To My Favourite Liar.


I liked the quiet, the solace. I could think in peace, only a faint buzz of wildlife in the wood to accompany my thudding shoes on the track. I suddenly realized it was dark, I almost tripped when I hit a stray root even though I mostly kept my head down, watching my shoes take me along the well-known path, not noticing the light, or lack of light, straying through the leaves above.

Much darker than usual, even for the wood. I must have been delayed somehow, not realizing the time. I listened for any sounds that might prove me wrong about how late it was. Children's voices, people talking, a second set of footsteps. Second set of footsteps. I'm not sure that's what I wanted to hear.

I couldn't understand why this was running through my head when I should be leaving. I was suddenly aware of the sounds around me as I entered through the opening in the trees. Twigs snapping. Leaves brushing against each other. Footsteps. Were they my own? I couldn't tell if it was the echoes bouncing around, or small animals rustling. Or something else, which I refused to think about any longer.

I picked up my pace, not wandering so much anymore. It's my imagination. No one else is here. That's what was frightening me. I quickened my steps even more, my fast walk turning into a half jog. I was so worried about falling over I could almost feel myself stumbling. The wind changed to whispers, harshly criticizing me in a language I couldn't understand. I sped up again.

I swear I could hear something behind me, I knew it was reaching for me. It was touching my shoulder. I whacked into something. Something soft and warm, but stable. It grabbed for me too, and I screamed.

'Hey. It's okay, it's okay,' a husky voice soothed. The grabbing hands morphed into gentle ones, rubbing circles into my back.

For all my worry, I couldn't seem to run from this person. Why wasn't I screaming anymore, why did that voice relax me so suddenly?

I took a breath, pulling my head away from his chest. I refused to acknowledge the fact that I didn't want to do that. The smell was unbelievably enticing. You could tell it was a natural scent, a heady, warm smell.

'Are you okay? What happened?' The voice was more urgent now, the liquid honey eyes lifting from my face, scanning the area behind me.

'Yeah, I just- Um...' I breathed, feeling the cold against my skin as he released me. I turned my head back to look too. Seeing the wood empty made it appear less menacing, almost friendly again. I turned my gaze to my savior, realising now he wasn't saving me from anything at all.

Just my own mind.

'Why were you running? Are you sure there's nothing wrong?' His voice had a tone of worry as he studied my expression.

I could practically feel my jaw drop, blushing at my own stupidity. He was gorgeous.

His pale skin had an olive texture to it, a clear cream. His warm, honey eyes, set over high cheekbones, were wide, checking my arms carefully for bruises, cuts, any signs I might have been harmed. His nose ran smoothly down his face, leading my eyes directly to his mouth. Two full, but masculine, thin curves, his jaw set. He was still frowning.

His eyes dropped to meet mine, and his frown dissolved.

'S-sorry,' I stuttered, 'I was just... It's late, and… It was, um, nothing-'

'It's fine,' he assured me, smiling for the first time. If he hadn't still been holding my wrists I would have fallen backwards. Or on top of him. By accident, of course. 'Do you want me to walk you home?' he asked.

'No, it's fine, I'm not too far away.' I just want to get out of this embarrassing situation.

'Sorry, let me rephrase that. I'm walking you home whether you like it or not, girl who just came out of the wood screaming at ten o'clock in the night. How does that sound?' His grin turned crooked. I melted.

'Okay.' I wasn't sure if I said that out loud.

He began walking, and I stared after him in a daze.

'You were running this way,' he called back to me, confused as to why I wasn't following him. 'Do you live in a different direction?'

I blushed again. He took it as a no and waited for me to catch up. As we entered the wood he started up a conversation. To distract me, I suppose.

'I'm Pete, by the way.'

I was silent.

'And you are...?'

'Molly.' I stuttered again. I never stutter.

'And how old are you, Molly?' he asked politely. I guessed he was nineteen.

'Eighteen,' I lied quickly. If I told him how young I really was he'd treat me as a child. Sixteen was no age to brag about, but I couldn't pass for nineteen either. I could barely pass for seventeen.

He just smiled. I couldn't tell whether he believed me or not.

'And you?' I asked bravely. My breath was shaky, but not because I was afraid. I felt oddly safe around him.

'Twenty-two,' he replied smoothly, smirking at me now. So that's why he was smiling. I hope.

We were out of the woods now, into the park. I didn't want to go home, knowing I'd probably never see him again. And if I did he wouldn't remember me.

'Oh.' I wasn't meant to say that.

'Embarrassed to be seen with an old dude?'

I laughed. Yeah, I was embarrassed. 'No, of course not. Twenty-two isn't old!'

'So says you.'

I smiled at him, he nudged me.

A shiver shot up my spine again, like electricity. Stupid crush.

'You cold?' he asked, really gentleman-like. Of course, he had to be gorgeous and kind.

'No,' I replied honestly.

He put his arm around my shoulder anyway.

'This is my house,' I sighed, looking around the familiar road. Goodbye, beautiful.

'Yeah... Hey, Molly,' he called as I walked towards my porch.


'Do you... Do you wanna go see a movie or something? You know, I feel kinda bad about scaring you in the park.'

Even I could tell that was an excuse.


'Maybe tomorrow? At eightish?'

So soon. Was he kidding me?

'Yeah!' I didn't mean to answer so quickly. 'Um, I think I'm free,' I added, attempting cool. I failed.

He smiled that crooked smile again. I melted. Again.

I stayed awake that night, thinking about him. I just let him walk me home. He could have been more dangerous than what I was running from. I found out my conscience didn't really care.

Apparently, my mind reasoned if he had of killed me it would have been worth it anyway.
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Chyeahhh, another Pete Wentz story.