We Came Alone but Left Together

I'd Swim The Ocean For Austin

I couldn’t forget how Jonathan had made me blush when we had gone to eat.

We were sat in Starbucks. Jonathan had insisted on paying, which really annoyed me. As an English girl I hated people paying for me. In the Starbucks, the most annoying song in the world had come on; Love Story by Taylor Swift. It had been on the radio for the whole time I'd been traveling, and it was stuck in my head, so I started singing along.

“You have a pretty voice,” Jonathan said quietly. I blushed the deepest shade of red you can imagine.

“Thank you! Haha but I must admit, your voice is phenomenal,” I said, realizing how much of an idiot I sounded.

“Your accent still amazes me. It’s so… clear?” he said blinking slowly. I smiled at him, and we stood up to walk from Starbucks. We walked down the road and found a small patch of grass. I smiled and sat down on it. Jonathan looked at me as though I had major issues.

“You want to sit here, on the grass?” he said, questioning my motives. I nodded, and laid back on the grass.

“I'm sorry to sound weird Jonathan, but would you mind laying back with me? Because I’m positive you can see up my skirt from there,” I said struggling to stop myself from listening.

Jonathan looked at me with wide eyes, and laid next to me. “You should wear clothes that cover you more then,” he said, giggling. I sat up and looked him in the eyes, and scowled.

“It’s too hot. All of you are completely insane; you wear jeans and hoodies in this weather,” I said, my accent really making itself known. Jonathan sat up too and giggled.

“Giggling isn’t very masculine, you know?” I said, pretending to be annoyed. Jonathan put his arm around me and pulled me back, to lie on the grass.

“I make up for my lack of masculinity in my voice baby,” he said, and I laughed. I felt so comfortable here with him, so I snuggled into his frame. I felt him tense up, and then relax after a minute.

“What’s the time Jonathan?” I said reluctant to move. He pulled his arm from around me, and looked at his watch.

“12:49, we should head back now," he said pulling away, and standing up. I stood up, dusting my denim miniskirt off. Jonathan laughed from behind me.

“You have grass stuck to your baseball shirt, Soph,” he moved to be very close behind me, brushing the grass from my back. It tickled and I got goosebumps, although I must hasten to add, it was nothing to do with being tickled.

We walked back to the tour bus, in silence. At the door, I went to walk up the steps, but Jonathan grabbed my wrist.

“I think I like you, but I’m not sure yet,” he said, looking relieved.

I smiled at him, leant forward, and whispered in his ear, “Same,” before moving backwards, and kissing him on the cheek. I turned back around, to walk up the steps, not able to believe what I just did. I heard Jonathan cough, and I turned around.

“Yeah?” I said waiting for him to say something. He moved closer to me, and kissed me softly on the lips, before walking in front of me onto the tour bus. I had been blushing all the way through mine and Alyssa’s wedding.

Soon after mine and Alyssa’s “honeymoon” we all went to bed. I got changed into my fluffy purple monster pajamas and laid in my bunk. I couldn’t sleep, I was just thinking about Jonathan, and what he’d done. I had tried to fall asleep for almost an hour. I gave up soon after, climbed out of my bunk, and walked quietly to the back lounge, where Austin was watching Bambi.

I felt like a small child. “Austin, I can’t sleep,” I said unhappily, he smiled at me sleepily, and held his arms out to me.

“Come cuddle up to Aunt Austin, and watch Bambi with me. It makes me all sentimental, that’s why I wait for you all to go to bed,” he said, as I sat at the side of him and leant in. He hugged my torso, and stroked my hair. I felt like I was with my mom.

“Aunt Austin, shall I make us hot chocolate, English style?” I said, sitting forward. He smiled broadly, and paused the movie.

“Since you’re such a tired girl, I'll piggy back you to the kitchen area,” he said standing up, as I lethargically jumped onto his back, wrapping my legs around his torso. In the kitchen, I microwaved some milk, and poured it into two mugs. Then I microwaved some chocolate, and melted it. I poured the chocolate into the cups and mixed it up. I handed Austin one, and pulled him back through to the back lounge. Austin drank his hot chocolate quickly, so I gave him mine.

“You English people sure know how to make a man happy.” I smiled lazily, and cuddled up to him again.

“Austin, if Jonathan told me he liked me, would he be telling the truth?” I said tiredly. I yawned, and looked Austin in the eyes earnestly.

“Um, yeah, he’s not really the type to say it and not mean it, precious,” he replied, stroking my hair.
“Here’s another question. Why do all of you call me precious?” I said, my eyelids growing heavy, and my voice growing thicker with sleep.

“Because you are. And Alyssa is our jewel. But from now on, I'm gonna call you darling, because I'm gonna be your Tour Mom,” he said, cuddling me tighter, and stroking my hair softer.

“You tell your Aunt Austin if there’s any funny business. I'll take care of you, promise,” he said softly. I smiled, and snuggled into him more.

“Okay, and I'll take care of you too, Tour Mom. Any people you need to be ninja’d, you tell me,” I said, before falling asleep listening to the rhythm of Austin’s breathing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, Ninja'd is NOT a word, But i like it, and i know that Austin Bello has a soft side.
I Love Lysssie,
shes the worlds most gorgeous, amazing, beautiful, pretty, cute, darling, worthy, radiant, Brilliantly talented wife a girl could ask for.

--Sophuuuuu ♥