I Arranged My Own Marriage

Chapter 16: PUPPY

Kim’s Pov

“Kim?” a voice called. Drawing me out of sleep, my mind blank. I couldn’t recall the events from yesterday.
“Kim” it came again. I opened my eyes, infornt of me sat Sean, he smiled, I was unable to return it, but none the less he continued to smile. It seemed surreal, this Sean and the one I met.
“You are still alive, everything is going to be fine, just hang on, I was just checking, close your eyes if you must” he said still smiling with weary eyes. I returned his smile and closed my eyes. Darkness pulling me into it’s clutches, it stayed in that numbing sense a while longer. Then the darkness swirled into light as a scent filled my nostril.

“Kim get up, it’s time for breakfast” Joshua said. I heard myself mumbled a gurgle no.
“Get up now or all your waffles are gonna be gone!” he exclaimed. I remained unmoving.
“Man the strudels are almost done” he said in a pained voice. I immediately sat up.
“You say strudels?” I asked him, he nodded his head.
“Where?” he pointed down. I jumped out of bed running into the bathroom washing my face and teeth, quickly washing my body, grabbing my clothes, throw them on. Take a quick look, bound out, grabbing Joshua along the way. Zooming down and stopping in the middle of the hallway of the front entrance, looking at the door.

There was a puppy, tiny puppy. It sat at the main entrance, wagging it’s tail.
“Kim?” I heard Sean call. I turned to face him. Joshua and Sean looked at me. I knew I had shining eyes. I pointed to the door.
“It’s a puppy” I said half in normal voice the other in a squeal.
“Uh oh” I heard an exasperated Josh. Not waiting any more, I happy ran to the door, scooping up the puppy into my arms. I stared down at it happily, as it stared up at me with big glossy eyes. I squealed loudly. I hugged the puppy tightly, but not as so to crush it’s wind pipes. It licked my face making me giggle.
“Can he stay here? Can he? Please!” I asked, bouncing up and down. They both watched me as if I was from another planet. I noticed that Josh was somewhat glaring at the puppy, but it held it’s guard. ‘how cute’ I thought.

Suddenly, it jumped out of my arms, stopping my bouncing, barked and ran off outside.
“Wants us to follow I guess” I said, excitement arose like a blooming flower. I ran after it, I knew Josh and Sean would be following. As we raced, the dog was a head only in a trot, I caught up quickly, the puppy looked up and picked up speed. As did I, this went up. The speed was going up quite quickly, but I still caught on, it wasn’t hard. Taking a wide turn, it slowed me down a bit. As I took the turn the puppy was on a small table, surround by people. I stopped running in the insistent. Josh had to flip to the side so h e wouldn’t clash into me and Sean run into me. Yet we didn’t fall.
“Well what do we have here?” Asked Charls. He sat with Eric, Brandon, Trix, and Dorelle. Eric was petting the puppy. I smiled impishly.
“Exactly, what do we have here, a lady must not run around madly, you need lessons girl” A harsh female tone interjected. I looked to the side to see one of the home teachers. ‘Argh, not one of them did wits’ I thought. I felt Josh stifle a laugh. All eyes were on me. I looked straight at the short women with a good build. Blonde hair and blue eyes. That wasn’t average, but her personality fit fine.
“My name is LeVera D’Coun” she said. ‘familiar name…perhaps’ I thought.
“My lord let me teach this girl some sense as to how to behave” she said to Charls.
“Pardon me but do you happen to have any relationship to Arélene D’Coun?” I asked curiously. She looked at me a bit stunned.
“Why yes, my sister she is, her reputation must exceed out, if you know her” she said prideful. ‘ya I know her’. Josh broke out laughing like mad.
“LeVera… You… Are…so …. Funny… If…only you… knew” He said in between bursts of laughter.
“Enough, do not laugh and talk, laugh first and then talk or do it vice versa, you shenanigan… right?” I asked looking at LeVera.

“You took it right out of my mouth” she said, amazed.
“Of course I did, your sister spent most of her teaching time with me, hollering them words at me” I said looking at her intuitively for reaction. Her body went tight rigid. ‘Bingo’ I thought.
“What’s your name girl?”
“Never thought you would ask, Kimberly Anne Parks, your sisters worst night mare… well that’s what she tells me. Or at lest told” I finished with a bit of a sad note. I felt her glare and I met it, with my shining eyes, challenging her.
“YOU” she pointed at me.
“Oh dear, you shant get angry like that, it isn’t good for you, down with eruption and calm into the sea, my dear it gives one to many problems to be constantly be angry, now look Dr. Phil, his anger lead him into bubbling in others business, how shall life go.” I said. She chuckled, before letting out a laugh. ‘Yup related’ I smiled.
“You should smile more, you look more like Mrs. D’Coun when you do…both of you” I said smiling. She smiled back as well.
“Yes” she said. She smiled brightly.
“I have never in my life seen you smile like that cept your wedding night” said Charls.

Everyone looked at me, with a look on their face. An idea popped up in my mind.
“Charls?” I called, he looked at me. “Can I keep the puppy?” I asked, I knew my gaze was intense. Eric smiled, Brandon and Trix stared, where as Dorelle looked at Charls.
“Alright, but you are responsible” he said. I grinned at him childishly.
“YESH!” I said victoriously, as I picked up the puppy. “Name, I need to name you” I looked at him, thinking very hard. A name passed in my head.
“Rigard, Rig” that’s your name!” I said, looking into his deep brown eyes. He barked happily, wagging his tail.
“I shall take my leave” I said bowing. As I did I realized how out of place I behaved today. Was getting used to this place or was I forgetting something. I didn’t know I couldn’t’ put m finger on it.
“Yes, oh and remember you have to get ready for the ball” he said. I looked at him absent- mindly with a smile.
“Yes yes” I said as I left.