19 Things

First Meeting


My friends said that it is just an ordinary number, while I said it’s the most meaningful number in the whole world

And there’s a history behind that number.

We met at the mall, the first time we laid eyes on each other.

I know this is going to be a great adventure for me.

We started to get close by msn chat, and sometimes we hung out together because of our friends. Then we started to get to know each other.

“ Tara, how are you?” Eja said as he walked towards me.

“ Hey Jahe, I’m good thanks” I replied smiling at him.

Suddenly my friend asked me to join them to Eja’s old school.

When we arrived Eja got out of the car while me and, Dea and Gessa waited inside the car.

I was confused because they acted weird like they were trying to make me consider Eja as a boyfriend.

What the fuck?

Why are all these kept asking about him?

I kind of have a feeling that Eja likes me

But how did that happen?

I was very anxious

I don't know what was about to happen
♠ ♠ ♠
this is a true story about my friend hope you like the first chapter :D