Sequel: Photogenic
Status: Finished.

Cat Got Your Tongue?

So what do yeh wanna do 'bout names?

Tom called me the next morning while I was getting ready for school. Oli had given him the brilliant idea to skip school today and go hang out with the rest of Oli’s friends. Right now Tom and I were doing some homework from what classes we did go to yesterday.

“Yeh know yesterday when I said that it was weird that we could be so open with each other since we’re both shy? I was thin’in ‘bout that las’ night and I thought that if some’ow yeh ended up bes’ friends with Ollieh you’d never get a word in. Maybe that’s why we’re friends,” Tom explained.

I nodded, “Yeah. I’m kind of surprised that Oli’s never tried to get me to talk. By just the way he act’s someone would think that he’d push me to try and get me to talk. But after you heard me talk the first time, you pushed me to talk again. I’m kind of glad-” and a gasp that came from the doorway stopped me.

It was Oli. And he was standing their with his eyes wide and a hand over his mouth. Then the next thing that I knew he flung his arms around me.

“Tori your talkin’!” he gasped pulling away from me and holding me at his arm’s length. He looked to me then back to Tom with his eyes squinted “How long ‘as she been talkin’?”

“Three days,” I answered which caused him to look back at me.

His angry face to back to a smile as he started talking again. “Well I’m glad that it hasn’t been very long. I feared that you never actually didn’t talk at all. Is Tom the only one that knows?” I nodded. “I won’t tell anyone. But yeh two have to come with me to band practice!”

Band practice?” Tom asked, speaking for both of us.

Oli smirked again. “Yes, I said band practice. Me, Lee, Matt Kean, Curtis, and Matt Nicholls, all started a band. We’re meetin’ today to talk about what songs to cover at our gig this weekend. We’re not goin’ to go to school for the rest of the week so we can practice. Yeh can also ‘elp us pick out a name.”

I saw Tom open his mouth, about ready to decline the offer, so I cut him off. “We’d be happy to Oli. Right Tom?” I asked placing my hand on his leg.



“Guys this is Tori. Vegan and Curtis completely forget what I told you yesterday at school,” Oli said introducing me to them.

After that they all walked over to the instruments that were either laying on the floor of properly placed in their stands. Oli grabbed the mic and told us to tell him what we though when they were done.

They played an original song, or at least it was one that I didn’t know. They were good, for just starting out. But it wasn’t my type of music. Oli’s screaming would surly give me a headache if I listened to them too much and I was starting to dread having to go to their show this weekend.

“Amazin’ I loved it,” Tom said then looked at me for my responded. I simply nodded.

Oli shook his head. “No,” he demanded. “I want yeh to talk! Yeh did it for Tom, why not me?” he pushed on.

I smiled, if it wasn’t for Tom and Oli pushing me to keep talking, the last thing I would have said would have been when I told Tom to watch out.

Before the silence could turn into an awkward one, Lee broke it. “So what do yeh wanna do ‘bout names?”

“I got no ideas,” Oli announced then glanced around looking at his band members who all shrugged their shoulders in response.

I didn’t know this now, but my next sentence would change our of our lives forever, “Let’s watch Pirates of the Caribbean and we’ll come up with some names later.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So I completely forgot that I had already written this. It should have been out two weeks ago, sorry. But it's here now!

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