever get myself into this mess?’ He was suppose to be unstoppable, but in one move Evan had found a way to control his every move.

As he walked into his English class, there she sat, by herself, one seat before the back of the class. Nikita. Robbie made sure to sit behind her, not wanting to make it weird and sit right beside her. As soon as Robbie sat down, Nikita turned to him.

“Every year I see you all over the place and now we have three classes together. It is ironic how much I see you.”

Robbie smiled softly at this, knowing more then Nikita did. “Ironic…Yes, you can call it that.” As soon as he said that, he quickly tried to change the subject. “Anyways, how are you liking the school?”

“It is nice a lot better then I thought it would be. I was scared at first but now I feel it is great, “ Nikita said in a very cheerful voice.

“What’s there to be scared of? It’s not like not like the boogie man is here,” Robbie said while laughing.

“No, but there are some people here who could pass as the boogie man, if not definitely something hiding under my bed at night,” Nikita said.

“Well if you have problems with any of them, I’m not afraid to fight off the things that go bump in the night,” Robbie said with a confident smile.

As Robbie and Nikita continued their conversation, the teacher walked in. “Hello class, welcome to English. If you can speak it, then you can pass this. My name is Mr. Coombs.” The teacher then sat down and started calling names.

As Nikita turned around, Robbie just sat and stared at the back of her, thinking to himself ‘will I ever be able to tell her? If she only knew how much I feel for her. She is as pretty as a rose, skin so smooth, and long black beautiful hair.’ To Robbie, she was perfect. How Evan figured out the feelings he held for this girl, he will never know.

“Robbie!” the teacher yelled.

“Here sir,” Robbie quickly said. ‘Love is such a stupid emotion’ Robbie thought to himself. ‘But I can’t deny it’ he retorted to himself, almost talking to himself, making him feel a little insane. ‘This girl would fall desperately in love with me if she knew what I do for her, how I protect her. God damn Evan. One day he will get taken down a couple pegs and I can’t wait for that. I wonder if it will be this dog. It would be an ironic twist, even if he is a stupid bastard for sticking his nose in my business, but you never know.’

Just then, the teacher came by and put a sheet of paper in front of Robbie.

‘Shit. I wasn’t paying attention. Shit’ Robbie thought to himself.

Alex was sitting in his guitar class, just messing around on his guitar. To his luck, Jessica was in this class, and even more to his luck, Alicia was to. But she was across the room from him and sitting with Damien, who was also in the class. He thought now maybe he has no chance after the fight. Maybe she knew what happened and hates him now. Maybe he will never get a chance now. ‘Before I even got a chance, I screwed it up’ he thought to himself. ‘I am such a stupid fuck up. Why did I do that? I should have kept a low profile and…’

“You’re staring again Alex,” Jessica said, laughter in her voice.

“So I am,” Alex said, a little depressed.

“Why do you keep staring at her Alex?” Jessica said curiously. “Oh wait, I know,” she said, raising her voice a little. “Puppy love?”

“Shush. Don’t go letting the whole class know Jessica,” Alex quickly said.

“We are in a music class with guitars playing all around us. I can barely hear you and I am right next to you. Calm yourself,” Jessica said, a little more calming, but irritated at the same time.

“Yeah, I know. I am sorry. I just don’t know what to do after what I did out there,” Alex said, putting his head down.

“I told you so,” Jessica retorted. “ I told you saving me was a stupid idea, but you don’t listen to me.”

Alex looked up and smiled. “Wow, you are amazing.” Jessica had a look of confusion set on her face. “I still haven’t got a thank you and instead of any sort of gratitude, I have you saying I shouldn’t have saved your life. You are really stubborn, aren’t you?”

“Yes I am, thanks for noticing,” Jessica said with the hugest smile on her face.

“I can’t wait to get my hands on him,” Damien angrily said to Alicia. “I … we wouldn’t have had any problems with our job if it wasn’t for him.”

“You know, I still haven’t been told what your job was,” Alicia said, very worried.

Damien looked up at Alicia. “And I have been instructed not to tell you.”

Alicia just sighed. “You don’t need to sit here and protect me. I am not going to let what Jessica says get to me. I just want to go talk with her.”

“NO!” Damien said in a louder voice. “I can tell you my instructions for this one are to keep you safe, so that’s what I am doing.”

Alicia looked at him angrily. “You are a puppet, you know that?”

