All I'm Dreaming Of

What's So Important About Gabe?




Groggily, I opened one eye and looked at my cell phone. The large screen on my Voyager read 3 New Texts: Emily under a large yellow envelope.

I reached for my phone and touched the screen with my thumb, opening the three texts.

Oh my God! 10:32am.

Hey get up! 10:32am.

Lisa wake up! 10:33am.

Yes Emily? I texted. I woke up to about the same thing every morning - Emily texting me with some new gossip. Rolling over, I looked at my ceiling that was covered with those glow-in-the-dark stars. They looked so pasty and old now that sunlight was filtering through my dark purple curtains.

You will not believe what I just found out! 10:34am.

You're right, I probably won't. Well... what's the news? 10:35am.

My eyes wandered around the walls of my sky-blue room and met with the paper eyes of every single Johnny Depp poster. Seven, to be exact. He is so hot.

Gabe Kellerman is moving to Cloverdale!!!!! 10:35am.

...and how is that so important that you have to wake me up at the crack of dawn? 10:36am.

Gabe Kellerman... Gabe Kellerman... where have I heard that name before? I thought.

He is like THE hottest hockey player. Ever. He used to go to Bellport, but I guess they moved. Anyways, he is TOTALLY drool-worthy! 10:37am.

Sure, if you say so. 10:37am.

Ah, hockey. The best sport in the world. I sat up and reached for my Mac Book Air that was in the shelf in my nightstand. I waited as it warmed up and logged in.

Opening up Internet Explorer, I typed in Bellport High School Hockey in Google. Instantly, the hockey roster appeared on my screen with the player's names, numbers, positions and grades.

I clicked on Gabe Kellerman's name and watched as his team picture appeared on the screen followed by his information from last hockey season.

Number: 4
Year: Junior
Birth Year: 1992
Position: Defense
Height: 6'0
Weight: 180
Varsity Years 4

Something stirred in the back of my mind as I looked at his photo again. His face wasn't familiar, why would it be if they wear helmets?

Our hockey team is going to be so good this year. Hmm we'll be seeing him soon, school starts in two days! 10:40am.

Ugh why did you remind me?! Are you coming over later? 10:41am.

Yeah, hang on, I'll be there in half an hour. See you! 10:42am.

Bye. 10:42am.

I quickly signed on AIM and updated my away message to 'with Emily naturally' and put my laptop back on the shelf.

Sliding out of bed, I selected a wife beater-style tank and jean shorts from my closet. It was going to be a hot day.

I showered and changed, applying eyeliner and mascara. For a polished touch, I smeared on some pink lip gloss. My hair was hanging down my back in damp, thick pieces. It was going to poof up later tonight because of the humidity. Great.

"I'm Home!" Emily yelled from downstairs.

Moving fast, I grabbed my large sunglasses and purse from my dresser and slid my feet into canvas flip flops from American Eagle. That was about the only thing I bought from that store.

"Why hello Emily, long time no see," my dad boomed from the den.

"Oh hey Dad! Good morning!" Emily joked.

My dad laughed and rustled the paper, going back to reading. Emily came over so often that it was some big joke that she calls them 'mom' and 'dad.'

I padded down the stairs and met Emily at the door.

"Your car or mine?" I asked, reaching for my keys.

"Might as well take mine," she said. "It's already cool inside."

"Bye Dad," I yelled. "We're going to the mall, I'll be home later!"

"Have a good time," he mumbled from behind his paper.

I followed Emily out the door and felt like I had been suffocated by a wet towel. It was hot outside. Her Honda Accord was parked in my driveway behind my dads Ford Edge and we hurried towards it, awaiting the cold interior.

Emily cranked up the volume to the remake – and in my opinion – much better version of Just Beat It.

She sped out of my driveway and onto the winding road that led to the other five houses on it. The community me and my family lived in was a small one and very private. There are a lot of trees where I live and I love it. I'm not some nature freak but cleaner air smells better to me.

"So did you hear about the party tonight?" Emily asked, turning down the volume of the next song.

"No, who's throwing it?" I asked, curious. I'm not a big partier but I do attend them with Emily. We never get wasted, but we keep our drinking in moderation.

"Paul... something,"She said, turning onto the main road, leading into town. "He lives on the other side of the school."

I nodded. "We'll let's go. It's kinda a tradition you know? This is our last year at Cloverdale."

We were both silent for a minute, thinking about our not-too distant futures at college.

A few minutes later, Emily pulled into an empty parking space in front of the mall. "I need shoes," she declared.

I raised my eyebrows. "Really? All of the shoes you have now could cover the homeless for years!"

She laughed as we followed the steady trickle of people from the parking lot into the mall.
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For a picture of Lisa, copy and paste this link:

For a picture of Emily, copy and paste this link:

For a picture of Gabe, copy and paste this link: