Dear Frankie, Join Me in This Love You Call Hate


"Awh fuck it's coffee time" Mikey suddenly groaned, moving himself from his spot on the couch and shifting over to a small kitchened area. Well, it wasn't technically a kitchen, but it had a small kettle and a tiny fridge big enough for a few things.

"You have scheduled times for coffee?" I asked, now laying on my back on the bed with my hands clasped across my stomach.

"Ahuh. One thing you must know about me, I am a coffeeaholic" He chuckled. "It's become a serious addiction. One day I'll get help, but for now I'm cool"

"I'm addicted to skittles" I grinned. Mikey raised an eyebrow up at me whilst pouring some boiled water into a mug.



"Couldn't you find anything a bit more....I don't know...tasty?"

"Hey, don't diss the skittles man!" I reached for a cushion behind me and threw it in his direction.

"Alright alright!" He defended, trying to save himself from spilling hot water all over himself. Once he was done making his coffee and strangly inhaling the cup as he walked it back over to the couch, he threw more questions in my direction.

"You're 16?"

"Yes" I nodded.

"And I can tell you're a decent guy" He moved his glance toward my shirt and shoes.

"Well thanks for calling me decent, never had that one before" I laughed.

"We'll see..."

"And you're here for?"

"I got sent I don't know. Music? I play guitar" I sprung from the bed then and grabbed my guitar case to unzip it. I revieled my pride and glory to Mikey, my very own guitar called Pansy. "This" I slung it around my neck. "Is Pansy. Now be nice and say hi" I shoved Pansy infront of his face. Mikey laughed but greeted my guitar none the less.

"You're odd" He squinted, cautiously taking a sip from his coffee.

"Thanks" I beamed. I then fidlded with the strings, playing with each one and plucking out a random tune. I smoothed the frame and sighed, thinking of what fate I would be pushed in whilst I spent my time at this school. It was wierd, living with new people and a new environment and having met Mikey and managed to get along with him so well shocked me. I liked him, I really did.

"Don't we have lessons?" I asked then, realising I was actually in a school.

"Yeah, but I have a free period and you're new here so it's okay. Please don't tell me you're one of those geeks who loves work" His face crumpled in disgust and he drained the last dregs of his coffee before setting it aside along with an eray of more mugs.

"Oh yes. I stay up till 11 doing all my homework" I mocked. "Do I really look like a hard working nerd?" I protested.

"Well...looking at your hair cut..." A huge grin played amoung his features.

"Shut up!" I gripped my hair automatically. "There is nothing wrong with my hair thanks, it's very sexy" My fingers smoothed the strands dangling in my face. There was some silence after that, with Mikey desperatley trying to peal the odd bits of leather off the worn couch and me twiddling my curled fringe between my fingers.

"Let's go get your timetable" Mikey smiled, getting up and straightening his top out. I rose too and followed him from the room. As he walked his long legs took wide strides, making it difficult for me to keep up with my small, desperate scuffles beside him. I could see Mikey grinning down at me, laughing at me discomfort of catching up with him.

"Piss off" I moaned. That just caused another erupt of giggles to sound from him and we carried on down the corridor, until he finally turned toward a door and opened it.

"Here" He said. "Is where the files are kept"

"So how come someone like you is alowed in?"

"Prefect" He mumbled, flushing a soft pink. Mikey sifted through some filing cabinets for a while, muttering to himself now and then about each pupil's record he came across before he finally stopped and handed me a sheet of paper.

"There" He smiled. "Looks like you've got a tough time" His finger trailed down the long chart of lessons, landing on a few which read 'Biology' and 'Medieval History'.

"Fabulous" I remarked, crinkling the sheet and sliding it into my back pocket. Mikey gave me a soft smile and I returned the favour. Everything seemed so silent as we stood there, connected in a brief moment before a loud bang sounded and some harsh footsteps making their way down the corridor.

"That'd be Miss Dingly" Mikey said without even turning round to see who it was.

"Miss Dingly?"

"Yeah, she teaches Arts" He whispered and grabbed my arm to pull me back inside the small room we had just emerged from. I stood beside him, shoved against his frame in the darkness as he had switched off the lights. I really don't know why he was hiding us.

More, small, squeeky footsteps followed Miss Dingly's, echoing and edging nearer us.

"How many times, do I have to tell you NOT to put PVA glue in Jessica Burns hair?" Miss Dingly screeched. I could faintly make out her short figure stood next to a tall boy, dressed in a white shirt and black pants.

"Once more Miss Dingly" the boy remarked. I craned my neck through the gap in the door and made out the boy's short brown hair and stocky frame, hands in pockets and large hazel eyes. I carried on looking at the boy, interested somehow.

"Get out! Get out!" The teacher shouted, causing me to move infront of Mikey and out the way of the door. The boy walked away, chuckling at his own joke and I waited until it fell silent before talking to Mikey again.

"Who was that?" I asked, looking him in the eye again. I could feel Mikey's hands over my stomach and a flow of ripples surged down my back.

"And that was Gerard Way" he whispered.