To My Favourite Liar.


The next day dragged, I was fidgeting in anticipation.

I just lounged around, waiting for the evening. I remembered I wouldn't be taking my usual walk.

At seven I decided what to wear, procrastinating about that, as usual. I didn't look good in anything.

I eventually decided on some baggy jeans, a hoodie and my converse. Forget all that skirts and heels shit. I reminded myself that this wasn't a date. He just wanted to talk, see a movie. I can't believe I lied to him. I feel bad about that. But I suppose he'll tire of me soon.

I agreed to meet him at the cinema, telling my parents I was going out with some girl I know from school, Anna. At least, I think I know a girl called Anna.

'Bye, Mom! I'll be back late, don't wait up!'

'Eleven!' I heard her shout from the kitchen. I pretended not to hear.

When I got to the theatre I could spot him immediately. His face stood out amongst the crowd. Key word; crowd. He had two boys standing beside him. My heart dropped, even though I should have known better.

I walked over and realised there was another two girls, laughing with them, hidden by the mix of people scattered in the lobby.

Pete's eyes scanned the place, as if he had been looking all the time.

They connected with mine and he nodded slightly, smiling broadly. I returned the smile as I walked towards him.

'Guys, this is Molly,' Pete told them, almost proudly.

The girls smiled at me, the boys looked me up and down, smirking and punching Pete at the same time. I was glad I couldn't hear what they were saying. Obviously I had been spoken about previously.

'Molly, this is Patrick,' - a boy with a cap waved - 'Joe,' - the second boy with the afro lifted his head in acknowledgment - 'Layla,' - a girl with deep purple hair smiled broadly at me - 'and Suze,' - the last girl with soft natural brown hair gave me a warm smile, waving too.

Once introductions were made they went back to talking about what movie to see. I stood beside Pete, keeping quiet until they were more comfortable with me. And I was more relaxed with them.

I quickly caught on that Patrick was dating Susan, and Layla was dating Joe. They stood beside them, Susan always looking to Patrick for opinions, Joe looking to Layla. Layla had a strong personality, she matched her hair colour. Susan was soft, like her hair, her voice shy and quiet.

I looked around and noticed that passing girls I've seen in school were staring at me and him. Almost enviously, I thought. But maybe I was imagining things.

I glanced back up at his face and he was looking at me too. He smiled, putting an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close, a friendly hug. But to others, I realized, it looks like boyfriend and girlfriend. Standing next to him, just like Susan and Joe.

I couldn't resist how nice that felt, even though I knew he didn't think of it as nice - not the way I did.

They eventually decided on something I didn't quite catch, but I heard someone mention something about a comedy in the queue. I realized I should start paying more attention to them, and less time studying his gorgeous face.

'- And he turned to them like, 'that's what she said'. It was like, oh snap,' Layla finished.

Everyone laughed, I was sorry I didn't catch the start.

'So Molly, how did you meet Pete anyway?' Joe asked boldly. By the way he asked, I realized he already knew.

I opened my mouth, but Pete butted in. 'Joe, keep it shut.'

'I'm just saying, you met her yesterday and already he's bang-'

'Joe!' Layla shouted, nudging him so hard with her elbow he almost fell over. I blushed profusely.

'Ass,' Pete muttered under his breath.

Joe smirked at me, winking. I sent him back one raised eyebrow, accompanied with a nervous smile.

When we eventually made our way into the theatre we had three large popcorns, six sodas, a lifetime supply of peanuts and about ten hotdogs. I don't know where it all came from, but I wasn't going to refuse it. Pete had insisted on paying my ticket, too.

The movie was a comedy, as I expected, although I didn't know what it was called, I wasn't watching the screen. I was still trying to glance at Pete in what little light shone on his face.

I was at the end of the six, Pete on my right, and as far as I could tell, Joe was on the aisle seat. Nobody wanted to sit beside him. Except Layla, of course. Patrick and Susan were adorable, I could see them holding hands. Layla and Joe were less adorable; I could hear wet kissing coming from their side.

Pete looked at me after a while, and I blushed at being caught, hoping it was too dark to see the red on my cheeks.

They laughed about the movie after it was over, and again I was sorry I didn't watch it.

'So like, The Pizza Place?'


'Molly, you okay with that?'

'Sure,' I smiled, unable to contain myself, 'sounds great.'

'Three larges, please. One with corn and meat, one with anchovies and onions and one vegetarian.'

'I'll be right back,' replied our waitress, winking at Pete over her shoulder as walked away slowly. Her gently rolling black hair made me jealous, my own flat blonde layers feeling heavy with the thought.

'Whoa, check out the talent! She's got it bad for you, Wentz,' Joe laughed, but this time Layla didn't hit him. I really wish she would have.

'Joe! Shut the hell up!' I think everyone in the entire pizzeria turned to stare at Susan when she spoke.

'Susan?' Patrick asked warily, eyeing her slowly.

She blushed quickly, red creeping up her neck to colour her face. 'Sorry. I, uh, just, Molly is right there...'

It was my turn to blush. 'Um, me and Pete aren't-'

'No, that was way out of line, Molly. Sorry, I didn't think.'

My face was burning. 'No, seriously we-'

'Wow, Suze. That was something. Didn't know you had it in you,' Layla laughed, slapping her on the arm.

Susan blushed again, smiling shyly. 'Sorry Joe.'

They fell back into gentle conversation, and I realized Pete hadn't said anything. I felt like it was my fault somehow, that must have been so embarrassing for him. Glancing to my left as subtly as I could manage - not subtly at all - I checked his expression. It was casual; he was paying attention to whatever Patrick was talking about.

He suddenly looked down at me, and I felt really young. Like I shouldn't even be allowed to feel jealous of that pretty waitress, because there is no reason for me to even want his attention. Because I am sixteen and he is twenty-two. And this is wrong. I mean, it would be wrong.

Oh shit, he's looking at me again.