Miserable at Best

First chapter

“My baby don't mess around ‘cuz he loves me so this I know fo’ sho’…” I sang loudly while driving to school that morning.

“Hey yah…hey yaaah!”

“Uhm…baby I’m still on the phone” my boyfriend, Will’s voice came from my speakers, which I could hook up with my phone so I got calls in my car without having to pick up my phone. It was something my dad had installed during his safety craze.

“Oh…” I mumbled my face flushing.

“Its fine, just don't come serenading me at night please” Will smirked.

“No promises” I said, resting my head against the seat, yawning.

“So what are you doing tonight?” Will asked. I could hear water running in the background; he was probably scrubbing the dishes squeaky clean, like he always did. It was the only thing about him that could be deemed ‘clean’. His apartment was mercilessly cluttered with useless junk he didn't even remember buying. I was the one that did his laundry and reminded him to take a shower, but when it came to what Will ate off of, that was serious business.

“My parents are having my aunt and uncle and their kids over” I grimaced. I had no harsh feelings towards Auntie Grace and Uncle Norman, but my cousins, Jesse and Lee, I had a problem with.

“You want me to come?”

“Yes please”

“And maybe after we could go back to my place…” Will said, his voice trailing off. I finished his sentence for him in my head, “…and have sex like there’s no tomorrow”

“Yeah okay” I muttered. Will tried to have sex with me every Friday, just Friday, not any other day. But I wasn’t ready for that; if we were having sex, we were getting married first. This of course, was my parent’s influence. My mom had even bought me underwear that said, in big block letters, No Sex Allowed, on the butt. I wore it on Fridays to get my kicks with Will.

“Great, see you tonight, honey” Will beamed, and with that he hung up. I sighed and pulled into St Al’s parking lot. Even though every Friday I shot him down, he kept telling himself that next Friday I’d give in, although I never did.

Will and I didn't go to the same school. In fact, Will didn't go to school at all. He had dropped out of high school at 17 and now, at age 19, he lived in an apartment by himself, going from job to job. I went to St. Aloysius Academy, a co-ed catholic high school.

“Ella, are you coming to practice today?” Rebecca asked, exasperatedly. Rebecca was my best friend, had been since Irish step dancing class in 1st grade.

“No…my relatives are coming over” I frowned.

“Oh come on, you’ve only been to two practices in the past two weeks”