We Came Alone but Left Together

Cay-leb Kisses Slu-uts!

Today was a day off, for a select few bands of the Warped lineup, and Forever the Sickest Kids were going to have a chance to hang out in San Francisco. Yeah, it may be the second day of Warped Tour, but who says that we can’t get a day off? If you say we can’t, then shut your mouth and mind your own business ;D Hah.

So anyways, we decided to have a group bonding day for our day off, so there would be no splitting up, at all. Nada, nope, niet. We also decided that we’d only hang out with other bands, but only if it was completely necessary.

“So, how will this bonding occur?” I asked, raising both eyebrows. I could never raise only one, so I had to settle for both. Sigh, I’m so untalented.

“Well, I decided we’d go sight-seeing,” Jonathan started, but Austin cut him off.

“In San Francisco?! What is there to see?” Austin asked obnoxiously, causing some people to look at us as if we were total assholes. Jeez, everybody knows not to go all obnoxious about a place’s attributes unless they want to be hated by the locals. Besides, there are enough things to see in San Francisco. It was funny how mad Jonathan got though, and the looks we received were pretty laughable, too.

Fine! Since you don’t appreciate my brilliant ideas, we’ll do something else!” Jonathan shouted, pouting over the fact that Austin badmouthed his idea.

“Awh, Jonathan don’t get sad,” Sophii said with a frown, walking over to him and giving him a big hug. “Better now?”

“Extremely!” he exclaimed, hugging Sophii back before thinking up something else for all of us to do. “Let’s just do one of those cliché hang out days, when we go out to see a movie, then we get a bite to eat, and then go bowling. It would spend up about our entire day, so it’s worth doing,” Jonathan suggested.

“What movie should we see?” I asked, up for anything really.

“The Hangover, fer sure!” Kyle exclaimed, talking about the comedy that had been released a few weeks ago. It was rated R, meaning all of us would be able to go... Wait no, Sophii wasn’t nearly 18 yet. Hopefully, the people at the movie theater weren’t communist about letting in people to see a damn movie.

“Alright, I’ll find some the movie time,” Kent offered, pulling out an iPhone and opening up Safari on it. After a few minutes of Kent searching and us chatting, he announced that he’d found a time for us to see the movie. “It’s around 10 A.M. now, so we can make it to this movie theater by 10:30 to see the movie. Let’s go!”

After walking for about 20 minutes and talking randomly about anything and everything, we neared the movie theater we were seeing our movie at.

“Eight tickets to see The Hangover, please,” Caleb said to the girl at the desk, a flirtatious look on his face. I noticed that the girl’s name-tag spelled out ‘Joanne’.

“Sure,” she giggled through shiny, lip-gloss covered lips, before popping her gum rather loudly and then winking at Caleb with a heavily made up eye. And no, not in the heavy eyeliner, emo way. In the layers upon layers of blended eyeshadows way, with one too many coats of mascara.

While she was turned around to get us our tickets, Caleb turned his back on the ticket stand and whispered, “She’s a slut!” Rather loudly, I may add. It was meant as a joke, we could tell, since Caleb was a flirt and didn’t really care who was a slut and who wasn’t. Obviously, this girl didn’t give two shits about that, as she was very angry with what she’d just been accused of being.

“What did you just call me?” Little Miss ‘Slut’ asked, with a pissed off look on her face.

“Nothing,” Caleb tried, with an innocent look gracing his face.

“Fuckers,” ‘Joanne’ muttered, rolling her eyes before ranting off what other stuff she needed to say. Her voice had lost it’s sweet edge, after Caleb had made that comment about her. “That’ll be... $64.00 in total. Oh and I need to see all of your I.Ds.” Aha, I bet the tickets would’ve cost less if she wasn’t called a slut...

After everyone had fished out $8.00 for themselves, we paid before flashing driver’s licenses. Sophii had to show hers really quickly, but sadly she wasn’t sneaky enough.

“You’re not 18 yet. Can’t see the movie,” Joanne said with a bored look on her face.

“If I pay the money, does it matter?” Sophii asked, rolling her eyes at this girl’s behavior.

“Yes,” she replied with a lot of ‘duh’ in her tone.

“If I kiss you will you let her see the movie with us?” Caleb asked, obviously getting fed up. There were probably only 5 minutes left until the movie started, and we still needed movie snackage.

The look on Joanne’s face answered the question, as she stepped out from behind her ticket booth and walked over to Caleb. Leaning down, Caleb pressed his lips roughly against Joanne’s. I thought this would be something short, but the redhead ended up having his hands running up the back of her shirt. Everybody sort of turned away, waiting for this all to end. Finally, a cough from Sophii interrupted the kiss turned make-out session.

“Oh whoops, I didn’t realize we were taking that long,” Caleb chuckled out, before saying to Joanne. “Now how much did the movie cost?”

“Don’t worry about that, hun,” Joanne answered, letting us go along to watch the movie.

Rubbing off the shiny lip gloss off of his face, Caleb muttered, “The only bad thing about that was the fruity lip gloss she wore. What the fuck is that stuff about?”

“I don’t know,” Marc replied to the rhetorical question, earning himself a few smacks upside the head. “What was that about?! You messed up my curls!” That earned him a few eye rolls.

Finally, after buying snacks in a really fast way, we entered the movie theater and chose spots in a row that wasn’t too close or too far away from the screen.

About an hour and a half of laughs later, we left the movie theater and made our way out to the main movie theater lobby. “Damn, she’s still on duty,” I muttered, noticing little Joanne from before.

“Hey,” she said in the same flirty tone from before, directing it at Caleb. Caleb just replied with the same thing she said, but in an uninterested tone. We walked past there and into the street, covering our eyes from the sun. None of us were smart enough to bring any sunnies (translation: sunglasses).

“Who needs her, I’ve got my precious and my jewel right here with me!” Caleb announced, pulling the two of us into a lame group hug.

“Hey! You don’t get them all to yourselves!” Jonathan exclaimed, joining the hug.

“I want a piece of them, too!” Kyle announced afterwards, getting involved with our group hug.

“Don’t keep them for yourselves, you greedy bastards,” Kent said with a smirk on his face, making our hug larger. After Austin and Marc said something along these lines, and joined our hug, it wasn’t as lame as before. It was now a group hug for eight, a very large number (at least for a hug).

“Ah that was nice,” Sophii commented, once we pulled out of the hug. “7 amazing people hugging me, one of them being my wife. Life is good.”

“You’re amazing,” I said with a laugh, giving her a one on one hug. “So where are we eating? I’m hungry and fat-ass over here ate all of my popcorn.” At the word ‘fat-ass’, I pointed at Kyle Burns, the boy who decided it’d be all right to eat all of my snack.

“Hey! I am not fat,” Kyle replied, pouting like a little child.

“Whatever, let’s just eat,” I answered, waiting for somebody to think of a restaurant.

“Cheesecake Factory, most definitely!” Austin shouted, earning us some more looks like the ones before. Oddly enough, the boys weren’t being recognized all too much. It was either that they weren’t popular in San Francisco or all of their fans were at the Warped shows, seeing other bands that they liked.

After Kent looked up if there was a Cheesecake Factory in San Francisco, which there was, we made our way to the address he had found. Wow, we’d been doing a lot of walking today.

After finally getting a table for the eight of us, we sat down and got ready for the second portion of our bonding day.
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I hope nobody with the name Joanne was offended. I just picked a random name. I actually like that name, a lot. So don’t hate me!
This was kind of a bad update... Sorry D:
Sophii, you get to write about Cheesecake Factory ;D And maybe bowling, too, if you want.

--Alyssa loves Sophii more than she can ever love me! :'D