To My Favourite Liar.


'Well, I was thinking that me, you and Suze have a girls' night!'

'Um, what?'

We were just hanging around the beach, sitting on the wall overlooking the whole bay. The guys were having a talk about something only guys could understand. We decided to start our own conversation.

Layla's smile was huge with anticipation; Susan's was gentle with excitement.

'That's what girls do! Come on, it'll be fun! We can talk about make-up, and hairstyles, and the guys!' She tugged on my arm and sent her best puppy dog eyes.

'Aren't we a little old for that?' I found out Layla and Susan were both twenty-one, and I still had to keep up my eighteen charade. My mom thought I was hanging out with girls from my school, delighted I had some new friends.

'No!' Layla protested. 'This'll be a great chance for us to get to know you!'

'And vice versa,' Susan interjected.

They looked so hopeful, I couldn't really say no. 'Sure. Why not?'

This turned out to be the biggest mistake I had made yet.

Layla squealed when she answered the door, seeing me carrying a bag of nightclothes and my sleeping bag. 'Great! Susan is already here, you can go right in.'

I walked towards the door she pointed at, marveling at her apartment.

'Hey, Molly.' Susan waved at me from the floor, the couch pushed to the side to make room for a mass of pillows and blankets spread out on the carpet.

'Aren't you guys excited? I ordered a pizza, it should be here any minute.' Layla was as enthusiastic as ever, falling down on top of the blankets. I sat down tentatively beside her. 'So, Molly. We want to know everything about you!'

I laughed nervously. 'Um, like what?'

She rolled her eyes. 'Well, let's start off at the beginning. Where do you live?'

Oh, God. What do I say? I can't say I'm in college... 'I, uh, still live with my parents. I'm repeating my last year of high school.'

'That's cool.' She sighed dramatically. 'Okay, I can't hold it in any longer. You and Pete. Spill!' Her eyes were wide with expectation. Susan looked shocked.

'What would you like to know?'

'Tell me how you met! He never gives the full story.'

'Well, I was taking a walk, and I- I guess I was frightened... I kinda of ran into him by accident. And he offered to walk me home. We agreed to meet up for the movie and that was it.'

'That is so sweet! Like he rescued you...' Susan sighed contently.

'He told us you just ran into each other in the park and he didn't want you to walk alone.'

'Oh.' That was quite a bit of editing.

'And? What's happening with the two of you now?'

'I don't know what you mean...'

'Oh, come on! Why aren't you two dating? He obviously likes you. And you like him, right?'

You have no idea. 'No...'

Even Susan looked skeptical. 'We're your friends, Molly,' Susan soothed. 'We won't say anything.'

I hesitated. 'Molly!'

'Well. Kind of.'

I cringed as Layla's expected outburst reached my ears. 'Omygod, SO cute! He likes you, you know.'

'How... How do you know?' If I was pouring out my secrets I might as well get something back.

'Patrick said he definitely likes you, you're all he talks about,' Susan smiled.

We were suddenly interrupted by the doorbell. 'Pizza!' Layla shouted, rising from her seat and heading towards the hall.

Susan smiled at me sympathetically. 'You know, it took me and Patrick several months to get together, we were both so shy. But we're really happy now.' I smiled back at her.

'Layla's taking an awful long time.'

'Do you hear voices?'

'Knowing Layla, she's probably flirting with the delivery boy.' Susan rolled her eyes while I thought about her and Joe's relationship.

'Hello, party people!' Joe shouted as he entered the living room. He and Layla were perfect for each other. 'Who ordered pizza?'

'Oh, dear Lord...' Susan dropped her head to her hands, looking back up at the sound of Patrick's voice.

'Hey,' he smiled as he walked in, sitting down beside her.

'Hey...' she replied, smiling back at him.

'Mind if we join you?' He slid an arm around her shoulder.

She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.

There were so adorable. I wanted that.

I looked up to see Pete and Layla walk through the door, laughing about something I hadn't heard. I couldn't stop thinking about how angry my parents would be if they knew about this. They thought I was still hanging out with Anna. Whoever the hell that is.

'Hey, Molz,' Pete grinned as he dropped next to me.

'Boys at a slumber party. What would my father say?' I asked in mock horror.

'I'd just tell him of my good intentions,' he replied, head high. He looked back down at me, and I smiled up at him. Maybe he did like me. I thought hard about my age, and his. I'm pretty sure that could be counted as pedophilia.

'Why are you guys here, anyway? Not that I'm complaining,' Susan added, fluttering her lashes at Patrick.

'The guys generously offered to pick up the pizza. Isn't that sweet?' Layla asked as she leant into Joe.

'Extremely,' I agreed, noticing we were arranged in a triangle, two people making up each side. Me and Pete were sitting together.

'I'm gonna go get glasses. The kitchen's through here, right?' I directed my question at Layla, but Susan nodded at me. Layla was occupied.

'I'll help.' Pete smiled at me, shrugging innocently when I turned to question him.

'I'm not that weak,' I replied, defiant. He laughed under his breath.

I wandered in, coming to a complete stop at the presses. 'Um, a little help?'

He smirked, opening up a door on my left. As I reached up he did too, with much less effort. Our hands touched and I felt electrocuted. My hand froze, and so did his.

'Uh, I'll go get the drinks...' he muttered, retracting his arm as he reached for the fridge.

'Sure,' I replied nonchalantly. In my head I was thinking about what it would be like to kiss him, and how is body would feel against mine.

And how if my mom knew I was drinking I would be SO grounded.