Dear Frankie, Join Me in This Love You Call Hate


Another school day. Well, a new school day. Term 6 and my mother has sent me to attend another school, a boarding school infact. I couldn't really care less to be honest, not after the way she has been so cold toward me my whole life. I remember when I was 3, we were all at the park, dad, mum and I and I was calling her name, sceaming for her to help me. I had climbed this tree you see, and got stuck. I knew she could hear me but never did she come...never. I lost my trust in her.

So here I stand, a suitcase and guitar to hand, looking up at the red bricked building infront of me as my mother tries to hug me goodbye.

"You'll do so well Franklin" She whimpered, snaking her hands around my waist. I shrugged her off and gripped tighter onto my suitcase.

"Bye mum. Have a nice life" I dismissed and took my first few steps up the smooth path leading to the school. It was a summer's day, one that I hated. The sun beat down on my back and burnt my skin. It made me feel horribly uncomfortable as hot flushes flowed through my body every now and then. Sometimes I wish I could curl away and be the vampire for once in this story.

I opened the large oack doors and stepped inside the mass of rich reds and purples, towered by a large cieling and long walls that seemed to wind down to no where. So this is the sort of rich shit my mum placed me in. Me, Franklin Anthony Iero attending a boarding school built up for the riches. What a fucker.

A/N I do know Frank really isn't called Franklin but I had to give him a name that would fit the story, kay =]

I sighed and kicked my suitcase further along the wooden floorboards infront of me toward the desk where it was vacant. It made it kind of eary, my own movements bouncing off the walls and each breath I took seemed to be growing in volume. I cleared my throat and rung the small bell that sat upon the desk. I couldn't be dealing with this really, I mean I could have just waited until my mum left and ran away to some appartment and made a living there, I was 16 after all. But no, I had the guts to attend this hell hole which, may I add, would probably be full of jocks and snobby people who had anough money to swim in. Great, just absolutley fantastic.

"May I help you?" I hadn't even noticed a woman enter the large entrance hall.

"Umm, yes. I'm new here. Franklin Iero" I stated and bent down to retrive my suitcase.

"Ah yes, wait here a minute" As quick as she had entered, she fluttered from the room on her heels which caused loud clicking noises and her pea green pleated skirt swayed behind her as she moved. I rolled my eyes and slumped down on the desk, resting my chin against the back of my hand.

Littered across the desk were dozens of paper work, files and stationary. I picked up a pen and started drumming it against the desk front, tapping it and enjoying the sound that it echoed around the room. It was something to pass the time anyway.

"Mr Iero" The pen tumbled from my fingers and dropped on the floor. My face flushed a scarlet colour and I just quietly picked the pen back up and placed it neatly where I had found it. "Come this way" A stern, old woman ordered. I followed her movements and rushed to keep up with her short, sharp steps. She too were wearing annoying heels, clonking on the floor. I tried to take in my new surroundings, all the art work hanging from the corridor walls, all the dim lights that masked these dark alleyways, everything that I would now be accustomed to.

The woman, who I now supposed was the head mistress, stopped suddenly outside a door. "This" She began. "Will be your new home for the upcoming years" Her long, wrinkly fingers turned the door knob and there infront of me stood a large bed, a chest of drawers and a wardrobe. Another door sat on the far wall, which lead to I guessed was the bathroom.

"You will also be sharing this with 2 other pupils. I'm sure you will get along with them fine" A false smile touched her lips and I couldn't help but cringe at the smell she was giving out, it was all cliche, an old woman's smell, typically of tea and piss. Lovely.

"Thanks" I mumbled and dragged my belongings into the room. I noticed that around the corner from the door stood proudly another double bed along with a few strewn clothes. I could already tell that by the state that half the room was in, I would be sharing this room with at least one guy.

I threw my bag onto the spare bed and walked over the the closed curtains, which I then opened and was greated by the flood of sunshine. I smiled and left them open, glad to be met with some light in this place. I then kicked off my grubby red converse and bounced up and down on the bed. I giggled to myself, my own laughs springing from the walls.

"Someone's made themselves at home" I immedatley collapsed against the bed and banged my head against the post in the process.

"Shit" I grumbled and rubbed my head where already a stinging sensation was kicking in. A tall, skinny, brown haired boy stood in the doorway watching me with admiration. He was dressed in loose black jeans and a Black Flag t-shirt. "Sorry" I mumbled and carefully stood from the bed.

"It's okay man, I'm Micheal, but you can call me Mikey" He kicked the door shut with his foot and held out his hand. I shook it and smiled at him.

"I'm Franklin, but alot of people call me Frank" I grinned an all-teeth-out grin. Mikey laughed and sat down in one of the couches that seemed abandoned against the back wall.

"Well, welcome to this doom of gloom called Newark Boarding School, Educating Pupils Of The Future" He mocked. I chuckled and started unzipping my case. I liked this guy already, and I hadn't even met the school yet.