Dear Frankie, Join Me in This Love You Call Hate


Finally, after much waiting and listening to Mr Sharps barking in my ear like a dog, about being irresponsible about my actions, the bell rung throughout the hall and I happily grabbed my belongings and hurried down out the door. The solid, cold air hit me so heavy my legs felt robotic, locked at the knee. However I trudged along and almost bashed a couple of first years off their feet when I reached the main building.

Where was I headed?

The Dorm, if Gerard had skipped class then he could have escaped to the dorm. That's what I'm thinking anyway. I know I know, I'm supposed to meet up with Mikey round the back, but for some arrogant and horrible reason, I was pushing my friends aside for someone who was messing with my mind, big time.

The long shadows drained the old corridors and my feet tapped on the old floor boards as I walked. The high pitched ceilings were echoing every move I make and I couldn't help but to think how creepy this school really was. My eyes darted around with my hand fumbling on the strap of my bag, trying to loosen the strain it was putting on my shoulder. But I was ignoring all of my discomfort by mumbling odd things to myself, thinking aloud.

Finally, I reached our Dorm and pushed the door open quickly, only to stumble on my own feet and crash against the wooden door frame, my bag swinging forward, getting tangled on the door handle before bashing me in the knee. "Ah fuck!" I complained, rubbing my knee cap and lifting my head, swinging my bang from my eye to see who was in front of me. As soon as I opened the door I could feel a warm presence in the room.

A low chuckle, his eyes illuminating in the room and then he spoke. "Frankie, Frankie, Frankie, what is up with you today? You seem troubled" He said with his voice dripping like treacle, so sweet but so sickly. My eyes narrowed at him as I tried to detangle myself from the door.

"What was that?" I demanded after I managed to break free and close the door behind me. Gerard stood there with his arms folded over his chest defiantly. He scooted his eyes toward the closed door and both his eyebrows upward.

"That?" He asked. "That was you being a Pansy and knocking yourself out with your own two feet my lovely" He giggled and flexed his hands out infront of him. The skin on the backs of his hands reflected the sunlight that was pouring in through the large window at the back of the room. He was so pale that I would typically expect him to be wearing black from head to toe, leaving his hair greasy and his shining eyes masked in eye liner. But no, he was none of that. He was quite the opposite, more clean cut and dressed to impress.

"No" I finally moaned, rolling my eyes. This was proving to be a harder task than I thought, how could I have not realised that Gerard's sarcasm would get the better of this conversation. "I mean, back in Art" I explained, waving my hands about in the air. Gerard stared at me then and I could feel the blood bubbling beneath my skin as he did, causing me to break the contact. I didn't like confrontation with him.

Gerard sighed heavily and walked over to the couch. His body hit it with a loud thump and I could hear the scraping sound of his nails dragging over the hard material on the arms idly. "I'm sorry" He uttered. I seemed to have been fixed on the spot as both my feet felt like two lumbering great weights just sitting lazily on the floor. Infact, my whole entire anatomy felt stiff to the bone as I watched him cowering away behind the mask he was wearing. His eyes were concentrating on the work his fingers were doing on the couch.

"Sorry?" I asked, my voice cracking in the back of my throat. He nodded and lifted his eyes to me.

"Yeah, you heard me"

I couldn't think of what to say for a moment, instead I occupied myself by looking around the room and biting my bottom lip. "Excuse me and what have you done with Gerard Way?" I said a little sarcastically and magically managed to pick my feet off the ground and walk over to the couch. I sat myself next to him and just waited for an answer.

"I'm right here" He whispered, still not looking at me. I poked him in the side, trying to get his attention but still he didn't even squirm or look my way. "Frank, stop" He said after a while of me trying to get his attention.

I was done with the anger, I was finished with all the confusion and messing each other around. I just wanted to be set straight, so I guess the sarcastic side of me was coming out to play.

"Gerard, what's going on? And don't give me shitty mind games" I urged, pressing my hand firmly against his thigh. He was watching my hand with interest. Okay, so maybe I was invading his privacy, but he's done that to me so many times already. Why do I feel like I've known him all my life? As if he's my retard friend who I make out with, who I play these shitty games with, but love and adore so much. Yet, I've only known him a matter of two days.

His eyes watched mine carefully before he spoke, as if trying to manipulate the words inside my head. "I like you" He said simply. I felt my mouth drop a mile down to the floor, I could even feel my eyes hanging on their springs, dangling by my chin. "Now go fuck off with my brother or something, whatever you kids do. You've got what you wanted doll face, now leave" He murmured and pushed my hand away from his leg. The fingers hit the couch lazily but I didn't get up.

"Gerard" I said firmly, brushing away his barrier and trying to get past it. "I-"

"Leave, Frankie"