All I'm Dreaming Of

Family Pressure

"Miss, it's time to wake up," a soft voice whispered, shaking her a little. "It's almost past ten."

A beautiful girl sat up in bed and stretched her arms wide. Sunlight danced on her face and arms making her skin sparkle. She lazily opened her brown eyes and smiled brightly at her maid, Annabelle.

"Good morning," she said cheerfully.

"Miss... I hate to rush you, but your father would like to speak with you immediately." Annabelle said briskly, pulling the sheets off Brianne.

"Really?" she said surprised. Her legs swung gracefully over the side of the bed making the light shift she wore rustle.

"Yes and right away Miss," Annabelle ushered. Moving quickly, the maid pulled a garden dress over her head that fit snugly on her small frame.

As Brianne was combing her hair, a loud knock rang through the bedroom. After a moment's hesitation, the door swung open and Brianne's father Chester Hanham breezed through, followed by a large box over a servants' shoulder.

"We're having supper with the King," he announced. "A carriage will be here by four."

"Okay daddy," she said, lacing her fingers in front of her. "What's in the box? Is it a gown?"

The aristocrat snapped his fingers and the servant opened the box. Brianne peaked inside and gasped quietly as she saw the gown. Annabel helped the servant pull the gown out and placed it on a hanger which she hung on the top of the door.

The gown was pure white with gold embroidery on the sleeves, bodice and around the bottom. The sleeves opened wide around the elbows and with a closer look, Brianne could the precise detail in the embroidery.

"Thank you father!" she gushed, rushing up to hug him. "It's beautiful!"

"Perhaps you'll look so stunning in the gown you will find a suitor," he said, a gleam in his eye.

Brianne let go of her father's neck and moved a few paces away from him, a cold look in her eyes.

"Now, now," he chastised. "You, my dear, are almost seventeen. It would be most appropriate if you had a suitor before your birthday. And if I'm mistaken, that's fast approaching."

Casting her head down, Brianne nodded.

"Please, Annabel, have her ready by four," the aristocrat said. With a snap of his fingers to the servant, he left the room.

"Miss would you like some breakfast?" Annabel asked gently.

Lifting her head, Brianne nodded. Annabel quietly left the room, the door closing with a snap behind her.

Brianne sat down on the edge of her freshly made bed and stared at the tile surrounding her bedroom. Her seventeenth birthday was less than two months away and her dad pretty much demanded a suitor out of her. A husband! The thought made her skin crawl. Being with someone for the rest of your life? Having to tend to them and have their children? No, thank you.

After a soft knock on the door, Annabel breezed through and set a silver tray filled with porridge, eggs and milk. Brianne's stomach growled and she greedily spooned up some porridge. "Thank you, Annabel," she said, with her mouth full.

Looking pale, Annabel clutched her stomach and nodded her head quickly before rushing over to the side of the bedroom and vomiting into the chamber pot.

"Annabel!" Brianne yelled, rushing over to her friend. "Are you alright?"

Looking up from the chamber pot, Annabel shook her head. "I... don't know! Lately, I've been getting sick in the mornings – before I tend to you miss, and... and... I've been feeling weak when doing my chores."

Brianne's brow wrinkled as she thought over the symptoms. Her brow relaxed and a wide smile moved across her face. She leaned over to Annabel's face and whispered her conclusion.

The maid's face too broke out in a huge smile. "I think you're right miss, I'm bearing a child!"

Hurrying over to the pitcher of cool water, Brianne dunked a cloth in it and moved back over to Annabel and started dabbing her forehead. "Here, just sit and rest for awhile. Do you know how far along you are?"

Annabel was quiet for a few moments. "I haven't had my monthly in... Three months?"

"Ah," Brianne said. "You should be due around October. I will call the doctor for you, and no 'buts'' about it!" Smiling, she pulled her friend carefully into a hug. "Now, run along to the stables and tell Marcus the news!"

"But how-"

A glint in her eye, Brianne smirked. "Everyone knows Annabel. We notice the way you two look at each other."

She chuckled. "Finish your porridge miss, I'll be back up for it in a little while."

With another smile, Annabel disappeared out of the bedroom, chamber pot in hand.


I woke up exhausted, images of people I didn't recognize inside my head. Bits of the dream were clear, like the beautiful gown and the pregnant maid, but the rest I didn't remember. My head started to pound in response as I tried to recall the rest of the dream.

On unsteady legs, I made my way into the bathroom and fumbled with the pop top on the Tylenol. After taking two extra strength pills, I returned to my bedroom and looked at the clock.

The numbers 4:45 stared back at me in red and I groaned, slipping back underneath the sheets.
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For a picture of her dress, copy and paste this link:

For a picture of Brianne, copy and paste this link: