Sequel: Photogenic
Status: Finished.

Cat Got Your Tongue?

Because yeh didn't see the look on 'er face!

When we got back to Tori’s house Oli made up some lame ass excuse about showing me how to clean my new tattoo when he knew perfectly well that I knew how to. I was the one that helped him when he got his sleeve done. But I followed him up the stairs and into the bathroom anyway. He had to have a good reason for lying to them. Oli was a lot of things, but a liar was not one of them.

“What’s goin’ on Ollieh?” I asked once the bathroom door was shut and he’d turned the water to the sink on.

Oli reached up and pulled on his hair like he always does whey he’s upset or angry, I was really hoping it was the first. “It drives meh absolutely insane that yeh and Tori can fancy each other so much but act completeleh blind when I tell yeh.”

Great, here he goes with this again. Ever since he mentioned Tori liking me the first time he just won’t give up on it. He’s pretty damn certain that he knows that Tori likes me too. I’m not so sure about that though.

“Why does it concern yeh if we fancy each other and aren’t dong anything’ about it?” I asked becoming angry that Oli was so obsessed with my love life. He’s never been like this before.

“Because yeh didn’t see the look ‘er face when she saw you talkin’ to that slut the first day of school!” he shouted, I would be surprised if Tori and her aunt didn’t her us from downstairs. “It really hurts her to see yeh with other girls. An’ I know for a fact that if yeh saw ‘er with another guy that yeh’d be crushed, don’t try an deny it, Tom.”

“So what if I would be? I still don’t see how this concerns you,” I shot back.

He looked a little hurt by that. I knew he was just trying to make me happy. I opened my mouth to apologize but he started talking before I could even try to get a word out.

“Jus’ ask ‘er out, Tom. If she denys yeh I let it all go. But I don’t think she will. Listen, one of my friends from school is throwing a party tonight. I talked to ‘im and told ‘im to try and keep Tyler and ‘is gang from knowin’ about the party ‘cause I ‘ad a brother who liked this bird who ‘ad a bad experience with ‘im. Talk to Tori and try to get ‘er to go. Tell ‘er that Tyler won’t be there. Tell ‘er that yeh won’t leave ‘er alone and mean it this time. Show ‘er that she can trust you. It’ll ‘elp you over time.”

I nodded, “Okay, I’ll talk to ‘er. But I doubt that she’ll got for it. She was almost being raped when I walked in on them Oli.”

“Jus’ talk to ‘er,” he said once again before turning off the water and walking out of the room.

Now the hard part would come. I had to talk to Tori and try to get her to go to another party. If she accepted and we ended up going, I’d have to keep her entertained and safe the whole time. That would be hard though, because trouble just seemed to follow her around.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is short. It's only 565 words, but this one was planned to be short.

I would also like to thank, UnderTheTableDreamin, plastic Jesus, Green Money, and FurAndGold for commenting. That's now 33 comments. Meaning for the prize to still be available, seven people need to comment before I post chapter 13.

Please comment guys, I see some stories that get 20 to 30 comments each update and it upsets me because I don't know if it's just my writing that doesn't motivate people to update or if it's just you guys that don't want to comment. So, I'm asking what can I do in the story to make you guys want to comment more?