We Came Alone but Left Together

Go Go Go

After taking the shortest amount of time possible, we arrived at the party. Caleb grabbed my arm, and we decided to try and make a movie star entrance.

“Haha, neither of us are dressed to be movie stars,” I said, looking at my outfit. It was a vintage looking beige dress, with a bow at the front, and netting over the skirt. It wasn’t too bad, but I had bought it in a sale after Christmas back in England. I looked at Caleb; he was wearing tight grey skinny jeans and a red checked shirt, and a cute blue cardigan. He looked really good in it, and he knew it.

“Well, I think you are. I could be your assistant,” he said flirting slightly. I rolled my eyes and pulled him to the drinks table.

“Okay, Caleb, are you here for socializing or getting completely wasted?” I asked, smiling cutely. He stroked his chin, making himself look as though he was trying to think.

“Wasted, life’s too short. But you shouldn’t be, should you?” he said looking at me. I raised my eyebrow.

“In the UK people can drink from any age. They can’t buy it until they’re 18. And I’m 18 in like… 9 days anyway?” I said, grabbing a plastic cup, filled with beer. “Are we getting wasted or what Mr. Turman?” I said, downing the contents of the cup.

“Fine, but I'll drink you under the table,” he said, grinning at me, and I shrugged my shoulders. I looked over to see Alyssa standing with David from earlier. I smiled and pointed to her.

“I wonder when Kyle and Lyssie will get it on,” I stated, as Caleb laughed, and handed me another drink. I sipped it, and I was for sure that it was not beer. It was stronger. “What in the name of Obama is that?” I said, smelling the liquid; it was clear and smelt like aniseed.

“Don’t ask, just drink,” he said, downing his. I followed his lead; the liquid tasted nicer when it was drunk fast. I started to feel a bit tipsy, and dragged Caleb to dance. We started dancing among the crowd of people, to the Jonas Brothers. I stopped and raised my eyebrow. This music just wasn’t what I listened to, and the Jonas Brothers were Disney kids. I severely disliked Disney kids. I decided to leave Caleb to it, and get another drink. I threw a couple more drinks back, the alcohol making itself known this time. I turned around, and walked to where Jonathan was. He was alone, and he looked bored.

“Jonathan, what’s the matter?” I asked, mustering up enough effort to sound sober. He smiled at me and shook his head. He grabbed my hands and we walked away from the party. “I’m drunk Jonathan,” I said, sitting up the floor, still holding his hand. He smiled at me.

“Me too. Don’t worry about it,” he said, sitting next to me, not letting go of my hand. I leaned into him, breathing in his scent again. “Shall we go back to the bus?” he said and put his other arm around my shoulders. I shook my head.

“Not yet, it’s nice here,” I said tiredly, I shivered, only realising now that it was cold.

Jonathan moved away from me, making me colder. I wrapped my hands around my arms, as Jonathan's hoodie made its way around me, and so did his arms. He was sat behind me, hugging me tight. “I don’t want our precious getting cold,” he said, his Texan accent making me giggle.

“What if Mr. Lead Singer of FTSK gets sick? I'll have angry mobs after me, and that’s just the fans. I don’t want to think about how angry the band would be,” I said, trying so hard not to giggle.

“They wouldn’t be mad; they’d just make you nurse me back to health. And if it's time to be honest, I wouldn't mind that at all,” he said chuckling at the end. I smiled and rolled my eyes. Then I saw Caleb walking towards us.

“You left me Sophi! You’re a bad dance partner!” he said, faking upset. I pulled a sad face.

“But, I was really cold, and I saw Jonathan all alone and… and, you looked busy!” I said, pretending to be lost for excuses. Caleb smiled at me and winked.

“I’m going back to the bus, are ya’ll coming?” I heard Jonathan say from behind me. I stood up, and held a hand out to Jonathan, grabbed his, and pulled him up. He smiled at me, and held my hand in his. We walked back to the bus, Caleb trailing behind.


“Jonathan, I have hiccups,” I said, giggling.


“Ohhh no! Hiccups are the most annoying thing in the world ever,” he said, rubbing his forehead, as if he was dreading getting back in the bus. I kissed him on the cheek, and ran off in front. I arrived at what I thought was our bus, leaning against the door, breathing hard. Then the door began to open, and John ‘Oh from The Maine emerged.

“Okay, see you in a few. Whoa! Who ordered the pretty girl?” he said lamely. I laughed.

“Smooth,” I said, turning around, seeing Jonathan still walking.

“What are you doing out here? Isn’t your bus like another 4 along?” he asked as though I was insane. I shrugged and Jonathan walked to me and laughed.

“You can run quite fast. And in heels, you're like wonder woman or something,” he said laughing. John ‘Oh laughed along, and I rolled my eyes, walking away from them, in search of our bus. I walked around a long silver bus, and saw Alyssa kiss Kyle on the cheek. I internally “awwww’d” and pulled myself around the back of the bus, as not to interrupt, and waited for them to go in.

“Well isn’t that the sweetest thing?” Jonathan whispered in my ear, making me scream.

Don't. Sneak. Up. On. Me!” I said, waiting for my heart to stop its sad attempt at breaking from my chest. He smiled and hugged me.

“I’m sorry, precious," he said quietly. I smiled and hugged him back.

“Kyle and Alyssa have gone inside. Shall we go on now? You look like you're going to turn blue, Sophi,” Jonathan whispered in my ear. I turned to goo. I couldn’t even nod at him, he just pulled me along by my hand.

I went and got some tartan pajama pants and a white vest from my bag to wear for bed. I got changed in the bathroom. When I came out, Jonathan was asleep. I smiled and crawled into my bunk, dreaming of my Aunt Austin, wearing a tutu and fairy wings singing the numa numa song.
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this one majorly sucks.
but i had no ideas, and i was stressing.
my exams start Monday,
don't worry, ill still be able to update regularly.
