We Came Alone but Left Together

The Perilous Journey to Texas

“Sophiiiiiiii! Wake up you lazy cow!” I heard, as I opened my eyes, rubbing them roughly. I looked at the clock. It was 12pm. I couldn’t believe I had slept in so long, and I had so much to do before I left at 2pm. It was my mums marvelous idea for Loren to tag along and take my car home when we got to Texas. So it was set, I had two hours to get ready.

I jumped into the shower. I knew I'd have to make it quick, but efficient. I didn’t see myself having many shower opportunities on tour. I made sure to make my hair smell amazing. Even if I wasn’t the biggest fan ever, I wanted to make a good impression, I didn’t want to admit it, but I was really worried about what they, and the other winner, would think of me. I wouldn’t show it though, I'd make them think I was confidence incarnate.

I got out of the shower, towel dried my hair, and walked into my bedroom. I was so excited, I couldn’t believe that Texas was only about a day of driving away. I looked in my closet looking for something comfortable to travel in. There was nothing there, everything had been packed so I was left with a pair of army print shorts and a white and orange tank top. They were truly going to laugh at me, but I would just have to deal with it. The other stuff was in the trunk of my car, and it took me, my mum and Loren to close it. The thought of redoing it just made me shudder. Shorts it was.

“Sophii, please don’t tell me you still aren’t ready. I’ve been to the store, and bought supplies, I’ve eaten, bought you a coffee and drove back, and you're still in the bathroom?” Loren asked through the door, as I opened it and she smiled. “Oh, you’re ready, that’s a relief,” Loren said and handed me a signature Starbucks caramel latte.

“I love you. And I needed this,” I said pushing my fringe back. “Ready to go then?” I said to Loren, smiling broadly.

“Yep, Here’s the question, are you?” Loren said winking at me, as I grabbed my iPod, my phone, and my car keys. Loren grabbed my laptop bag, and we walked down the stairs to my mum.

“Be careful, and you call me at least once a week. I'll always have my phone on me, and if you want to come home, I'll come home straight away!” my mum said, getting upset, holding my hands.

"Mum, I'll be fine, you be careful, England isn’t completely safe, you know that. And you can call me, too, at any point. We’ll call you when we get to Texas, I love you,” I said hugging my mum tightly before walking out of the front door, looking at my now roofless red Jeep.

“Loren, how did you get the roof off?” I said scrunching my nose up at her. She laughed at me, and pointed to my next door neighbour Dan. “Oh, thank you Dan!” I shouted opening the driving seat and climbing in. “Off we go!” I said, leaving my street, keeping my eyes on the road.

“I’m hungry already,” Loren said grumpily. I looked at her in the corner of my eye, and laughed.

“I think she packed us some snacks, in the back, in the Ninja Turtles bag,” I said, waiting at a stop light. Loren leant over into the back, pulling the Ninja Turtle backpack with her, opening it and squealing with delight. “I was right?” I said smiling. Loren pulled out Oreo’s and Lays.

After about an hour of my driving, we stopped at a gas station to use the bathrooms. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. After my struggle pulling it out of the absurdly small pockets, I saw I had two new messages, one from my mum, and one from a number I didn’t recognise. I opened the message.

Hey Sophiiiiiinder, it's Austin here. You're driving up, right? Well we said we’d pay for your journey, and as its too late now, me and Caleb are going to meet you halfway, tell us where you are, and we’ll sort all that out.


I laughed at that. Loren found herself morally obligated to drive the rest of the way, and who was I to argue. Just as we were leaving Tempe, I decided to text Austin, so as not to keep him waiting.

Hey Austinatooo! Were coming from Tempe, Arizona. I’m in my car! If we drove straight without stopping, we’d arrive tomorrow in Dallas at like 6am?

You could meet us near new Mexico? I don’t know, you guys decide where, my friend Loren decided to come with me to drive my car home, that’s who “we” are!

I rule, ya’ll drool.


I smiled as I pressed send. I then took an opportunity to check my phone out. My old blackberry was completely past it. It was scratched and dented from my dropping it, but it was the best phone I ever had. I was brought out of my thoughts by Loren’s skinny elbow digging in my ribs.

“Whaaaaat?” I said looking at her, narrowing my eyes. She laughed and pointed to her bag.

