To My Favourite Liar.


'Joe! I can't believe you're being so uptight about this!'

We were back in the Pizza Place, and Joe and Layla were having an argument. The atmosphere was so tense we couldn't even start a side conversation to distract ourselves.

'Layla, I saw you. You were flirting with him blatantly, and this isn't the first time!' In the all the time I've known him I have never seen Joe angry, but he seemed really upset about this.

'I am not having this conversation in public,' Layla hissed. 'Don't call me.' She darted from the table, tears streaming down her face as she ran.

I wasn't sure if it was my place to follow her, but Susan nodded. 'Let's go.' I glanced back as the guys pushed Joe towards the exit, patting his back.

'Layla?' Susan called as we reached the car park. We heard soft crying echoing around the cars, bouncing off the low ceiling. 'Come on, let's go home.'

The ride home was filled with Susan's comforting words, while I drove Layla's car back to her house. I felt so bad for her, but I didn't know how to act in this situation.

'I just. I can't believe he'd blow this so out of proportion! I mean, it's not just this, you know? It's everything!' She dropped her head back into her hands; soft sobs erupting from her chest.

'I know, I know,' Susan soothed. 'Maybe it's better if you take a break. I mean, you have been together a long time. Just play the field a little.'

I murmured agreements, not wanting to offer unwanted advice.


'That's more like it. See, dry those tears. It's just a stage, Lay. Or maybe it's not; don't get hung up on it. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be, you know?' Susan helped dab Layla's cheeks as she reigned in her tears.

'I'm okay, I'm okay. I think I just need a little time. It's late, Molly, why don't you go home. I'll be fine,' Layla sighed.

'Are you sure?'

'Yeah, really. I'm fine.' She made an attempt at smiling, but I could tell she was waiting until I left to cry.

As I expected I didn't hear from anyone for over two whole weeks. It seemed like so long after spending almost everyday together, but I didn't want to interrupt anything, so I kept quiet.

Eventually I received a text. From Pete, as expected. Hey, meet me at the fountain.

I left a note for my parents and walked the five minute walk to the mall, Pete was already sitting at the water when I arrived.



'Sorry it's been so long.' He ran a hand through his hair, looking down.

'That's okay, it's understandable, with the way things are-'

'You mean the way things were.'


'Joe and Layla, they broke up. Joe's taking it really hard, he doesn't want to see anyone at the moment,' Pete sighed. 'Everyone's coming to my place tomorrow night, you should come. Joe's not coming, but Layla is. We're going to watch movies, it'll be fun,' he made an attempt at smiling, so I gave him one back.

'Sure. I hope they sort it out soon. Or at least gain the ability to stay in the same room together,' I sighed, sitting down beside him on the hard white marble.

'I hope so, too. They're two of my best friends, you know? It's like, I don't want to choose.' He just stared up at the desecrated wall as he spoke.

'I don't think they'll make you take sides.'

'It's just... It's really bad when friends fight. That's why I'm so glad Suze and Patrick are so close. I couldn't deal with losing either of them.'

'Hey, it's okay,' I soothed, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. 'They're not going anywhere.'

'You know I count you in there too, right?' he replied, poking my shoulder.

'Thanks, Pete. Me too,' I smiled.

Then it was quiet as I tried to imagine what it would have been like if I had never ran late that day in the park and gotten scared. Pete and I would have never met. My life would have stayed the same non-social routine circle. I wouldn't have made all the new friends I have now, more than I've ever had. My life would have been boring, that's for sure.

And if we hadn't met him... I would miss him. He was funny, kind, could be witty at times. I looked back up to his face, and yeah - I would definitely miss that. I would miss his warm, soft eyes, and that strange twist that ranged them from a deep honey to chocolate in different lights. Right now they were dirt brown, flecks of gold and green decorating them.

'Hey,' he whispered. I didn't realise he was so close until I felt his warm breath hit my face, shocking me out of thought.

'Hey,' I breathed, instinctively leaning towards the heat. I could almost feel his mouth on mine, ghosting over my lips. I reached for him, but he pulled back. And then suddenly his lips caught mine, and for several blissful seconds his mouth had mine. He retreated once again and I gasped for air, in complete shock.

'Oh, God. Oh, Molly, no... That was wrong. That really, really wrong,' he muttered, wiping over his face with his hand.

I just sat there, in a daze. He had just kissed me. Pete had kissed me.

'I promised myself I wouldn't do this...' He sighed. 'Molly,' he suddenly barked.

'... Um, yeah?' I was still recovering.

'That. That was a mistake.'

'Wh-What?' My voice cracked as I spoke. 'A... mistake?'

'No...' His voice softened. 'You're a teenager, and I'm in my twenties! I just... I couldn't do this knowing that.'

I would have laughed at the irony, if it wasn't so unfunny. If only he knew the real distance.

'Molly, I like you. And, from that kiss, you know I obviously have feelings for you. But. The age gap. It's too much. You should date guys your own age.'

'But what if I want to date you?' I whispered.

'You don't know what you want yet, Molz. Just give it some time,' he told me, patting my shoulder. 'See you tomorrow,' he called over his shoulder. 'Be there.'

I reached up to touch my bottom lip with my index finger, pressing on the wet surface. If I had never ran late, and never been scared, and never ran into Pete... That wouldn't have been my first kiss.

And I wouldn't have traded that for anything, despite the sinking feeling in my heart.