Dear Frankie, Join Me in This Love You Call Hate

Much appreciated

Okay, so I have deleted a few stories of mine on here that I felt weren't going in the right direction as I would have liked.

Now I know I shouldn't give up on stories but I haven't given up hope all together, I'm just storing them away and they'll probably be back later when I can re edit them to what I wanted them to originally be.

I tend to go off of the plot that I had to begin with which just ends up confusing my readers.

Anyway, so I deleted these few and last night I came up with a new idea, one that I thought was original and really thought you would love to read. I've had so many fresh ideas and thoughts about this, and I really feel it could go down well.

Now the only thing left to say is please, if you're wanting another story and have nothing else to read or do, could you check out my new story.

It's called Lipstick Stained Bullets