Dear Frankie, Join Me in This Love You Call Hate


A very faint dinging noise awoke me the next morning, which was suprising as I don't usually wake unless it's something very loud banging in my eardrum. I groaned and opened my eyes to see that both Mikey and Gerard were still asleep in their beds. The covers were pulled right up over Gerard's body whereas Mikey's were half falling off of the mattress. He must be shivering.

I flipped over the covers and dragged my feet out of the end of my bed, curling my toes a little at the sudden coldness of the air meeting them. Slipping on my black fury slippers, I trudged over to Mikey's bed and shifted the duvet so it was over him again.

"He'll hate you for that" I completely lost my footing and fell back against the end of Mikey's bed then, and snapped my head round to see gerard's grin coming from a crack between his covers and the mattress.

He needs to be shoved back into a horror movie

"Why would he hate me?" I hissed. Gerard pulled back the covers an inch so his head was popping out and just rolled his eyes.

"He hates being reminded of our mom" He growled simply. I shrugged my shoulders and went over to the other side of the room where the olive green kettle sat on one of the wooden surfaces. I flicked the little orange switch on top and immediately it started gurgling with water.

"I was only trying to be nice" I added as tried reaching for a cup out of the top cupboard. I could tell this was the perfect opportunity for Gerard to get an eye full of my behind, not that I wanted it. But I couldn't help it when I was on tip toes desperately stretching upward with my top rising so that my lower back and stomach were exposed and my boxers clinging onto my every asset. Just for a damn mug.

I could hear Gerard giggling and his soft padding of footsteps as he climbed out of bed and came over to help me. "I don't-need-any-help" I grunted between breaths. My fingers were waggling around the dusty cupboard whilst failing and grabbing for the cup. Damn you shortness!

"Who said I was going to give you any help? I just came over to get a better look at the scenery.." He whispered but I could feel his cold fingers snake over my hip bones sending vindictive shivers crawling up spine. I ignored the fact his fingers were now gripping onto my sides with his stomach pressed firmly against my back as his free hand was passing over mine and reaching for the cup himself. I decided to give up and allow him to get the cup for me, it's the least he could do after all. "There you go" He grinned as he easily took ahold of the mug and handed it to me. I said my thank you's and took it from him, making sure not to look him in the eye.

"So" He said all cheerily again after he had left my body and pounced back onto his bed. "looking forward to today?" His eyes were menacingly wide and he was wearing that stupid grin of his again.

I frowned and continued pouring the boiling water into the mug. "Why, what's so special about today?" I asked. He chuckled for a second before allowing his eyes to travel up and down my body. He is so damn capable of making me feel uncomfortable all the time.

"You're new" He said simply. "And because yesterday, we'll have to make you feel at home today" He finished with a smirk on his lips. Already I could feel the nerves beating against my stomach lining with just the way he oozed the words off the end of his tongue like it was drool coming from a baby's mouth.

"At home? I'm quite at home now thanks" I travelled back over to my bed with my mug of tea and settled myself back underneath the covers, wrapping them right up to my neck whilst I sat cross legged facing him.

"Oh, I don't think so" He argued and simply closed his eyes again, shutting me out completely. Why does he always do that? Force me into reacting with him when he wants, but when he doesn't want he just shuts me out. Fucking...fucking....fuck!

Instead of charging over there and ripping his big, self centred but on the other hand quite handsome, head off his shoulders like I should have done, I just gritted my teeth and snatched for the letter that was still sat on my bedside table. Placing the mug of tea in it's place, I ripped open the letter with as less care as I could muster and pulled the thin piece of paper out with shaking fingers.


By now you're probably shaking with so much anger and disgust at me whilst reading this. I've probably pushed the wrong buttons, knowing me. You're new, I suck at new kids, always torment them act like the selfish bastard that I am and just basically ruin their school days.

It's even harder when they're so fucking attractive.

I'm not saying you're attractive, I couldn't ruin my reputation by saying such words.

Just....ignore all my snide comments it's just one of my natural instincts. You'll fall in love with it. ; )

As for Lita, I know, I know she should be replaced by the Christmas fairy on top of the tree right? But do my a favour, block her out for as long as you can. I want to get to know you, damnit Franklin I've never ever done such a thing like this before.

I should really rip this letter up and shove it in the bin, I'm blushing now like you wont believe. I just had to, you're just like...a magnet. I don't know, it's only been a day and things have happened so fast.

When I wake up in the morning, I'll be grouchy and probably drop all my seductive charms over you.

Word of advice, don't take the mug on the top shelf: recipe for disaster. Advice number to, don't touch Mikey when he's asleep.

Peace out, Gee xox

My jaw has dropped open and I just read the letter over 3 more times to take it all in. Gerard, an apology note? Me, attractive? And the fact that he thinks his own girlfriend should be one of the Christmas decorations like I did. His warning signs of everything that's already happened.

Maybe there's more to Gerard than I really think.

Not that I'm going near him, I mean he's still one hell of a dick that drives me insane.