We Came Alone but Left Together

You Don't Wanna Lose It Again

I sat on the couch, my laptop sat in my lap. I had just uploaded the pictures to a fake MySpace account. I was seriously looking forward to the hits we’d get in the first 10 minutes.

“What’s that silly grin on your face about?” Caleb asked teasingly. I smiled at him and showed him the webpage. He laughed, and used his own laptop to put the fake MySpace in his top friends. I smiled at him, and yawned lazily.

“Where’s Alyssa?” Caleb asked, looking at me sleepily. I smiled and pointed through to the back lounge.

“Don’t even think about being mean and ruining the moment that is probably happening through there,” I said smiling at him cheekily. He winked at me, and stood up to walk through. I put my laptop to the side, and grabbed the back of his shirt.

“Caleb! Don’t! That’s so mean!” I said, leaning forward to keep my grasp on his shirt. He laughed and moved forward quickly, pulling me off the couch, and onto the floor. “Thanks. Loser,” I said standing up, and pulling my jean shorts up. I walked to him, and pushed him, playfully. “You want a fight loser?” I said in a girly voice.

He looked at me and laughed. “Listen, girlfriend, if you want to go, we can go, but touch my hair, and I'll total you,” he said in a gay voice, but with meaning behind it. I tugged at his hair softly and he gasped. “Oh no you didn’t!” he said, grabbing my wrist with one hand and my waist with the other, lifting me up onto his shoulder.

“Caleb! Put me down!” I said, squealing. I could feel him laughing.

“What was that precious? Jump? Okay!” he said, jumping up and down. I felt dizzy, and the room was spinning.

“Caleb, put me down!” I squealed, trying not to laugh. He spun me around, and tipped my head first onto the couch. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him with me. Caleb landed to the side of me, so I licked my hand, and wiped it on his face. He cried out in disgust.

“You are an animal!” he said, making 'grr' faces at me. I laughed and pushed my hair back.

“As if this isn’t awkward,” I said ruffling Caleb’s hair. I heard humming, and then a sleepy looking Jonathan entered the room. He looked too cute, his hair was sticking up in places. Simply adorable. He looked at Caleb and my position. Jonathan looked hurt, but then laughed, turned around and walked out.

I raised my eyebrow and shrugged, pushing Caleb to the floor and stepping over him. He laughed and shook his head. I looked at him odd, and walked into the back lounge, forgetting that Kyle and Alyssa were in there. They were sitting on the couch, leaning against each other, watching a movie. They looked so cute. I felt awful for ruining it, but it was too late, they had noticed me and Alyssa had moved away from Kyle. He looked disappointed but smiled at me all the same.

“Hey Sophii, you enjoying the ride?” he asked enthusiastically. I nodded at him.

“It’d be better if the redhead would stop picking fights with me,” I said grinning, grabbing my backpack and walking back to the bunk area. I figured the bunk that didn’t have junk on it was mine. I climbed into my bunk, closing the curtain, pulling my blackberry out. I had a new message.

Hey Sophii! I just got back to AZ. It took me ages.

Your mom said she loves you, and says to be safe. I say, get in there. You don’t get this sort of chance everyday.

Okay, well I love you. Loren x

I smiled at the text, and my eyes were stinging from the tears building up behind them. I missed home already. I heard someone come into the bunk room. I was turned on my side, facing away from the view of other people. I was angry with myself for getting upset. Whoever was in the bunk room knew I was there, because my curtain was pulled back.

“Sophii?” It was Jonathan. “Whats wrong?” he asked quietly. I wiped my eyes and turned around.

“Just a little homesick, and worried about my mom,” I said climbing down from my bunk, and closing the curtain. He looked at me and held his arms open for a hug. I walked into them and hugged him. He smelled great. Jonathan hugged me and I felt safe. What was happening to me? I didn’t even know Jonathan. What I did know was that he was too old for me, and out of my league. I pulled away from the hug, hating myself for it, and smiled at Jonathan. The moment was cute, until Caleb shouted down the bus.

Food stop!” he said, and I pulled Jonathan to the front of the bus, to get food.
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im sorry that its short, wifey + readers, but im suffering from lack of inspiration, which i apologize for. anyway, Caleb was a flirt when i met him, so i assumed this would be Caleb-ish enough?