Sequel: Photogenic
Status: Finished.

Cat Got Your Tongue?

Oliver told me

“So I ‘ave some good news,” Aunt Molly announced randomly in the middle of a conversation. Well, the conversation she, Oli, Tom, Mrs. Sykes, and Uncle Tony were having.

I looked up with a smile on my face. Some good news would do us all some good. Over the past couple days all my uncle had been doing was moping around because Aunt Molly was gone. I’d help him out as much as I could but most of my time was spent at the Sykes’ or doing the ton of coursework the teachers had been loading on this week. I was grateful that today was Friday and we had two days off from school.

She had a smile on her face as she began to talk again. “The doctor came in and told me earlier that I could go ‘ome today. Evidently my leg is healing good. I can’t do a lot of things though,” she explained.

“I ‘ave something to say too,” Uncle Tony added before anyone else could get a word out. “I ‘ave to leave on a business trip in a couple hours. And I won’t be ‘ome for two weeks at the least.”

I could tell from his tone that he was extremely upset that he wasn’t going to be there for Aunt Molly, and by the look on her face she wasn’t too thrilled about it either. I glanced over to Tom and Oli who were leaning toward their mother listening intently to what she was telling them.

They both grinned at me as Carol began to talk. “Well, if it’s okay with you Molly, Oliver and Tom said they don’t mind spendin’ some time at yer ‘ouse. They could help out Tori with the ‘ouse work. Plus Ian and I were plannin’ on goin’ to my parents ‘ouse this weekend and the boys aren’t really that fond of them.”

“Sounds alright to me. Is that okay with you Tori?” my aunt asked. I nodded, spending the whole weekend with Tom and Oli would be quite an adventure.


“Ugh!” Oli groaned as he dumped the few bags of his and Tom’s things onto the couch. They decided to take a vote in the car ride here who would help me help my aunt inside and who would have to carry all the bags. After a long argument between the two brother, my aunt settled it and told Oli he could do it.

“You two can put yeh things in the guest bedroom upstairs. Do don’t mind sharing a room do yeh?” Aunt Molly asked Tom and Oli as they picked up their things and began to follow me upstairs.

Before Oli could even start to protest Tom answered her, “Of course not Mrs. Davis. We’ll be fine.”

Oli learned toward him and tried to be discrete, but I could still hear him, and whispered, “It is defiantly not fine. Yeh sleepin’ on the floor dear brothah.”

They followed me into the room they’d be staying in and Oli threw his stuff down on the bed and pushed Tom’s off when he said it down. I scowled at him and motioned for them to follow me into my room.

I picked up the marker from the tray next to my dry erase board and began to write.

Tom you can sleep on the couch in here if you’d like. It pulls into a bed. My aunt used to sleep on it when I first moved here cause I used to have bad nightmares. I wrote and I turned around just in time to see Oli’s smirk turn into an obviously fake smile.

“Thank yeh, Tori. I’ll be right back, gotta go get me things,” Tom spoke then left Oli and I alone in my room.

“I told yeh he likes yeh. And you totally like ‘im too!” Oli taunted, using his index finger to poke me until I slapped his hand away.

I’ll be right back. I’m gonna check on my aunt and see if she needs anything.

I replaced the cap back on the marker and walked out of the room and toward the living room. I could faintly hear Oli start to tell Tom something as I left.

Aunt Molly was sitting at the kitchen table typing away on her laptop. I took a piece of paper and a pen from off of the counter and scribbled asking her if she needed anything.

She looked up at me and smiled. “No, I’m good for now, sweetie. But I’ll let yeh know if I do,” she replied and I smiled back as I began to head back upstairs. “Oh, Tori!” she called. “By the way, I think yeh and Tom would make a great couple.”

I gave her a questioning look and she just smile back at me with that knowing smile. “Oliver told me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I think some of you may be confused. She actually can talk, she just chooses not to.