Dear Frankie, Join Me in This Love You Call Hate


Yes Im still alive =D

soorrryyy about the lack of an update, i still love you all :)

"Here" A random guy with bleach blonde hair mumbled and threw a piece of paper on my desk, quickly sauntering off out the room with a girl quick in toe. I blinked at the closed door for a second before I picked up the piece of folded paper and looked at it. It had Gerard's scrawl all over it. I couldn't help but to smile a sickly smile, as if dripping with syrup.

So 2 weeks had gone by since I first moved to this school and what an interesting school it has turned out to be. It was inevitable that Fran and I would hook up and yes, we are together. She's okay, we click and get along like friends do, but I don't feel that special connection with her. I still love her, of course I love her.

Avoidance of Gerard has been remarkably easy, seeing as he hasn't been at school alot recently, I don't know why but he has just seemed to have disappeared. Thankfully, this has allowed me to clear my head. But there was one evening, after school on a Monday. I remember it clearly. It was drizzling, that horrible side ways rain that soaks you to the skin. Mikey and I were walking back form school to his house, my first time round there. His parents were lovely, I remember them greeting me with such a huge embrace I nearly choked on their outburst of love. The Way house is oddly inviting, I've never stepped inside a house so warm and loving as itself.

So anyway, we were in Mikey's room and I was telling him all about Fran, how she coaxed me into bed. I didn't mind, it's what she wanted. None the less I still never felt that spark. Mikey says I should drop her, we were never meant to be but how can I? To be truthful, I don't know how.

Dinner time. Mrs Way can damn cook, it was amazing, pasta with a tangy tomato sauce, delicious. Gerard sat opposite me, it was the first time I set eyes on him in a full week. And then that was it, the most shocking, stomach churning, mind boggling thing happened. My whole entire body quaked when he did this.

Gerard bloody Way played footsie with me. Yes, footsie.

I left the Way house that night with the most embarrassing pitched tent in my pants.

Gerard's scrawl decorated the piece of paper fashionably in 5 simple letters making up my name. I unfolded the note and read it, still with a smile plastered on my cheeks.

Party in the Dorm tonight, I guess you're invited seeing as you happen to sleep there.

Be there :)

G xox

I chuckled and screwed the note deep into my pocket. Well well well , Gerard Way is back in school. No doubt trouble will arise once again. I wonder whether he's changed much in the past week? If his hair's grown, he's gotten any taller, or put on any weight. I laughed to myself as I imagine Gerard with a rounded belly and facial hair, just like Santa.

"Who was that from?" I turned my head to see Fran gazing at me with her lips poised perfectly into a grin.

Clearing my throat and rubbing the back of my neck anxiously I answer her. "Gerard" Her eyebrows rose and her hand found its way onto my thigh.

"What did he want?" She asked sweetly.

"A the dorm tonight"

"Oh?" She ran her fingers down the ends of her black hair and started picking at the ends she had only just dyed red. I knew what she was after, she wanted to come. And why shouldn't I invite my girlfriend to a party I'm going to? I guess it would be nice, to have her on my arm, at least I wouldn't look the loner. But something was nagging at me that I should just leave it be. I wanted alone with Gerard.

"Of course you can come" I smiled and wrapped my hands around her tiny waist. She chuckled and nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck as I hugged her tightly. My heart sunk into my stomach but I showered her neck with kisses.


"Look who it is! Franklin's here everybody!" Gerard bellowed and swung his free arm around my neck. He pulled me against his side and dragged me across the room where everyone was now staring at me. His arm was hot and oozing heat onto my skin, I could feel my neck throbbing. "Sit down, have a drink" He beamed and pushed me down against my bed. I did as I was told and just sat awkwardly on my bed. There was a couple too sprawled on my bed sheets heavily making out but I decided to just blank it out and pretend I didn't have to sleep there.

Fran soon joined me after stepping carefully over odd people on the floor. She was wearing a pare of bizarre heels tonight, they were black but made her feet seem contorted and twisted into the more uncomfortable position. Never the less it added about a foot onto her height. There was no hesitation when she sat straight onto my lap and immediately started kissing my neck. My hands slipped round her back to hold her incase she fell, she had after all been drinking before we came. 'to get in the mood' she said.

"Get a roooooom" I noticed Gerard's head oddly close to mind and a beer can being shoved in my face. I smiled and took it from him, happy to get the oppertunity for some space. Fran went off to get herself a drink, finally getting the hint that Gerard hadn't offered her one. "You two good then?" He shouted above the buzz of music coming from the stereo. I looked at him with a blank expression.

He wasn't looking like Santa at all. Infact he was looking better than I had ever seen him. He had ditched the white tops and tight jeans. Instead he occupied a black polo shirt with a pare of dark blue jeans which fitted just right.

"Hello" His hand waved quickly infront of my face.


"You and Fran, you still good?" He asked. For a minute he looked completely sober and sincere, until some jackass clashed right into him and he spilt a load of beer down my front.

"Yeah, we're still good" I mumbled as I dabbed at my shirt with my hand. Gerard continually hollered his apologies, no matter how much I told him it was fine and not to worry, he still kept trying to dry up the beer with his own shirt.

I just left him to it in the end and secretly started to enjoy this new found closeness we had. He wasn't forcing himself on me or being a complete prat. Instead it was kind of cute the way he was clumsily straddling my lap and rubbing the edge of his sleeves on the wet patch that was cooling my chest. A smile slipped up the corners of my face, my hands were sliding over his hip bones until I found myself cupping his ass.

"'Scuse me!" He shrieked, knocking me back down to earth as I snapped my hands away from him and into my lap, which only enticed my stupidity even more when I brushed over his crotch. He paused for a second and I just forze up. "If I didn't know any better Mr Iero, I would say you were trying to feel me up" He giggled and slinked his arms round my neck.

By now, I was extremely hot and full of anticipation. I hadn't seen Gerard in over a week and now we have gotten so close once again.

"S-sorry" I grumbled and shivered when his hot breath tickled my lips. I could even taste the alcohol on his breath.

"Mmmm" He moaned, his head was getting dangerously closer to mine. My heart was sure as hell beating against my chest when his lips brushed ever so lightly over my cheek.

"Frankie?" Fran squeaked, her finger tapping me on the shoulder. Gerards head didn't move from where it was and I could see he was looking me right in the eyes even though I was staring blankly at Fran. "What're you doing?"

"HAHAHAHAHHAAA!!" I jumped right out of my skin then when Gerard did that. He fell from my lap and landed with a thud against the floor. "Silly me" He chuckled and used Fran's hand to pull himself up. She grunted and shook him off with a disgust look on her face. My own frowned when I seen her do that.

"Bye Franklin" Gerard laughed and almost tripped again when he swung around. "Oh and sorry about the mess I left on your top" He smiled and winked at Fran. Her eyes widened but Gee just walked away, his hips wagging and his bum swaying in a manner you could only describe as gay.

"Fucker" Fran grumbled and just slinked down next to me again. All I could do was laugh, and laugh until tears started rolling down my cheeks.

The same old Gerard then. :)