
Several Things Sadie Wished She Didn't Know

Two weeks had come and gone quite quickly for Sadie. First off, she was introduced to all of her "teachers" as well as the other group. The other group was called "The goodies" by Emery and Brady, who also called their group "The Dreamers". Sadie now formally belonged to this group according to both Emery and Brady.

Also, she had cultivated several enemies including Tessa and Jaden both from "the goodies". Tessa's power was the ability to shock anyone she touched, paralyzing them in a matter of seconds. Tessa hated Sadie for the fact that Tessa was nothing compared to Sadie, she could even make a dent much less hurt Sadie. Sadie was invincible; Tessa was not. Therefore, Tessa hated Sadie to such the extent that she turned everyone remotely interested in being Sadie's friend against Sadie. Jaden just hated Sadie because she was the only one that could stop him. His power was super speed, and disliked the fact that all Sadie had to do was hold her hand out, and in an instant he would be permanently stopped for a short while.

Despite what her mother made it out to be, the place wasn't that bad even if it is called Dead-zone. For instance, they were allowed to do lots of things, just within the confinements of the building, and as long as there was an armed agent around. Sadie found that she could do her normal activities, just like she would have if she were at home, such as taking pictures. As a matter of fact, Sadie's new room was an exact replica of her old room only smaller with automatic doors that did not lock As a matter of fact, no doors locked here. Anyways, they even brought over some of her personal affects, the ones that her mother had picked out, and she was allowed access to use those items at any time she pleased without having to clear it with her officer.

However, there were some aspects that were horrible. The classes for one happened to be the worst. The classes consisted of combat, weaponry, agility, technology, and worst of all, history of the supers and the reason behind why they are considered criminals to society. Sadie's least favorite class was the history class mainly because it consisted of a nonstop tirade on each and every super in the class. It was full of degrading speeches about "supers"; however, it seemed that the teacher liked "the goodies" better, so he directed most of his attention on Sadie and the rest of the crew for the focus of his insults. But as of late, Sadie seemed to be the target of every ruthless insult, and now was no different.

"Sadie, do you know why you are here?" the teacher asked sneering.

Sadie could never remember his name, it being some Russian name that was hard to pronounce, so like Brady, she called him Teach. Teach was a stout man with little to no hair at all. Sadie had a hard time deciding on whether or not Teach was bald, but eventually concluded that his hair was too thin to see. "Yes, Teach." Sadie grumbled, lifting her head off the desk. She was in no mood to deal with his insults today as a result of lack of sleep from the previous night. "It was Gavin the Super-powerful paved the way for all supers, pegging them with the connotation that all supers are naturally evil. Therefore, I am here due to his actions against the human race." she concluded before lying her head back down on the steel desk bolted to the floor.

"I am not done yet, Ms. Know-it-all." Teach snapped back.

Groaning, Sadie lifted her head from the desk, looking at Teach through sleepy eyes. "Please continue, Teach."

Teach grinned, knowing the supreme power he had over everyone in the class. He considered every one of the so called students to be inferior as they all were coherently evil by birth and he was not. "As I was saying," he started again, his voice snotty, "Sadie is incorrect for the most part. She is right about how it was because of Gavin the Super-powerful that you all are here, but it is also due to the fact that she and her cowardice brother are the last living descendents of Gavin the Supernatural

"We all know that Gavin had almost every super-power known to man, except for the two that powers that ultimately lead to his downfall. Those powers are the same powers in which Sadie possesses. On the other hand, her brother, Darrel, possesses the two most powerful powers of Gavin, telekinesis, and the same power of his father, the ability to find weakness in his opponents.

"Now, back to Sadie. As you all know, one of her powers is the ability to create invisible force fields. However what you do not know is her other power. Her other power is being what we call a Pyro. A Pyro is a person that has the ability to control the mythical creature's fire. This mythical creature was once in existence thousands of years ago, but died off for unknown reasons. It is a Dragon I am speaking about." He paused, allowing everyone in the class to look at Sadie, before continuing. "But it's not just fire. It's also ice, and water that she can control, though those are much harder to control that the fire is and she probably will never be strong enough to use them. She has already used this fire power once on my dear friend Bart Jones, as you surely have heard."

