Sequel: Photogenic
Status: Finished.

Cat Got Your Tongue?


“Make sure you guys studieh for your midterm on Monday. ‘ave a good weekend and yeh can talk quietleh ‘til the bell rings,” our biology teacher said then sat down at his computer while we all moved to sit by our friends.

Tom made his way towards me from his seat in the very back of the classroom as all the popular people made their way to the back so they were out of the teacher’s earshot while they talked about the party someone was probably throwing. Who was bringing the keg and the weed. I wasn’t worried about getting dragged to this party though, Bring Me the Horizon had their very first gig this weekend. We were all looking forward to it.

Tom took the empty seat next to me and slung his arm around the back of my chair, “Yeh readeh for the party tomorrow night?”

I nodded.

Tom smiled and his face turned a little red. He began to talk as he scratched behind his ear, something he always did when he was nervous. “Well I was thinkin’ that maybeh since the drive to Bristol is about three an a ‘alf ‘ours from ‘ere and the guys wanna leave early just in case something happens and it takes longer to get there. Maybeh yeh can stay with us in the hotel tonight so yeh don’t have to get up even earlier than yeh need to?” he stuttered out.

“Yeah,” I whispered then looked around to make sure no one heard me. “I’m sure my aunt would be okay with that.”

Then the bell rang. Tom almost looked relieved. “Are we waitin’ for my brother or not?”

“I think so, call him,” I answered.

“Oh there’s no need ta do that. I’m right ‘ere,” Oli announced pushing his way in between Tom and I and throwing his arms around both of our shoulders. “Anyway me and the guys were gonna ‘ead to the movies then to get some food. Wanna come?”

“Sure,” Tom and I said at the same time.


“That movie was fuckin’ awesome,” Lee yelled as we all walked out of the movie theater.

I’m personally not a huge scary movie fan, but that movie was, as Lee said, ‘fuckin’ awesome’.

Oli broke away from the rest of his band members and made his way over to where Tom and I were walking. “So are yeh goin’ to the ‘otel with us Tori?”

“Yep, I texted my aunt earlier and she’s fine with it. I’ve just got to go by my house and get my things. I was going to go while you all went to eat. I’m not really all the hungry,” I explained the pulled my keys out of my purse.

“Well were just goin’ to the burger joint down the road if you wanna meet us there when you’re done,” Oli said.

“Okay,” I said then went to my car and started to drive home.

Tom’s POV

“So when are yeh gonna ask her out, Tom?” Curtis asked during the drive to the diner.

“Tomorrow,” I replied.
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There's really no excuse for me not updating for, what was it like a month and a half. I just wasn't in the mood to write. But I'm going to try and get another chapter out tonight or tomorrow.

But I have good and bad news. The Good: I only have one more week of school! The Bad: There's only four more chapters to this story. More Good: There's going to be a sequel! And you're really going to like it.

So, please comment(even though I don't deserve it) and subscribe, if you haven't already.