We Came Alone but Left Together

It's Time To Go!

"Hey Sophii! Get down here, dinner's ready!" my mum shouted from downstairs. I looked up from my Mac. She wasn't going to be overly happy with my disappearing for two months. I ran down the stairs as fast as my purple Nikes would carry me.

"Hey mum! I’ve won a competition!" I said sitting down at the counter. She smiled up at me, putting out my Mac 'n Cheese. "I’m going to be gone for a while, actually," I said, biting my lip. Her head shot straight up at that.

“And when were you thinking of telling me this then?” she asked, moving her bangs from her eyes. “And who is it you think you're going with?” she asked, pursing her lips, and resting her elbows on the counter. I looked up from my food.

“A band. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I can not miss it mum,” I said looking at her sincerely, watching for her expression to change, deciding on whether I could go or not.

Apparently things are looking up.

“Sophii, you're nearly 18. You can do as you wish, I just don’t want you to do anything radical and stupid,” she said brushing her bangs from her face. “It also pleases me that you waited for my verdict, of course you can go, but now I want to know details, like with who? How long? You know? Silly stuff?” she said smiling broadly. I knew that she would cave, but not this easy. There had to be a catch, right?

“You caved way to easy!” I said twisting my mouth in a cheeky smile. “What’s the catch Susan?” I asked, smiling.

“I’m going back to England for the summer. To see some friends, and family, and I cannot afford to pay for both of us,” she said quietly. I smiled, and walked around the counter to give her a hug. It actually made me smile that she was doing something to entertain herself and make herself happy.

“That’s really good mum! I’m glad your going. So details right? Okay the band ‘Forever the Sickest Kids’, the one Loren was always talking about. I'll be with them for two months in total, and if I need any money, I have a bit in the bank, left over from my camera. I don’t think I'll need to much. And there’s going to be another kid there, she won, too,” I explained, putting my plate in the dishwasher. I looked at my mum as she walked over to hug me.

“Just be careful. I know that you think you’ve seen it all, but America is different to back home,” she said, stroking my hair. “Go pack. When do you leave?” she asked whilst looking at the calendar. I realised, I had forgotten to email them back.

“I need to email them. With my number and stuff, I'll be down in an hour, I’m going to pack as well,” I said returning to my bedroom, and dropping in front of my Mac.

Hey FTSK. Okay my number is 555 2413.

I have to be in Texas for Wednesday? I’m guessing early. Wow, its like, Sunday. That’s quite a rush.

I guess it will be a good opportunity to get some good pictures for my portfolio too!

Will me and the other girl be merching for you?

Will there be parties?

I’m so looking forward to it!

-Sophiiiiiiiinderrrrrrrr (ftsk’s new best friend.)

I laughed at the last part I wrote. I knew that they would think I was a complete retard, I was still thinking about this as I pulled out my suitcase. I looked the suitcase up and down. It was so embarrassing, it was purple. With orange stars all over it. Jeez, this was embarrassing. I would just pretend it wasn’t so gaudy.

I threw in all my underwear, all my socks. I threw in all the jeans that I had, all the leggings, all the tee-shirts, and my dressy tops. I also threw in my pajama pants, and some bed socks. I threw in a dress for the sake of it looking lonely in my closet.

I then grabbed every piece of makeup I owned, and placed them carefully into my makeup bag, which went in the suitcase. I ran to the bathroom, collecting all my toiletries. I was starting to get really excited about this.

“Sophii, honey, Loren’s here,” my mom said, as Loren walked through my door.

“Hey you!” she said, moving her wavy red hair from her eyes. She had put golden highlights put in, and they looked brilliant.

Loren! I love your highlights,” I said touching her hair. “I have news for you!” I said grabbing her by the hand and showing her the email. Her jaw dropped. And she looked at me wide eyed.

“You lucky mother fucker!” she said re-reading the email. “Do you think they’ll let me drop by during summer and hang?” she said with puppy dog eyes.

“I guess so!” I said. “But I’m going to bed pretty darn soon, I’m so tired, and I want to get a lot of sleep before Wednesday!” I said, and Loren hugged me and left. I decided to check my Myspace quickly before I took a shower. I had a new message from the band.

Hey Sophhhiiiiiinderr!

It's Marc. The guys have all gone to bed, so I thought I'd be kind enough to keep you updated.

Okay, so on Wednesday morning, we leave at 6:30 am. Early, I know, but your welcome to come over on Tuesday to get to know us all a little better. We have all saved your number, and will call you tomorrow, in the afternoon, get some sleep, you’ll need it.

Don’t forget to bring an iPod.


(feel free to take photo’s, that’s a brilliant idea, actually. Our Myspace ones are getting pretty old.)


I smiled, and went to bed.

Two days baby.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey, this wasnt so good, but it kind of lets you into the character a bit more.


ALYSSA: I kinda edited this because I'm odd like that. I like editing almost as much as I like writing (x If you don't like it I can re-do it how it was Sophu.