Sequel: Photogenic
Status: Finished.

Cat Got Your Tongue?

I was wantin' to get a tattoo

By the time five o’clock the next morning I was dead on my feet. I would have never told Tom that he could sleep on the couch in my room if I’d known last night that his snoring sounded like a air horn. He was defiantly sleeping on the floor in the guest bedroom tonight, no doubt about it. Maybe that’s the reason Oli didn’t want him sleeping in the same room.

I heard bumping around in the kitchen a few minutes after I’d once again given up on any hope of getting some sleep. It was probably Aunt Molly. She always got up early in the morning, it was just her thing.

Might as well get up and join her, I though sitting up and throwing the blankets off of me. The cold air hit me and I took a detour to my closet to grab a jacket. That and the cup of coffee my aunt was making downstairs would without a doubt help warm me up.

“Well good morning, Tori. What are yeh doin’ up this early?” she asked smiling as I tottered into the kitchen. The last of sleep had to be apparent on my face because as soon as she got a good look at me the smile faded. “What’s wrong?”

Tom snores, I signed quickly and flopped down into one of the kitchen chairs. She walked, as quickly as she could with crutches, over to the table and took the seat next to me.

She looked as concerned as a mom, or aunt in my case, should when their child, or niece, had a need that wasn’t fulfilled. “Yeh didn’t get any sleep then?” I shook my head no. “Okay, yeh can go up teh my room then. I’ll tell the boys to leave yeh be. What time to yeh wan’ up?”

Don’t let me sleep past mid-day, I signed then waited for her to nod in understanding before leaving the room to finally get some sleep.

Tom’s snores became louder as I walked up the stairs, but as soon as I was in my aunt’s room, with the door shut and the fan turned on they were all drowned out. I was finally able to sleep.


“Tori,” the voice whispered in my ear, “Toriiii, wake up,” it whispered again. Finally it began to shake me and shouted, “Tori! Wake the bloody ‘ell up!

I rolled over to only be pleasantly greeted with Oli face. Tom was standing right behind him laughing, “Don’t give ‘er a heart attack Ollieh.”

Oli rolled his eyes over dramatically at his brother then turned back to me, “So, Tori, Tom ‘ere wants to go get another tattoo done. Care to come wif us?”

Did they seriously wake me up to ask me that? I looked at the clock that was directly behind Oli’s head and saw that it was exactly mid-day. I’m already awake might as well go with them, right?

I got out of bed and started towards my room with the guys right on my heels. I kept on walking to my closet as they sat down on my unmade bed. Oli started talking to me as I looked for some comfortable clothes to wear today. “Now do yeh see why I didn’t want ‘im sleepin’ wif meh?”

As I turned around to thrown the plane purple v-neck shirt onto the chair right outside my closet I looked at Oli, nodded then cracked a smile. I turned back into my closet to look for a pair of black sweat pants or something of that sort, then suddenly I heard a loud thump.

If only I would have had a camera on hand at that exact moment. Oli, who had just recently adorned the floor, looked like he wanted to yell a string of profanities at Tom. Tom on the other hand had his arms across his chest and a rather proud smirk on his face.

Just as Oli’s mouth opened I grabbed a ruler off my desk and finally put it to good use. “Tom you stupid little son of a bi-” he stopped, startled by the loud smacking of the ruler against my desk. He turned to my direction and shot me a nasty glare. I just glared back and shook my head.

He slumped down to the floor again defeated and I reentered the closet to search for the pants again. I eventually found them, in a drawer that I hardly ever put clothes in. When I reached the door way Oli and Tom were still in the same spots I last saw them in. I shut the door quietly and shed my clothes from last night and put on clean ones.

I threw the dirty clothes in the hamper as I passed it and walked over to the dry erase board.

Let me brush my teeth and so something with my hair then we can go, I wrote then left the two alone in the room once again.


Finally after the long fight between Oli and Tom over who was going to drive, we were once again on our way to Steel City Tattooing, with Tom in the driver’s seat. They decided that Tom could drive there and Oli was driving on the way back. I was in the passenger seat flipping through the stations on the radio, trying to find some decent music. Some hard rock song came through the speakers and Oli groaned from the backseat.

“Can yeh jus’ pick a channel? An’ that was a good song, turn it back!” Oli complained from the back seat.

“Ollieh, we all know that yeh well be the one controlin’ the radio on the way ‘ome. Jus’ let ‘er choose for now,” Tom replied.

Just to please Oli, but mainly get him to shut up, I quickly settled on a solution. I pulled out one of the Cds that Oli was listening to on the way to the party and put it in. He was quiet the rest of the way there.

Tom pulled into a parking spot and we all got out of the car. Nothing about the place had changed since the last time we were here, except there was no longer a help wanted sign in the front window.

“What can I do for yeh today?” The same guy that did Oli’s snakebites asked us.

“I was wantin’ to get a tattoo,” Tom answered him going up to the counter the guy was standing behind. He reached down to grab a piece of paper and a pen and handed it to Tom.

“Jus’ read this then sign it and I’ll be right wif yeh in a moment,” he explained.

Tom only skimmed the whole paragraph saying that the shop wasn’t responsible for some things that may go wrong. He signed his signature, which only he could probably read.

The guy walked out of the back room with all of the supplies he would need and set them up on a small table next to a chair. “Okay so what design do yeh wan’?”

“I just want a diamond on meh wrist. Nothin’ too big,” Tom explained. The guy started sketching out something on a small piece of paper and showed it to Tom once he was done.

“Like this?”

“Yea, tha’s perfect.”

We all followed the guy back around the counter and took seats behind the chair Tom sat down in. “What colors do yeh want?”

“Can I get it outlined in black and colored in with blue?” Tom asked getting a simple nod in return.


“It really looks great Tom,” Oli said as we walked out to the car.

Tom tossed him the keys and climbed into the back seat trying to keep his wrist from moving to much. He said it hurt like a bitch while getting it done and it was still sore now.

“Well, welcome to the club of people with tattoos, lil’ bro’,” Oli said as we pulled out of the parking lot. “Yeh next Tori."
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Double digits! And yet another filler! The next one isn't though, okay well kinda. But, it's an important filler. It's also in Tom's POV, so you'll get a little insight of this thoughts. Then the one after that is the most important chapter in the whole intire story. No joke. But I can't say anymore than that.