Sequel: Photogenic
Status: Finished.

Cat Got Your Tongue?

Tom, watch out!

I can’t believe I’m here. Sitting in the passenger seat of my car, while Tom drives, with Oli in the backseat for once. I can’t believe I’m doing this. Going to another party and I promised myself to do it never again after what happened last time. And I can’t believe I almost like it. Being this close to Tom.

“Nothin’ is goin’ to ‘appen to yeh this time. I promise. You’ll be in sight of either Ollieh or meh the ‘ole time,” Tom said as he turned onto the street that I suspected the party was on. I could already hear the music.

Tom looked over at me and smiled. Maybe this time it wouldn’t be so bad. He would be with me the whole time, or well most of it anyway.

“Yeh ready to ‘ave a good fuckin’ time?” Oli yelled from the backseat as he started to open the door before the car was even stopped. I swear sometimes he acted drunk when he was completely sober.

When the car was actually stopped, Tom and I watched as Oli ran into the house and probably into the kitchen to get himself a drink, then got out of the vehicle ourselves and walked up to the front door. He gave me another reassuring smile before opening the door and pulling me inside with him.

Tom’s POV

I actually think that Tori was having a good time so far. I made her a drink after we were here for about an hour. I showed her everything I put in it and the only reason she drank it was because it wasn’t strong at all. Almost like drinking a soda.

But when you’ve never had more than a sip of alcohol before in your life, even the slightest bit of liquor can make you a bit tipsy. And that’s exactly what she was. She knew what was going on around her and her judgment was only slightly effected. I only knew that because I’d actually got her to dance with. It was a slow song and we didn’t hardly touch at all but it was still dancing.

“Do yeh wanna go outside and cool off a bit?” I asked Tori as I started to smell some stuff I knew we’d be asked to do if we stuck around in this room any longer.

As soon as she nodded I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the intoxicating smell. We passed Oli in the kitchen on our way out and something suddenly stuck me. I really had to piss. I made a detour around the island with all the drinks on it and walked over to Oli.

“Can you watch ‘er while I go to the bathroom? I’ll be right back,” I asked Oli who knew he was to drunk to even attempt words and just nodded. I turned around and lifted Tori up onto the counter to looked at her confused face, she must have not heard mine and Oli’s conversation. “I’m goin’ to go to the bathroom. Stay here with Oli and I’ll be back in three minutes, I swear.”

She had a sad and almost scared look on her face as I turned around and walked away. It must have almost been like déjà vu for her. Nothing was happening to her this time, I promised her and I’m keeping it.

Once I found the bathroom and kicked the couple that was making out in here out it had at least been three minutes. Tori was probably a wreck, I just hoped Oli hadn’t left her.

I did my business and once I started to wash my hands I saw my face. My cheeks were a light pink color, how they were when I’d been blushing. I hope that Tori didn’t’ notice it.

A line had somehow formed and once I got out of the bathroom another person rushed in. I found my way back to the kitchen and didn’t see Oli or Tori there. Shit, why the fuck would he take her somewhere else? I wondered into the living room and pushed my way through the crowd until I saw them. And it was in a way I hoped I’d never see Tori in, especially with my own brother. This was just the thing Oli would do.

Their lips were pressed together and Oli had his hands on the back of Tori’s head, keeping her there. Then something else happened, Tori pushed him away from here and brought her hand up to slap him across the face. That made things a little better. But my heart was still in two pieces.

My eyes locked with Tori’s as tears welled up in my eyes and I pushed my way out their front door, I saw her jump up to come after me.

I pulled me phone out of my pocket as I wondered into the side yard of the house. After dialing my house number I brought the phone up to my ear and started towards the road.

“Mum, can you come get meh? I really need to leave and I don’t have the keys,” I asked.

“Yeah, sweetie. Jus’ tell meh where yeh at,” she responded and I could hear her keys as she picked them up off of the counter and opened the front door only to slam it behind her.

I brought my palm up to try and wipe away the tears before they could fall. I could see a street sign in the distance and made my way toward it to tell her what to plug into the GSP. When I got close enough to read the sign I told my mum and shut the phone as she told me she was on her way.

Turing back around to cross the street again, I didn’t see the car speeding toward me. All I saw was Tori as she ran towards me,

“Tom, watch out!”
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been forever, and I don't have an excuse but that I wasn't really in the mood to write. Finals are this week, so I might not update as soon as I'd like(or you would because of that cliffhanger). But I'm on break after Friday so I should get quite a bit of writing in.

But, that's so much for all the comments! Can you guys keep that up? I would be great. =]

And, new layout! Like?