“And you’re whipped. So is there much you can say?” Damien said back.

“Really? Whipped!?” Alicia said. She was getting angry at this point. “How is this for whipped?” Alicia then got up and walked towards Jessica.

“Hey lover boy, here she comes,” Jessica said smiling.

“You really find this, funny don’t you?” Alex said, angered.

“It is fun to watch people squirm sometimes,” Jessica said in an suggestive tone.

“Well that sounds a little unfair, don’t you think Jessica?” Alicia was now standing behind Jessica, and made Jessica jump.

“Oh hi Alicia,” Jessica said with a strange tone to her voice. “Look. I am sorry about what I-“

“Don’t worry about it. Honestly, I am starting to believe you,” Alicia interrupted in the middle of her apology.

“Am I missing something here?” Alex quickly asked, the conversation caught his attention quickly.

“Lots my friend, lots,” Jessica shot back at him.

“Hey, you’re the guy from earlier,” Alicia said, putting two and two together. “I see your still a little messy.”

“Yeah. It isn’t the easiest thing to get out of a white shirt,” Alex said, smiling again.

“Well I believe you owe me a name now, cause I never got one,” Alicia retorted back in a bit of a demanding voice.

Alex gave a full smile at this showing his sharpened teeth and laughed. “You’re being pushy and demanding. That really doesn’t get you anywhere.”

“Oh, it can in the right situation,” Alicia shot back at him in a suggestive matter.

‘What’s with all the suggesting and no action’ Alex thought to himself. “I guess it has it’s advantages, but it won’t in this situation. We are in a classroom, not a bedroom.”

Alicia smiled at this and just tilted her head to the side and said a little childishly “Please?”

This made a smile appear on Alex’s face that he couldn’t control. “ It is Alex Lycos. Nice to have a proper introduction.”

“Yes, it is,” Alicia said while taking a seat.

“What song are you working on to play for sir?” Alicia asked Jessica with curiosity in her voice.

“Here Without You by 3 Doors Down and Escape From Here by Madina Lake,” Jessica said very confidently.

Alicia looked amazed. “Wow. That is great. Are you sure you can handle both?”

Jessica had a confident smirk on her face. “I am sure I can. I already know 3 Doors Down.”

“That’s awesome,” Alicia said with a huge smile on her face. “And what about you?” Alicia asked, looking at Alex.

“Oh, me…I’m just working on one of my personal favorites,” Alex said, looking down at the guitar. “Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park.”

“That’s an awesome song,” Alicia said.

“Yeah. I have listened to him play it 5 times now. He is no longer working. He has perfected it,” Jessica said while trying to tune her guitar so she could play the song properly.

“Well if you perfected it should get you a really good mark,” Alicia said.

“That’s what I am hoping for,” Alex said, looking down at his guitar, wondering what Alicia was thinking at the moment.

Just as he was thinking, Damien appeared over Alicia. “Okay, you have proved your point. You are going to get me in trouble Alicia.”

“Do you think I care Damien? Like I said, you are just a puppet. What your master does to your strings, I could care less, cause it won’t be hurting me,” Alicia said, crossing her arms.

“I swear to you I won’t, but I know someone who will,” Damien said, starting to raise his voice.

“I would like to see him try,” Alicia snapped back.

Alex was trying to hold himself back from a fourth fight today, but he couldn’t help himself. “You really have some nerve talking to a lady like that, you know,” Alex said while standing up.

“Stay out of this. It is none of your business, dog,” Damien said in a fit of rage.

“I am pretty sure after what you and your friend did, it is my business now,” Alex yelled back.

“What happened?” Alicia said curiously. “What does he mean? What happened Damien?”

Just then the bell rang for the end of class.

“Come on, let’s go,” Damien said as Alicia stood up and started walking.

Alicia turned back and said “I am sorry about him. I will see you two later,” and walked out of the room, leavening Alex wondering what just happened.

“Just digging your grave deeper and deeper, eh Alex?” Jessica asked as she put her guitar away.

Alex just smiled. “But I am pretty sure the grave digger digs graves for other people.”

“I guess that means ill fortune for everyone else,” Jessica said.

“You can just call me a grave digger,” Alex said confidently.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks go to Derrck and Jenyjen Jen for editing Thanks i love you you two
i may not update again till after April 18th cause of th play i am sorry people
longr then normal i worked a couplehours on this one
and the Gf isgoing to sart reading soon cross fingers she likes it thanks