We Came Alone but Left Together

Tell Me How This Ends

Back on the bus, my phone started buzzing in my pocket, I pulled it out and smiled broadly at the caller ID, everyone on the bus looked me like I was insane.
“Is it Alex?” Lyssie asked, looking confused, I shook my head and answered the call.
“Hello?” I asked, feeling a rush of happiness run over me.
“Hello my angel, how are you?” asked my grandmother. I smiled even more.
“Grandma! I miss you so bad! How are things at home? How’s mum, and how's the weather in Cornwall?” I asked, smiling, as the entire band looked at me like I was insane for getting excited about speaking to my grandma.
“Amazing, your mum is okay, she’s asleep, and she ate a full tub of my homemade ice-cream, and then told me how much she was missing you. And then I found this contraption, and found your name. Why aren’t you using your proper name, young lady, I named you after myself, and you don’t even use It.” she said, I'm mock anger. I smiled into the call.
“I guess it’s kind of long, that’s all. Well you better go, this is probably costing mum a lot. I love you so much, and ill visit soon.” I said, sighing.
“I love you too, Sophii-Grace. Don’t forget, and send your mum a text message thingy tomorrow.” She said before hanging up. I smiled and pushed my phone into my pocket.

I looked up and saw Kent grinning at me.
“Wazup? Sophii-Grace.” He said, wiggling his eyebrows. I scowled, and narrowed my eyes.
“You bloody lurker Kent Garrison.” I said, pushing him away from me, and standing up. I walked to the bunks, and climbed into mine. I smiled, and a feeling of homesickness rushed over me, but I smiled it away, knowing my mum had decided to go to grandma Grace’s house instead of London. My phone vibrated, I pulled it from my pocket to see Alex had sent me two text messages.

‘Next venue, want to hang?
Singerr x’

I smiled at it, and wondered about the x at the end, I brushed it off and read the next one.

‘I'm feeling rejected, all these ignored text messages.
I feel like a puppy that just had his nose flicked.
Don’t ignore the singer; he’ll do something drastic, like spam your MySpace.
Yeah, I went there.

I laughed, and decided if I didn’t text back, he’d think I was actually ignoring him. I opened a new text message and wondered what to say.

‘Oh, Mr Deleon, I would spam your MySpace,
But there are too many comments from fan girls.
But, I will majorly @ reply you on twitter, if you spam me.
It’s on frizz ball.
Soph-aah x’

I laughed at it, and climbed out of my bunk, suddenly exhausted from the long day of “FTSK Family Activities.” I smiled and walked into the front lounge, where everyone was squished on the couches watching little miss sunshine. I walked back into the bunk area, and pulled my tartan pyjama pants on, and pulled one of my huge white v neck tee-shirts on. I brushed my teeth, and washed my face; I clipped my fringe to the side, and walked into the front lounge.

I laid across the boys laps, my head resting in Alyssa's lap. I watched the film, before falling asleep, and being woken by people moving, to get up and go to bed, I rolled off of their laps, rubbing my eyes sleepily. Someone took hold of my hands, and hoisted me up, pulling me to my bunk, and picking me up, and putting me in it, pulling the covers over me, and whispering;
“Goodnight precious.” I smiled, and fell right back asleep.

In the morning I woke up early, I crawled of out my bunk, and walked to the front lounge, and made myself a cup of coffee. The bus wasn’t moving, so I opened the door. It was cold out, and I had no idea where we were. All I knew, was I needed to close the door quickly before someone saw me in my pyjamas. I closed the door, and sat down on the couch, wrapping someone’s hoodie around my shoulders. It smelt like Jonathan, so I assumed it was his. I walked back to my bunk, and grabbed my phone from under my pillow, and went back to the lounge. I had a new message.

‘Hey Sophii, nice pyjamas.
Maybe now you’ll think about being dressed when you open the bus door.
Ps, where did you buy those pants, they’re hot.
Alex. X’

I laughed, and didn’t bother to text back, I pulled out my Mac Book, and logged into MySpace. Sure enough I had new comments, I read them, there were a few from friends, and one that caught my eyes was from Alex, no words, just a picture of him looking retarded. I laughed, and opened up photo booth; I walked to the bunks, and stole one of Austin’s headbands. I pulled it over my head and took a picture of it, I looked to retarded. I commented Alex, and attached the picture.

I then wrote Loren a long email, telling her about tour, and people, and things. I shut the laptop off, as Alyssa walked into the lounge. She looked tired, but a smiled played on her lips.
“girls revenge?” she asked, I smiled, and we walked to the bunk area, I slowly and quietly pulled out my extensive makeup collection, we made them look like hookers, big blue eye shadow, red lipstick, and a beauty spot. Alyssa was almost peeing her pants when we were done. I grabbed my SLR and snapped pictured of each boy. I had to say, Marc was the most comical, with his curly womanly hair.

We walked back to the lounge, and looked through the pictures, my phone buzzed, Alex was calling me, I motioned to Alyssa, and she nodded.
“Hello, I think you have the wrong number.” I said, speaking nasally.
“Oh, really, because I'm sure there’s only one English dork on this tour. Want to come to our bus and hang?” he asked, sounding happy with himself. I looked at Alyssa.
“Yeah, but I'm bringing my wife.” I said running my hand through hair.
“Don’t get dressed, none of us are.” He said, before hanging up. I stood up, and went to the bathroom, and brushed my teeth, Alyssa stood in the doorway.

“What’s the plan then?” she said, picking up her toothbrush. She began brushing her teeth, and we laughed at the retarded faces we pulled whilst doing it. After we were done. I thought and then turned to Alyssa.
“We wake them up, see the reaction, and then hang with The Cab. We don’t need to get dressed, but I'm changing into shorts or something.” I said, walking to bunks. Alyssa grabbed my arm, and stopped me, running to the front lounge and running back with a saucepan and a big spoon, I covered my ears, and she began banging them together. I saw movement, and the boys slowly emerged from their bunks, looking at each other, and freaking out. I laughed, and Austin shook his head.

“we will have revenge!” he said, kissing me on the cheek, leaving a vivid red kiss mark on my cheek, everyone started trying to attack Alyssa and I with lipsticky kisses, we ran from the bus, to the safety of The Cab’s Bus. Alex looked at us like we were insane.
“What’s with the kisses?” he asked, rubbing one of the marks from my jaw. I laughed, and brushed his hand away.
“We got the boys good.” I said, and Alyssa made an Eeep! Noise from the window where she stood.

“FOREVER THE SICKEST KIDS AT 3 O’CLOCK.” She shouted, as we heard the boys outside looking for us.
“Hide us, please Alex.” Alyssa said, as one of the boys looked at the bus suspiciously. Alex nodded, and Marshall stood up, grabbed Alyssa’s hand and pointed to his bunk, it was a bottom one.
“That’s the first place they’ll look!” I said, but he shook his head, and climbed in with her. Alex smiled, and pulled me to his bunk, which was one of the top ones. He put his hands on my hips, and lifted me into the bunk, and crawled in after me, as Johnson opened the door, and the Texan accents were heard, I wanted so badly to giggle, bus Alex clamped his hand over my mouth and mouthed ‘shush!’ I heard voices approach, and Alex threw a blanket over my head, and pretended to be asleep.
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LOL! random and all fillerish.
i hope you all dont mind :)