“I brought a docking station thing that you plug into the bit where the lighter is. We need some tuneage, I’m falling asleep you doof!” she said as I grabbed her bag, pulling out a pink contraption with her iPod classic plugged in. I plugged it into the lighter, the iPod lighting up. I scrolled through the artist, selecting some Arctic Monkeys, Loren’s face lighting up. She was the only Arizonian that liked the English band. My phone buzzed on my lap. I had another message, from Austin again.

Well Sophiiiiiinder, New Mexico sounds good. Me and Caleb thought we’d get dropped off there, and you give us a lift back? If not, don’t worry, we’ll bring Caleb’s car. We’d let your friend stay, but we're only allowed two people. We’ll see you in about 6 hours then!

AuSTORM. (I’m so scene ;])

I laughed out loud at that. As I read it to Loren, I was falling asleep. I Sophii Grace was truly almost dead on my feet, if I were on my feet. I fell asleep moments later. A while later I was woken by Loren, as she pinched my cheek. I sat up swiftly.

“What time is it?” I said, smiling at Loren. We were parked and she was sitting back. I sat up fully and stretched. Loren looked at her phone, and thrust it into my face. It was 1am. Jeez, I'd slept a long time.

“We're in New Mexico, I sent Austin a text from your phone. They should be here in 30 minutes. And I’m exhausted. Don’t wake me up until the sexy redhead is here, okay?” she said closing her eyes and smiling. I watched her for a few minutes, until her breathing was heavy with sleep.

I sat there for a while, chewing my nails and sighing. Then I saw headlights, and heard the Texan accent. For some weird reason I got really self conscious, and nervous, shaking Loren’s arm. Her eyelids fluttered open and she sat up.

“He’s here Loren,” I said smiling, trying not to burst out in nervous giggles. Two guys got out of the car, and it drove away, beeping as it disappeared into the distance. That’s when I looked at a short-ish man with long brown hair.

“Well hello there,” he said smiling, as I got out of the car, and extended a hand to shake his. He pulled my wrist and we ended up in a warm hug. “Texans don’t shake hands with pretty girls,” he said smiling, and I giggled. I looked up and saw the red haired one standing there, with his hands in his pockets. I instantly felt bad. The reason I was even here was because I had made an assumption about him. He wasn’t going to like me, for sure.

“Hey, I’m Caleb, and you’re Sophii?” he said, ruffling his hair with one hand, keeping the other in his pocket. I nodded, and then I heard a quiet subtle 'ahem'. I laughed silently and looked around at Loren, and gestured for her to get out of the car.

“This is Loren. She’s a fan.” I thought about that in my head, and added, “As well as me.” Austin laughed, and hugged Loren, she smiled and hugged him back. Then she went to shake Caleb’s hand, and he looked at her hand, and held his arms out for a hug. Loren more than willingly walked into them. I laughed, louder than I probably should've. Caleb looked at me, and raised an eyebrow and I smiled at him. He let go of Loren and held his arms out to me. I awkwardly walked into a hug, and smiled to myself. Boy, was he gorgeous, pictures really didn’t do him justice.

“Well, we thought it would be fair, if I drove. Caleb and I haven’t been driving for like 7 hours? And you guys can chill?” I smiled at Austin thankfully. Even if I had slept for almost years, I didn’t want to drive another 5 or so hours. Austin smiled, and got in the drivers seat.

“Hey, this car is my pride and joy!” I said, looking at him seriously, before bursting into giggles. He looked petrified. As we were driving along, Caleb and I swapped seats, so he could chat to Loren in the back, and I could keep Austin company. He kept his eyes on the road the whole time, but still talked a lot.

“I noticed that you’re English?” he said, not breaking focus. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

“Well done! You caught on so fast!” I said sarcastically. He glanced at me, smiled, and turned back to watching the road. “Yeah, well me and my mum, or should I start saying mom? I don’t know, we moved here like a few weeks ago, and since then people have been taking a while to notice I’m not American.” I said rubbing my eyes, as they grew tired again.

“Your accent is suh-weeet!” he said slowly. “If you’re sleepy, go to sleep, I’m not going to draw on you in permanent marker, I don’t know you well enough yet,” he said laughing as he finished. I looked at him and laughed.

Lucky me.
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i know its really long, but tbh, i needed to get the travel out the way. :) next chapter i meet Alyssa :) W0000P.
sorry about the suckinessss :)