All I'm Dreaming Of

All The Hot Girls Are In Fifth Period Lunch

Woo another school year, I thought. The line of cars waiting to get in the parking lot in front of the school was like miles long.

I sighed and rubbed my neck with my free hand. I had another exhausting night because of dreams I didn't remember.

The line of cars crept forward slowly until I finally pulled into my usual parking spot next to Emily's car. She was leaning against it dressed in cargo shorts and a green wife beater style top, complete with green and tan flip flops.

I shut off the ignition and grabbed my keys and should bag from the passenger seat of my car, while sticking my tongue out at Emily. I knew she was pissed because I was late. Oh well.

"About time you got here," she said as we wound our way though the cars and students.

"Sorry, I would've been here on time if the line of cars hadn't been so damn long," I explained.

We joined the crowd of students moving into the school. We laughed a bit at the confused freshman, as we remembered our first time at the school.

"I'll see you in physics third," I called, over the noise of the other kids. Unfortunately, we had different homerooms because it was sorted by last name. We had physics, lunch, free period and English together though which was a plus.

"Blah," she said, making a face. "I already know that's one class I'm going to fail! See you."

I waved and moved down the crowded hall way towards A-21, my homeroom. I sat down at a desk along the far side of the room and waited for the bell to ring. Mr. Martignoni walked in and began organizing papers on his desk preparing to hand them out.

Lazily, I looked out the window and caught my reflection in the shiny glass. The sun broke through the clouds and hit the glass, below my eyes. I looked back to where my eyes were but they changed from aqua blue to grey. Taking in the rest of the reflection, I recognized the face... the one from my dreams.

Gabe's Point Of View

It wasn't hard finding Cloverdale High School; Gabe just followed the line of cars leading out of the main part of town, in the direction Torin gave him.

Cars of every style, expensive and junkers were pulling into parking spaces. He was driving my dads' old Chevy truck and self-consciously pulling into a space in the back of the lot.

Gabe decided to leave his work out clothes here in the truck, he figured there could be issues finding his locker. He grabbed his schedule off the dashboard, and stuffed it into his pocket before taking his bag off the floor and swinging it over his shoulder. Gabe hit the automatic lock button on the side of the door just incase anyone tried hot-wiring it.

Who knows what these Cloverdale punks would do to his truck.

The crowd was thinning in the parking lot as Gabe walked towards the entrance of the school. There was a flashing bulletin board near the door that said Welcome back Cloverdale Eagles! he rolled his eyes and headed into the school, turning at the first left like Torin instructed.

Making his way down the hall, Gabe read the numbers on the homeroom doors before walking into the room marked G-07.

He plopped down in an empty seat near the wall as soon as the bell rang. A woman old enough to be his great grandmother walked in, her grey hair pulled back in a tight bun.

"Hello and welcome to your first day back at Cloverdale High," she said, starting off on a long-ass speech.

Gabe leaned back in his chair, tuning out the rules and regulations. It was the same thing he heard every year back at Bellport.

After papers were passed out and contact information answered, the bell rang signaling the end of homeroom. Gabe glanced at my schedule and saw Honors Algebra Two room B-17 typed neatly on the print out.

He remembered Torin had that same glass, grateful he would know someone. Gabe climbed a staircase and walked through three transition ramps before walking into B-17, taking a seat next to Torin.

"Hey man," he said as we did a fist bump. "You ready for hell? I can't believe my mom put me in this class. 'Oh stop it Torin, it will look good on your transcripts!'"

Gabe laughed. "That's exactly how my mom is."

The bell rang, and a skinny man he didn't notice when walking in, stood up from his desk in the front of the room. He passed out a syllabus and explained what he wanted from us honors students. Again, Gabe tuned him out and started talking quietly with Torin.

"You have lunch fifth period right?" He asked him.

"Yeah I heard a lot of the hot girls are in that lunch too," Torin said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Gabe rolled his eyes. Girls weren't that important. He figured he'd have time for that in college. But they're nice... hell, they're amazing.

"So are you going to the football game Friday?" Torin asked, turning the paper around and around on his desk.

"Sure, are we good at football?"

"'We?'" he quoted with a smirk. "Is Cloverdale rubbing off on you?"

Gabe socked him in the arm with a smile. "Hardly, I didn't mind it at Bellport."

"Well to answer your question," he said wincing, "We aren't bad at football."

"Alright cool," Gabe said. "I'm game."

The bell rang again and he was surprised how fast the class went. "I'll see you in lunch," Torin said, as we stood up.

"Later," Gabe said, and turned the other way down the hall, running smack into a blonde head.