Life unwanted

Where am I?

I stayed silent as I moved my way around the dark room. I slowly stood up, barely able to stand up straight. I heard the men start to discuss something.

“Where is the money?” the tall one asked.

“I don’t know. The house has been checked, and the banks are all empty.” Said the fat one.

“How can that be? They are supposed to be rich.”

As I started to move, I had stepped on a squeaky floor board. I stopped suddenly, hoping that the two men had not heard. I glanced over toward the crack and didn’t seem to see them. Then, all of a sudden, a door swung open. I fell to the dirty ground and could barely breathe. The light shown through into the small room. I could faintly see the room. I noticed that the room was much bigger then I had thought. The room was almost completely empty except for a small wooden chair and a wooden box.

The men stood in the doorway as I sat in fear. I felt as if there was a dramatic pause before they began to talk.

“You there. Stand up! Get over here immediately.” The short fat man had shouted at me, and I became very unaware of what was going on.

I stood up and clumsily walked over to the men in the doorway. I stood in front of them while the tall man turned on a small light. I was shaking and sweating. I stuttered as I started to speak.

“umm, excuse me”, I said nervously, “Who are you two? Why did you kill my parents? Why did you take me here and what are you up to?”

I stood, waiting for them to answer my question. The men looked at each other and started to smirk.

“Well Joe, should we tell her?” the fat one said to the thin one.

“Why should we, Frank? She’ll be dead soon anyway.” Joe said to the fat one.

I had heard what Joe said about my death, but didn’t really think of it. I wasn’t going to let myself die, so I focused on getting as much information as I can. I didn’t know much, except that the fat one’s name was Frank and the thin one’s name was Joe. I still stared at them in silence, hoping for them to say something else. I examined the men. I took note of their features. Like I said before, Joe was tall and thin. He had dark locks of hair and a thick layer of stubble on his face, like he hadn’t shaved in a couple days. His eyes were dark, they were very intense. Frank was the short and fat one. He looked about five foot four and probably weighed about three hundred pounds. He had light blond wavy hair that slightly covered one of his eyes. His eyes were also very dark, though as I looked closer I noticed something different about the one that was hidden. His hidden eye was very lightly colored, I would have guessed he was blind in that eye.
I looked past Joe and Frank into the room behind them. I couldn’t see much, but I noticed many guns and knives. I shivered as I looked throughout the room at hundreds of weapons. I looked back at the men and they were looking back at me.

“ Do you have a bathroom I can use?” I asked curiously.

“Well if you really have to use it, I guess I will show you where it is.” Joe had said to me.

We left the room, I was following Joe and Frank was right behind me. As we left I tried to find as much as I can. I looked around, I saw my parents on the table, and the weapons on the wall. We went into a big room, that’s where my parents were. Then we walked into a medium sized room. This room was completely white. There wasn’t much in this room. There was a table in the middle and a couple chairs. I also saw a book in the corner on a small end table. It had many loose papers in it. I didn’t look like a normal book, it looked like a collections of papers shoved into binding. I became curious. We finally arrived at the bathroom, with Frank still directly behind me.

“Go right in here. Don’t do anything else but your… business.” Joe said to me.

I walked it the bathroom door, giggling at what Joe said. I thought it was funny, though no one else seemed to. The bathroom was probably the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. The floor was tiled, but covered in dirt. The toilet seat was partially broken and the sink was on the floor. The toilet flushed, but the seat was covered in dirt and hanging off its hinges. Obviously I tried not to sit on that toilet as I “did my business”. When I was finished I opened the door slowly. Joe and Frank were sitting across the room. They didn’t hear me as I opened the door.

I slid through the cracked open door and silently sped away. I moved through the room where my parents were and then went up some stairs nearby. I kept running through the broken down building until I found a closet. I sat inside the closet surprised to find a small door in the back. I squeezed through the small trap door and stayed silent. I heard nothing. I sat there thinking to myself as I started to tear up. I knew that my life could be over soon, but didn’t want it to end like this. I now knew that I had no parents, no protection, and only myself to keep me alive.