Dear Frankie, Join Me in This Love You Call Hate


So I walked into art, with a contorted expression on my face, but feeling quite pleased with my self none the less. I had just stood up to Gerard, finally. But I just couldn't let this anger free itself from me, I was feeling so angry it felt like all my organs were being controlled by something else. I wanted to march right up to him again and kick him right in the wee winkle. Then kiss him so passionately, it would take the life from him.

I'm so messed up.

"Franklin, late already?" Mr Sharps mused with his back to me, drawing something in a bright blue bored pen on the white board. I just stared at the creased shirt on his back and rolled my eyes. Teachers were so fucking clever, I swear they're beings from another planet with eyes in the back of their heads. "Well take your seat then" He ordered and snapped the pen back down on his wooden desk. I strolled toward my seat and slid into it, with as much joy as I could muster, which wasn't alot.

With a piece of paper and pencil already on my desk I was good to go, even if I didn't know what we were doing. The girl sat beside me was drawing what looked like a flower of some sort, quite a pretty flower I might add. It was wrinkling over, petals almost touching the soil on the ground. It was all in black and white beside a single petal, it was shining a dark red colour. I smiled stupidly at her paper and decided what to draw, seeing as most of my table were sketching some sort of plant.

I drew a willow tree, alone in a deserted plain of grass. It was dark, and old, twisted at every branch. There was a small twig on the ground by it's roots, it looked so miniscule compared to the tree. To be honest, it reminded me of Gerard and I, Gerard being the tree and me being that small, un important twig on the ground, just waiting to be snapped again.

Giving up, I shoved my pencil on the desk and rested my head in my hands, prepared to sleep for the rest of the lesson; that was, until the loud slam of the class room door shook me just as my forehead had touched the top of my hand. I groaned inwardly and lifted my eyes to the door.

How could I guess that none other than Mr Way himself is marching right up to my desk, a frown nestled on his features. I stared at him with disinterest and desided to at least pick up my pencil again, busy myself from that piercing gaze he's landed on me.

"Gerard Way, I see you are late aswell" Mr Sharps moaned. "Come to the front and we shall discuss a detention for you" He said with slight amusement in his voice. Gerard seemed to be clearly ignoring him and continued to come toward my desk, I could tell because even though I had my eyes fixated on my paper, I could hear his heavy steps trudging on the ground.

"Frank" He snapped and landed his hand in the middle of my page. My eyes kept the hold on the spot they were concentrated on, now being filled with the creases and marks on the back of Gerard's hand. I could even see the yellow tint around his fingers where he had obviously been smoking before hand. "Frank!" He snapped again and this time, with his other hand, pulled my chin up to look at him. His eyes rolled to the side of his head for a second, checking no one was looking, but, seeing that almost everyone was peering over at us, he spread a smile on his lips. My stomach twirled into a dance inside me when he smiled, I knew it was fake but it flipped and turned anyway.

"Yes Gerard?" I replied calmly.

His eyes narrowed slightly but he inhaled deeply and what came next, shocked me. His fingers curled under my chin and the hand that was on my work was now working its way round the back of my neck. Multiple shivers were controlling the hairs on my arms now as his fingers pulled my chin upward. He leant in and it happened so quickly, but I will never forget it. The feeling as his lips touched mine, the buzz in the pit of my stomach when he started to play with the ends of my hair, the constant thud of my heart when I felt his tongue on the edge of my lips.

He kissed me.

"That is all" He uttered when he broke away. His fingers were still twined with my hair but he quickly dropped his hand from my chin and straightened himself out as I sat there with my mouth touching the floor and my lips quivering. Then, as fast and unexpected as it had happened, he turned on his heel and left the room again. Mr Sharps was calling after him but the click of the door told me he had gone.

The class was deadly silent, at least my mind was processing it that way. I couldn't hear anything, just the beating of my heart and my heavy breathing. He had kissed me, so softly and delicately.

But I'm still angry at him, yes I fucking hate the guy.

Way to go with messing my mind, faggot