Status: Done. Hope You Liked It! R.I.P. Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan.

A Little Piece Of Heaven.

The Only One.


Sam’s POV

You- I am so nervous!

Looking down to your best friend who was fixing your train on your dress. Steph looked up and rolled her eyes before speaking.

Steph- Sam, you are so ready for this it isn’t even funny, if anyone deserves to be married it’s you two.

Smiling back at her, you turned to look over your reflection one more time as the tears started to well up again, you stepped off the stand you almost tripped from how weak in the knees you were feeling, because in thirteen minuets you would be marrying the man of your dreams.

Steph- Careful now all we need is the veil and then your bouquet and we will be ready. I wonder how the guys are doing. I’m gonna go check, and go get the other girls.

You just nodded not really paying attention, you were just thinking about the first time you met Johnny, it was so unreal. Steph had been trying to drag you to concert after concert but you always said no, refusing to go into a mosh pit and get injured, no thanks you were enough of a klutz you didn’t need outside help to bruise you. Sitting by the window looking over the grounds as you watched the people file into the church to watch the splendid occasion that would be taking place…

Johnny’s POV

Brian- Come on man hold still.

You- No you’re gonna poke me with that.

Brain- No I won’t you just have to HOLD STILL! Think about your woman and then I can get you when your not paying attention.

Smirking, you started to think about Sam again remembering how you met her. She seemed like one of those girls that had that spark to them so when you saw her walk past your bus you had to talk to her, you just had to.

*Flashback Six Years Ago*

Zack- There were some new faces in the crowd tonight.

Jimmy- Yea there was one with Steph remember her that little spunky short blond I dated for a while?

Matt- Oh yea I remember her, who was with her though?

You- I don’t know but she was gorgeous.

Sitting down as the guys snickered you just looked out the window as you watched some fans go by.

Girl- Steph come on lets get going my car is over here, and I really don’t wanna be stuck in traffic for a few hours tonight thank you very much.

Steph- Sammy stop!

So her name is Sam…She turned letting go of her friends hand and looking at her with a slightly annoyed look on her face. While Steph just pointed at our bus. Sam looked over then back to her friend.

Sam- Yea so?

Steph- It’s their bus I know it let’s see if they will sign stuff!

Grabbing Sam’s hand they made their way over to the bus just as they were about to knock, I opened the door and stood looking at the women before me.

Matt- What the hell is wrong with you Christ?

He stopped and looked down smiling and waving at the girls. Steph was about to spontaneously com-bust, at least you thought while Sam looked shy as hell it made her look so mysterious and even more beautiful, if that is possible.

You- Hi. How are you ladies doing?

Sam- Umm good sorry about bugging you, but I couldn’t stop her even if I wanted to.

You and Matt chuckled as Zack and Brian piled out of the bus and said their hello’s and signed some stuff for Steph.

Sam- You guys are really talented.

She said getting a little more confident.

Jimmy- Where the fuck did everyone go? I go in to the can for two seconds and I come out and you’re all gone. Like what the…

He froze on the last step just staring at Steph before he picked her up and kissed her as if he had not been away from her for three years.

Jimmy- I was hoping you would come see us.

They continued to be sweet as I turned my attention back to Sam who was talking to Matt about music.

Matt- That is awesome.

Soon you had to head out you gave her your number actually you were gonna be the only one but Zack, Brian, Matt and even Jimmy gave Sam their numbers, although Jimmy gave his to Sam cause Steph was a little too hammered to be paying much attention to anything but Jimmy’s lips.

*End Flashback*

That was the first time I met her and now here we are six years later about to get married, man I love my life!

Sam’s POV

The crazy courting was the most fun part of our relationship, the texts, the calls, the dates oh brother, the dates. Steph and Jimmy became official again two years after I met Johnny. We had started to get more serious as well till we announced we were together. The tabloids ate up anything involving our relationship, and when there wasn’t a story they made them up and boy did that test our relationship. I was brought out of my thoughts to see my four best friends walk in. Steph, Alison, Raychel, and Candice. They were the guys’ girlfriends and the best friends any girl could ever ask for.

Raychel- Do you have your something old, new, borrowed, and blue?

You nodded showing them each thing. Old was a anklet Johnny had gotten you on your one year anniversary, new was your dress, borrowed was a pick of Johnny’s on a chain as a necklace, and blue was your garter.

Al- I am so happy for you Sam!

She hugged me even though I know she isn’t much of a hugger soon the girls were lined up in their order, minus Candice who was helping me put on my veil then she got back in line. They looked awesome in the black and red long yet flowing halter dresses. There was a knock at the door which meant the guys were here ready to take the girls. As they moved in they all became short of breath, I just looked at them funny.

You- What?

Brian- You look beautiful.

Zack- JC’s gonna die when he sees you.

Jimmy- The most beautiful bride.

Matt- Amazing.

You smiled blushing lightly, as you went to pick up your bouquet which Zack grabbed for you. Before you could say thanks, the music started and you watched Zack and Raychel head off down the aisle first. Next was Alison and Brian, followed by Candice and Matt and then last but not least Steph and Jimmy. The music stopped then changed for your entrance, you flipped the veil over your face, took a deep breath, and headed off down the aisle towards the man with whom you would be spending the rest of your life with.

Johnny’s POV

As you watched Sam walk down the aisle your breath caught in your throat, she was the most amazing woman you had ever seen in your life and you were overjoyed that you would be spending the rest of your days with her by your side. As she got to the front the minister asked.

Minister- Who gives this woman to this man in holy matrimony.

All the girls spoke up.

Girls- We do!

The crowd chuckled as the ceremony began.

Minister- Dearly beloved we are gathered here to join in holy matrimony. Samantha Phillips and Johnny Seward.

Soon it came to the vows, the minister turned to you.

Minister- Johnny and Samantha have written their own vows they will each now recite them, you first young man.

You- Your Perfect
Because everything you do
Makes me smile...
Because every second I spend with you
Is worthwhile..
Because when you laugh at me
I laugh too
Because everyone else can see
That I’m devoted to you..
Because I love your eye's
and the way they shine...
Because you don’t tell lies
and you’re so cute when you whine..
Because when you get mad
You cant hide it..
Because even when you’re sad
I can find it..
Because the way you hold me
Sends shivers down my spine..
Because your spirits so free
and you’re so dang fine!
Because I never stop thinking about you....

The audience laughs gain as Sam begins to speak.

Sam- Love is thinking about them all day and all night no matter how hard you try to stop
Love is every morning you wake up he is the first face that pops in your mind and the last face before you fall asleep
Love is the tickles that you get in your tummy every time you see their face in you head
Love is the warmth and protection you felt the first time you saw him
Love is the best feeling you could ever have
you have the key to my heart
your the only one to come in
Someday you'll find the way!
I Love you....

Minister- Now you may place the rings on each others fingers.

As you did you said the last part of your vows in unison.

You & Sam- Forever and ever always together I will be by your side. One soul one mind one body may we never be divided. Always together for now forever.

Minister- I now pronounce you man and wife you may kiss your bride.

You lifted the veil, and smiled as you leaned in to kiss Sam’s tear stained face, cupping her chin in both your hands as hers went around you neck pulling you closer. Soon you parted for the minister to make the final announcement.

Minister- Now may I introduce for the first time as husband and wife Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Seward.

Sam’s POV

After the minister announced us to the audience, they stood up and clapped as we made our way out to the limo to head to the reception. Johnny kissing me as it pulled away. The only thought in your mind was... all is right.

The End.
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I hope you liked it! I don't own the guys of A7X! What did you think?