We Came Alone but Left Together

The Lyssinator and the Kyle-inator

Today was just like any other weekend day in the life of me, Alyssa Anderson; in the living room watching a Tim Burton movie while surfing the net. I had a few spam e-mails and then one from somebody with the email address ‘foreverthesickestKYLE’. Uh, fan much? I chuckled, opening it and wondering who this could be.

Hey there Lyssinator (awesome nickname yo). This is Kyle Burns, yes the one and only of F.T.S.K. Feel free to faint or whatever. Hah just kidding.

I’m emailing you right now, right here because you were one of the two contestants to win the contest to join the band on Warped Tour. Let me refresh your memory of the contest. You were to pick which band member would crack after having to give up one of their favorite things. The choices were Jonathan (wearing baseball caps), Caleb (flirting), Kent (polishing his keys), Marc (sleeping with the lights on), Austin (wearing capris), and me! (dying my hair).

Your entry was this: It’d have to be Marc first, because he’d probably get tons of nightmares without the lights on (lawlz, no offense!). Kent would be a close second because his O.C.D. would get the better of him eventually.

It made us lawlz sideways, so you’re going to join us on Warped! Get ready for a summer of sweaty band members, partying, and seeing tons of shows. Deets will be revealed soon, so keep in touch, yeah?

--Kyle-inator (doesn’t sound half as cool as yours).

Once I was done reading the message through, I started screaming bloody murder, out of happiness of course. This of course brought my mother running into the living room, asking who was dying. Her face turned quizzical however when she saw that I was dancing around and jumping.

“Sorry ma. I’m just excited. You know that contest I entered a few weeks ago?” A nod from my mom encouraged me to continue speaking, so I did as was told. “I’m one of the winners! I get to go to Warped tour with Forever the Sickest Kids!”

My mom started to dance around with me, being the super cool mom she is. “I told you your entry was really funny!” She loved my entry and had even suggested I add in some things to it.

“Thanks mom, but I gotta go pack.” My mom nodded and told me she’d call me down for dinner when it was time. I nodded back at her, walking up the stairs with my laptop closed and held firmly in my two hands.

Okay, so now it was packing time. I ended up just throwing a ton of jeans and t-shirts, along with hoodies, into a large duffel bag. Afterwards, I added in a slight amount of summer clothes, because I wouldn’t need them most likely. I was basically always cold and hardly ever needed to wear shorts and tank tops.

Once packed, I realized I should probably reply to Kyle. I typed up a quick reply (well quick for me, because I’m pretty much a champion typist), before clicking the send button. My message read:

Hey Kyle-inator (yeah you’re right, mine is way cooler).

Thanks so much! I’m pretty freaking excited now. Not only do I get to go to Warped, but I get to hang with one of my favorite bands the whole time. Here’s my number, just text or call with all the details sometimes. 555 - 6669. And I realize what the last numbers are. No need to make fun :P


Smiling, I closed my laptop and regarded the packed duffel bag with happiness. I was basically going to be living the dream this summer. Sometime in two weeks, Warped would be starting and I’d be there for the whole ride.

“Lyssie, dinner!” I heard a shout, most likely coming from my mother.

“Coming!” I called back, running down the stairs and sliding on the wooden floors, thanks to my fuzzy socks. “Hey everybody!”

At this time, my dad was home from work and my brother was back from hanging out with his girlfriend. Anthony, Ant as we normally call him, was in his senior year of high school, I being two years older than him. I’m in college, but it’s already summer break for me.

During dinner, I told everyone of my contest win, earning a congrats from each of my family members. Life was good.
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(: I finally posted!