Sadie stared at Teach wide eyed. She had not known this information. She couldn't believe the fact that she was the last descendent of Gavin the Supernatural, and that knowing that if Darrel went all super evil like Gavin, she would be the only one able to stop him. She knew that if it came down to that, she would have to kill him. Why the government wanted them so much finally became clear to Sadie but this did not deter her hatred for it. It only strengthened it. She thought that by considering all supers to be naturally evil, they were condemning themselves for the hatred of "supers", thus making the "supers" evil in a way as to protect themselves from those who were not "supers"

However, as soon as Sadie caught the gleam in Teach's eyes, she inwardly groaned. 'Let the insults begin.'

"So therefore, Sadie is the most evil of us all here. She is, in fact, the reason why you all are here. The government couldn't take any chances knowing that there were two living descendents of Gavin alive. So we started the program up again, capturing and locking up all supers."

It wasn’t hard to tell that she was embarrassed. Even Brady didn’t have to read her mind to know that, it was just common knowledge at this point. But you would think that after a while of this kind of thing she would have gotten used to it by now.

"See, I told you she was evil." Tessa remarked to her little group of clones. They all nodded, giggling along with Tessa as they saw the hurt in Sadie's eyes.

However, not everyone thought the same. Jase, for example, was purely disgusted by everyone who thought making fun of others was something that was enjoyable. He could see the shock and pain in Sadie's eyes and it felt like someone was stabbing him over and over again. He didn’t quite understand this feeling, but he knew he had to do something about it. "Well, at least Sadie is her own person and not some clone crafted from some evil organization or some idiotic bimbo."

Everything went silent. Both Tessa and Teach stared wide eyed at the massive boy, who had now stood up, taking Sadie with him as he walked to the door.

"You two stay right here!" Teach shouted, regaining his voice as Jase's hand touched the doorknob. "Don’t you dare leave or else."

It wasn’t an empty threat (whatever the else meant), Jase knew that much, but with Sadie on his side, he knew that every threat was pretty much useless. "Or else what? You'll dilate those fat, ugly eyeballs of yours and x-ray us to death, Teach?" Jase countered, smirking. "Hate to break it to you, but Sadie's pretty much untouchable. Nothing you could threaten to do to her or anyone else for that matter is futile.

"Not to mention, her being one of the last descendents of Gavin and his twin entitles her to right to maintain order between all supers. Technically, everyone must obey her every order. She has an entire army of supers at her disposal."

Sadie stood motionless at Jase's words. She had no clue that she was basically like a queen over and entire mass of people. It was just another thing she wished she didn’t know. She just wanted to be plain old Sadie again, the Sadie that could wander outside in the dense underbrush of the forest for hours at time, with no care in the world.
She yearned for that freedom again, but had no clue as to how to reach it.


Sadie watched silently from her spot in the dark room of the combat class. As of right now, Emery and Jase were sparring, and getting really into it. She had yet to forget about today's events, and would probably never forget them either, especially what Jase did. Timidly, she had tried several times to find a way to thank him, but every time she opened her mouth to speak, nothing came out. Jase would just chuckle at her and ruffle her hair before going back to whatever he was before Sadie interrupted him.

"Alright!" the combat teacher, Ms. Glenbrook shouted, causing both boys to come to a halt. "Next up, Sadie and Jaden."

Ms. Glenbrook was a okay teacher, but tough. She expected that everyone get something the first time she explained it, and did not approve of anyone who asked for her to repeat something. Thankfully, Sadie didn’t need much for the combat part. She could rely solely upon her shield to protect her.

Jaden jumped up at the sound of his voice being called and got into a ready position. "Come on Sadie," Jase taunted circle around her as she made her way over to the mat. "Afraid?"

She looked up at him, her eyes locking onto his form. "Nope." she smiled causing Jaden to falter for a moment.

"Well, you should be!" he had started running around her in a circle, blocking any means of escape. "This will be over before you know it. So, don’t worry your pretty little head, I won't hurt you too badly."

"I liked to see you try." Sadie replied raising her arms and closing her eyes.

She could picture the big elastic band that surrounded her in her head. She formed it into a small ring, having it spin around her at the same speed Jaden was running at. She moved her arms to either side, still holding them out. Her hands remained still for a moment before she flicked her wrists. A shockwave emitted from each palm sending Jaden flying back into a wall as the shockwave passed straight through everyone else. Jaden hit the padded wall with a loud thud, and he slithered to the ground groaning heap.

Sadie shook her head, turning on her heel, walking back over to her seat in the corner. Sometimes, I wish I didn’t know the things that I know. That move is one of them.